11/8/2014 5:17:19 PM |
He didnt call me |

Hobbs, NM
26, joined Jan. 2014
He is going to Washington DC on a business trip with his boss,whom I'm not keen of but he said he would call me but never did.
Should I call him or continue to wait by the phone?
He should know how much I miss him  
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11/8/2014 5:19:18 PM |
He didnt call me |


Long Beach, CA
50, joined Jan. 2011
Next time swallow. 
[Edited 11/8/2014 5:19:27 PM ]
11/8/2014 5:21:15 PM |
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Chaska, MN
95, joined Jan. 2014
If he wants to talk, he'll contact you.
11/8/2014 5:22:07 PM |
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Conyers, GA
49, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
no no, heres my number,im a tall sexy guy..1 800 wherever, haha, give him time honey,some little thing might have happened,thats why i do an go,an call a little early allways, hope it all goes well, flyfish has spoken, haha,  call him,andthen you,ll know,it may be damaging,but hes hurtin your feelins, id have to find out, maybe...
11/8/2014 5:24:52 PM |
He didnt call me |

New Port Richey, FL
29, joined Aug. 2013
Patient, OP, he'll call you and send you pics of him taking it in the a** soon enough!!
11/8/2014 5:35:13 PM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
He is going to Washington DC on a business trip with his boss,whom I'm not keen of but he said he would call me but never did.
Should I call him or continue to wait by the phone?
He should know how much I miss him  
He's there for work, with his boss. Working. You don't like that he's there with his boss? Why?
I would consider that the man is working. The whole time he's there. I used to travel for business and you work from morning until you go to sleep at night. You get up and handle your appointments or conference or exhibition or whatever, you go to dinner with clients, or co-workers and discuss work, then you go back to the room to get ready for the next day, and you fall in bed.
There really isn't a whole lot of fun going on. Is there is a time difference? He may be tired, or thinking it's too late to call.
11/8/2014 5:36:34 PM |
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Florence, OR
28, joined Jul. 2014
Or maybe he's balls deep in a sexy intern. 
11/8/2014 5:47:59 PM |
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Hobbs, NM
26, joined Jan. 2014
Or maybe he's balls deep in a sexy intern.  grizzly! Why say things like that?....I pray not..maybe i should call?
11/8/2014 5:49:09 PM |
He didnt call me |

Hobbs, NM
26, joined Jan. 2014
Patient, OP, he'll call you and send you pics of him taking it in the a** soon enough!!
are you sure?
11/8/2014 5:52:37 PM |
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Omaha, NE
31, joined Aug. 2014
If you are that important to him, he'll definitely call you.
11/8/2014 5:56:15 PM |
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Florence, OR
28, joined Jul. 2014
grizzly! Why say things like that?....I pray not..maybe i should call?
I'm just kidding. I'm sure he's a good man. I apologize for what I said.
11/8/2014 6:06:08 PM |
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Wilmington, DE
95, joined Dec. 2012
Did he say he would call you when he arrived there?
Send him a text, something like:
"Hey, Honey, really missing you, hit me up whenever you get the time."
11/8/2014 6:23:23 PM |
He didnt call me |
Jacksonville, FL
49, joined Jul. 2014
Just call but say you thought he was going to call. Leave it at that but if he continues to say things and not do them, you've got a problem.
11/8/2014 6:29:12 PM |
He didnt call me |
Monroe, NY
52, joined Sep. 2014
Did he say he would call you when he arrived there?
Send him a text, something like:
"Hey, Honey, really missing you, hit me up whenever you get the time."
This one ....^^^
11/8/2014 6:32:43 PM |
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Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Is his boss a woman?
11/8/2014 6:37:07 PM |
He didnt call me |
Monroe, NY
52, joined Sep. 2014
OP...don't fall into the trap of being solely wrapped up into your guy, especially if you two aren't married to one another.
Relax, go with the flow and let things play out as they will. Please DO NOT wait by the phone. Are you kiddin'?? Go, and I mean go out w/ some friends, enjoy yourself please.
Don't think he's not going to have at least a moment of fun. He will and its all good if he does.
Conduct yourself accordingly while you're out, out of respect of your relationship of course. But don't stay home. Go to the movies, or dancing, or to dinner with a bff...enjoy yourself... Is okay for you to do that.
Good luck OP....be happy!!!
11/8/2014 6:43:11 PM |
He didnt call me |
Beverly Hills, CA
95, joined Apr. 2012
I feel like I'm reading a "SLAMBOOK" from High School....when I read these replies... What kind of a man is he really. You already have your answer.
11/8/2014 7:11:52 PM |
He didnt call me |

Columbus, OH
23, joined May. 2013
I would say don't call him and just do your own thing. If he doesn't call you within a week just move on. I am sure you have other things that would keep your mind occupied if not get a hobby. I know business trips he could really be on it and you don't want to come off as someone who blows up his phone each time he is gone I hope not
11/8/2014 7:21:18 PM |
He didnt call me |

Johnston, IA
45, joined Sep. 2014
Maybe I've missed out on previous threads....but this information you gave us.....
Excuse me
Don't tell me shit
Who can give advise on just this?
I mean ok....he went on a buisness trip......who?
He said he would call...
Okay now that I got that out...I'll go back and read the responses to your
11/8/2014 7:45:49 PM |
He didnt call me |

Hobbs, NM
26, joined Jan. 2014
Is his boss a woman?
11/8/2014 7:51:23 PM |
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Chelan, WA
70, joined Nov. 2008
Quote from twining:
Is his boss a woman?
We have a winner... 
11/8/2014 8:07:32 PM |
He didnt call me |
Hurst, TX
55, joined Jul. 2014
Call him OP and put him in his place....
They say WOMEN rule the world. 
11/8/2014 8:10:29 PM |
He didnt call me |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
I'd need to know more details before telling you anything. Like how long you two have been together, how long he's been working where ever he's working, stuff like that.
[Edited 11/8/2014 8:11:56 PM ]
11/8/2014 8:20:22 PM |
He didnt call me |

Johnston, IA
45, joined Sep. 2014
I'd need to know more details before telling you anything. Like how long you two have been together, how long he's been working where ever he's working, stuff like that.
So glad someone spelled it out for her..because I thought I was the crazy one.
Whew...now let's see what she says.
11/8/2014 9:10:09 PM |
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Miami Beach, FL
39, joined Oct. 2013
How long have u been dating?
Is he trustworthy?
How long has he been gone?
11/8/2014 9:18:47 PM |
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Orlando, FL
43, joined Jun. 2013
Or maybe he's balls deep in a sexy intern.  lmao
11/8/2014 9:25:05 PM |
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Orlando, FL
43, joined Jun. 2013
Maybe I've missed out on previous threads....but this information you gave us.....
Excuse me 
Don't tell me shit
Who can give advise on just this?
I mean ok....he went on a buisness trip......who?
He said he would call...
Okay now that I got that out...I'll go back and read the responses to your
Agree...I need more info
11/8/2014 9:32:16 PM |
He didnt call me |


Green Bay, WI
49, joined Jul. 2013
op the best u can do is think
positive, and never sweat a man
he didn't have to tell u that he
was going especially if some hanky
Panky going on, with him.and his
female boss
11/8/2014 9:35:38 PM |
He didnt call me |

Jacksonville, FL
45, joined Mar. 2013
Burn his phone till battery goes dead. Then u will know why he can't call.
11/8/2014 9:35:53 PM |
He didnt call me |

Conyers, GA
49, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
sweety,call him,an ease your mind,i would but i kinda panic at things,but at least you would know,i hope all goes well,an is o k, an wish all were like you instead of cruel b*tches an heartless stay sweet,please,no matter what,,,  
11/8/2014 9:43:35 PM |
He didnt call me |
Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
He is going to Washington DC on a business trip with his boss,whom I'm not keen of but he said he would call me but never did.
Should I call him or continue to wait by the phone?
He should know how much I miss him  
Got damn lady. What part of BE'S ON A BUSINESS TRIP do you NOT understand? Are you that hard up? Are you that in need of attention? Seriously?
This is the perfect recipe for ruining a relationship. Next you'll checking his cell phone, FB msgs, txt msgs and emails. Going through his wallet and pockets when ne's sleep. Where does it end lady?
See you're probably thinking he's with someone and keeping him on the phone 24/7 while he's gone is the only way to keep tabs. 
11/8/2014 10:13:14 PM |
He didnt call me |
Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
It doesn't make a diffetence if his boss is a women. Twining isn't wrapped to tight anyway. Her car don't go all the way around the track. All the bulbs in her sign don't light up. Listening to her and you'll definitely end up ALONE.
Trutb is if he's gonna cheat, there's no LAW that says it have to be his boss. I'm not saying he is cheating, I'm just saying that twining is trying to plant subliminal messages of him and his boss in your head and thats not cool.
11/8/2014 10:53:39 PM |
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Omaha, NE
26, joined Jun. 2014
OK & 
11/8/2014 10:58:29 PM |
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Mauston, WI
48, joined Jan. 2012
If they are staying in the Monica Lewinsky suite at the hotel you can forget it OP.
11/9/2014 12:14:40 AM |
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Fort Worth, TX
45, joined Jun. 2013
online now!
OP got dumped already ? 
guess you should have gone out with me when you had the chance 
11/9/2014 12:39:20 AM |
He didnt call me |

Los Angeles, CA
26, joined Aug. 2013
He's making you wait around because he knows you will. If you had other options to keep you occupied he'd be harassing you with calls.
If you like do what you have to do to get things to go your way.
Men only give a f**k about you when they think and see they're not you're number one priority.
You can be a sincere loser or you can be a smart winner.
11/9/2014 1:02:45 AM |
He didnt call me |

Saint Louis, MO
22, joined Sep. 2014
He getting him some fine a** Washington d.c p*ssy.
11/9/2014 6:05:15 AM |
He didnt call me |
Monroe, NY
52, joined Sep. 2014
Don't sit by the phone.
Get out with friends.. Movies, dinner, dancing, whatever will make you happy. Live your life not bound waiting for a call ....really? Don't do that. Stay respectful that you're in a relationship, but get out the house.
Let the chips fall as they may, and they will. Its that simple.
Be stress free.
11/9/2014 6:44:34 AM |
He didnt call me |

Jacksonville, FL
34, joined Oct. 2011
Waiting by the the phone might not be the best for you in the long run because your only worrying your self to sleep you cant do anything about it the ball is in his court you should have some fun go out with your girls. If calls back let know how you feel, you world rather him let you go now if he knows your not the one for him. If he truly cares for you he would refuse an inappropriate situation that looks like somthing its not especially when he knows how you feel or he would pay for you to go with him or he could pay for his own room. It sounds like your communication is gone or you dont trust him. Both are bad signs.
11/9/2014 7:50:38 AM |
He didnt call me |

Hobbs, NM
30, joined Jul. 2010
First off insecurities will kill a relationship but if you haven't yet and you must the most non invasive non need way to make contact would be you sending a text asking if he made it there safely act concerned about his travels
11/9/2014 8:32:04 AM |
He didnt call me |
Monroe, NY
52, joined Sep. 2014
True words by Maya Angelou....
"Never make someone a priority when all you are is an option"
OP...breathe, live and let go of the stress. Everything else will take care of itself.
Be a confident woman OP.....you'll go a lot further with your man, and with yourself in the long run.
Focus on Y-O-U and what you want to do with your future; travel abroad, maybe Hawaii, Florida, California, ...don't make a man you're priority if you're not his priority damn it!
Good luck!!!
11/9/2014 8:36:16 AM |
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Mobile, AL
50, joined Jul. 2014
OP...you are acting like you are 12 years old....grow the f**k up.
11/9/2014 11:43:37 AM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
First off insecurities will kill a relationship but if you haven't yet and you must the most non invasive non need way to make contact would be you sending a text asking if he made it there safely act concerned about his travels
This, and a few other posts.
Apparently not many here work in mature, adult businesses, and so believe that work is rife with sexual situations that no one resists. Apparently, they also have no idea about business trips and think it's some kind of sexual free-for-all where everyone is running about naked and the only business is monkey business.
He is doing his job. He is busy and making his living and securing his career. He can't be constantly holding your hand and calling to ensure you feel all safe and loved. While it would be nice to get a call at night to tell you about his day and to say goodnight and that he misses you, he might be too busy or too dead tired. Let the man do his work and stop worrying about what he's up to. You cannot hang on another person and expect them to live for you. Send him a text and then go about your own day. That way, if there is a time difference, or you don't know if he's unable to take a call, you're not interrupting anything.
You never said why you're not keen on him being with his boss. Are you concerned only because she's a woman? Do you not trust him with her? Do you not trust him with any woman?
11/9/2014 12:28:36 PM |
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Phelan, CA
44, joined Sep. 2011
You are very insecure. Waiting by the phone
11/9/2014 12:48:02 PM |
He didnt call me |

Lemon Grove, CA
42, joined Jan. 2014
It's ok. Its his lost not yours.
11/9/2014 12:55:17 PM |
He didnt call me |

San Benito, TX
42, joined Jul. 2014
He is going to Washington DC on a business trip with his boss,whom I'm not keen of bhiut he said he would call me but never did.
Should I call him or continue to wait by the phone?
He should know how much I miss him   he prolly getting f**ked as we speak
11/9/2014 12:57:43 PM |
He didnt call me |

San Benito, TX
42, joined Jul. 2014
OP...don't fall into the trap of being solely wrapped up into your guy, especially if you two aren't married to one another.
Relax, go with the flow and let things play out as they will. Please DO NOT wait by the phone. Are you kiddin'?? Go, and I mean go out w/ some friends, enjoy yourself please.
Don't think he's not going to have at least a moment of fun. He will and its all good if he does.
Conduct yourself accordingly while you're out, out of respect of your relationship of course. But don't stay home. Go to the movies, or dancing, or to dinner with a bff...enjoy yourself... Is okay for you to do that.
Good luck OP....be happy!!!
yea go n get f**ked
11/9/2014 12:58:21 PM |
He didnt call me |


Greenville, SC
45, joined Jan. 2014
online now!
Don't sit by the phone.
Get out with friends.. Movies, dinner, dancing, whatever will make you happy. Live your life not bound waiting for a call ....really? Don't do that. Stay respectful that you're in a relationship, but get out the house.
Let the chips fall as they may, and they will. Its that simple.
Be stress free.
sound advice 
11/9/2014 1:13:39 PM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
It's ok. Its his lost not yours. 
How? He's on a business trip. He's working. He's at work. He's doing his job. He's earning a living.
How is it his loss if she's sitting by the phone desperate to tell him how much she misses him? When all she has to do is text him that she misses him and hopes his work is going well, and then go off to do stuff herself?
11/9/2014 1:29:43 PM |
He didnt call me |

Hobbs, NM
26, joined Jan. 2014
This morning I text him,he said he will call me tonight.
I don't mind telling more:
His boss is a elderly lady he told me that he slept with her long time ago but they never had been in a relationship together and she said it would be wrong if they were to and this was ages ago.
We been dating since June,he's on a business trip for humanities.
11/9/2014 1:42:14 PM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
OK, I can see how it might make you a little leery, but you trust him, and apparently she's not interested in more with him, anyway.
But I have to ask...how old is elderly? Because when I see that word, I think 85 or so.
11/9/2014 4:04:31 PM |
He didnt call me |
Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
He's making you wait around because he knows you will. If you had other options to keep you occupied he'd be harassing you with calls.
If you like do what you have to do to get things to go your way.
Men only give a f**k about you when they think and see they're not you're number one priority.
You can be a sincere loser or you can be a smart winner.
This is bullshit. Notice how so many are pumping you up for combat and drama. The man is on a businesz trip, its that simple. Are you f**king someone every you go to work? If not, stop the djmb shit. If so, let your guilty conscience be your guide.
And if you don't work at all, nobody in here is gonna do shit for you afte you f**k up flowing THEIR bad advice.
Thank about it......
11/9/2014 4:08:50 PM |
He didnt call me |

New Port Richey, FL
29, joined Aug. 2013
This is bullshit. Notice how so many are pumping you up for combat and drama. The man is on a businesz trip, its that simple. Are you f**king someone every you go to work? If not, stop the djmb shit. If so, let your guilty conscience be your guide.
And if you don't work at all, nobody in here is gonna do shit for you afte you f**k up flowing THEIR bad advice.
Thank about it......
You're full of shyit!!!! no nothing!!
11/9/2014 4:30:48 PM |
He didnt call me |

Los Angeles, CA
26, joined Aug. 2013
This is bullshit. Notice how so many are pumping you up for combat and drama. The man is on a businesz trip, its that simple. Are you f**king someone every you go to work? If not, stop the djmb shit. If so, let your guilty conscience be your guide.
And if you don't work at all, nobody in here is gonna do shit for you afte you f**k up flowing THEIR bad advice.
Thank about it......
The fact that you're angry about it proves me right.
This is a typical situation where a man is free to cheat if he wants. I'm not telling her to cheat, I'm telling her not to give a f**k.
She can make her friends her priority. She can make anything else her priority. She can make other men her priority but she doesn't have to sleep with him. The point is she's taking away the power for him to hurt her which takes away ALL the fun. How can he string her along and pump up his ego if she's not giving a f**k about him being gone in the first place.

11/9/2014 4:31:03 PM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
We don't agree often, dr i got, but in this case I think I do. I wonder, often, if it's a younger generation thing with the constantly connected to everybody mindset.
It's as if there is no clear line and boundary between work and personal time. You're always connected because of your cell phone, and so expected to answer it instantly no matter what's going on, or otherwise you're not proving your love or your interest.
But when you're at work, you're on their time. They are paying you, so your personal life must remain in the background until such time that you're on your own time again. Back when personal calls meant using the company phone made it seem more clear where the line was. Now, people use their personal cell phones for work, so it seems that the lines are blurred and personal life goes on right alongside work life.
11/9/2014 4:33:10 PM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
What is interesting, Kungfu, is that you went immediately to him cheating. Or not cheating. But basically that she shouldn't care or let it affect her.
But all it is is that he's on a business trip, and other fools here went on and on about how he's cheating.
[Edited 11/9/2014 4:33:33 PM ]
11/9/2014 4:34:20 PM |
He didnt call me |
Denver, CO
42, joined Jan. 2010
His boss? Do you believe that?
11/9/2014 4:37:33 PM |
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Denver, CO
42, joined Jan. 2010
You are in denial, of course she is still with her his boss. But you choose to believe him and wait by the phone. Geeesshh
11/9/2014 4:40:43 PM |
He didnt call me |

Los Angeles, CA
26, joined Aug. 2013
What is interesting, Kungfu, is that you went immediately to him cheating. Or not cheating. But basically that she shouldn't care or let it affect her.
But all it is is that he's on a business trip, and other fools here went on and on about how he's cheating.
I'm just telling her how to cope with it.
He said he called and he never did. If this guy truly liked her he would do all he could to call her and keep his promise and if he couldn't do it he would appoint someone who could just to keep her from worrying.
That little tidbit shows me he doesn't give a crap. So I feel like if she doesn't want to get hurt she better take a page from his book and get another hobby. Men in this case are like cats. The only pay attention to you when you stop paying attention to them.
11/9/2014 4:41:37 PM |
He didnt call me |


Henderson, NV
55, joined May. 2009
Good lord, I'm glad my husband wasn't this stupid when I was on a business trip, nor was I when he was.
What a lot of insecure and mistrusting folks. They must follow their mates to work, and park outside all day to make sure they're not having sex all over the desks with everybody.