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8/24/2008 10:31:20 PM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Fayetteville, NC
age: 33
I was reading a local newspaper today, and it has an article related to love, and my favorite part said, "Relationships require some formal training or at least some sort of degree. I recommend abnormal psychology." I have a psychology degree and I still don't understand relationships. I have had some really great relationship and a lot of my friends are guys, but understanding men will always be a mystery to me and for men, Kenny Chesney said it best, "Girls were a mystery that we never could explain, I guess some thing ain't never gonna change"
So, how do two mysteries find a common ground to make a connection. In this world of internet dating, and self-help dating advice books, relationship coaches, and the vast amount of male role models on how to pick-up chicks, get your freak on and forget them. It is hard to find a good relationship.
My last relationship was short and barely existed. He read every type of book on dating and relationships and knew all of the pick-up gurus personally. They taught him how to smooth talk a lady and tell her whatever she wants to hear. But no one ever explained to him that if for several weeks, you stretch the truth, make ommissions and play the game these gurus taught you to capture any woman, that she really believes you care. These relationship guys like Ross Jefferies and David DeAngelo teach men to pick up women by seeing themselves as superior and to see women like dogs. You just have to plant an idea in her head and she'll eventually do your tricks for you.
This guy starts out with a simple line, and he's probably used it so many times on several dating sites. "I saw your picture/Profile and I got this feeling we should talk." Implanting a strong pyschological connection right there. I don't believe in the short-term relationship. I'm in it for something more. Appealing to the woman's sense of security and wanting stability. So this goes on for weeks and weeks, and then after all of his, you are so wonderful, I am so lucky to be with a girl like you, I am the luckiest guy in the world, he pulls a 360 and says so long. He tells me, he needs space and likes another girl, tells the other girl, it's his health, and tells yet another girl, that she moved away and they both decided to end it happily. (He has learned to catch the girls, but has not learned what to do with them when they fall for him)
Now I am not mad at him, as he is curious and seems to genuinely meet a nice girl, who he can relate to, but all these nut jobs with their seminars, do not address the one thing they should. How do you go from the telling the girl all the right things, so you can score, to building a healthy relationship. I can only use the information from the best relationship, I ever had.
Talk to each other, and be honest about your feelings. Don't keep back, because you are scared or think the other person won't understand. If they care about you, they will value your thoughts, opinions, and output. Don't try to over think everything and let things fester, talk to the one you care about and settle things before they get out of porportion.
Don't give up on your whole relationship after one little spat or fight. Some people throw a perfectly good relationship away due to something little, because the urge is to resist making up after a fight, No one wants to be wrong or swallow their pride and apologize and it is hard to forgive. So part of us, wants to make up because we have strong feelings for that person and the other part of us fights every urge to talk things out, and another good relationship goes down the flusher.
Relationships are hard because women will find a guy who seems almost perfect and try to change him to what she wants him to be. I try to find a guy who makes me laugh and let's me be myself. That is what made Bob so special. Sure he fed me all the lines, but he also let me, be the spur of the moment girl, who was trying to forget a lot of the pain and misery in her life. These gurus say women are like dogs, well let them think that, but maybe you should start seeing men the same way as you see your cats. Men don't like to change. They want to be loved for who they are. They do want unconditional love and support, but not to be crowded. They want to be treated with love and respect. To know that we will be there for them in their time of need. I know that when Bob was sick, I wanted to be the one to take care of him and to support him. When he was scared that he was really sick, I put my fears aside and listened to his worries.
These gurus never teach how we can live together. The man, who is physically strong, yet scared to show his emotions, and the woman, who is emotionally strong and sometimes shows those emotions too much. Can we really be happy when women are listening to guys like Christian Carter, who says a failed relationship is usually the fault of the woman, and the men who are listening to Jeffries and DeAngelo, who say you can have any woman you want, anytime. No one says that a relationship is work. They don't come easily.
Two people learn to work together, learn together, live together and love together to build a strong foundation to build their relationship. They do it by talking things out, settling differences, compromises and teamwork. Relationships aren't easy and we have to learn not to give up on them and to make them work.
Would I date Bob again? I love him yes! But he is not ready for a relationship or to be loved yet. He seems to want something more in his life, which is a normal reaction, no one wants to be alone, but it also seems like he is scared to let go and loose himself in a that thing called a relationship. This week I have had many reasons to be sad and hurt, and loosing him was just another reason, but I wish him well. I will always be a little more jaded from this experience, because he did break my heart, but looking back on the relationship, I know that I lost a good friend. I lost someone that made me forget the things that hurt my heart, so much I moved 2000 miles from home. I miss having someone to talk to about serious issues and silly ones. I hope he finds what he is looking for and that he learns to let go and take the plunge of loosing himself by accepting someone else into his heart.
8/24/2008 10:33:48 PM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Springfield, IL
age: 29 online now!
Understanding a relationship requires common sense, but a woman understanding herself requires psychology.
8/25/2008 4:54:16 AM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Frisco, TX
age: 21 online now!
Finding the balance between knowing too much and too little. Ah... inhale the fumes of paradox of the human psyche.
The common fallacy psychologists make are:
1) All individuals are inherently alike and have the same basic needs and wants.
2) Generalizing truths in broad strokes often cookie cutting them.
3) Not giving individualistic, circumstantial, and other factors which circumvent predicted variables.
4) The ability in which one utilizes these so called "tools" that these self-help books give are always effective and work the same way in every scenario or situation.
5) Oh the list continues but I cannot think of the reasons at the moment so... onto my point.
You psychologists you... Some are great at what they do but poor sometimes in understanding that not all humans, however simple he/she may be, will always yield the same way to a certain situation/sentence/circumstance/event/item/etc.
I am not accusing you personally but more of a general "you".
To say "common sense is all one needs" is ridiculous yet to assume you need some sort of complicated algebraic formula in order to solve the girl/guy is also silly. Why do people not comprehend humans are like a river? Rivers are never the same rivers in the ebb and flow of time. Nothing in this universe is really. By all means, relationships and people are not linear so you cannot translate them as being as such; it's a repeated fallacy.
You can't say something like, "So don't overestimate and don't underestimate a person. Don't over think. Don't under think. Don't go over this level. Don't go under this level."
The person who might be trying to seek help: / /
Whose standards are we comparing it to precisely? Yours? His? Hers? Your grandmothers? These are all separate people. You can't truly expect to believe what/how/when/where/why/etc you want is the same your grandmother wants it.
Don't think of the world so cut and dry. Don't think you can dodge problems, evade issues, or expect every situation to work out peacefully because of what experience or what some other gurus had said before you. They're not always right.
You can understand one person at a time. No books can teach you how to secure someone. It's part circumstance and part luck.
8/25/2008 10:41:19 AM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Evansville, IN
age: 40
By the time you understand the current relationship, it will have changed. Go with your gut, treat your partner and yourself with respect, and have a good time!
8/25/2008 10:47:16 AM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |
Grand Junction, CO
age: 50
I wont quote your entire original post, but there is a great deal of wisdon to be taken from what was said. Unfortunately, it will be lost on most.
Thanks for your insight.
8/25/2008 11:03:02 AM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Palmer, AK
age: 27
everyone should read "the five love languages" by
Gary Chapman and then eveyone would have awsome relationships and understanding of themselves
8/25/2008 11:21:21 AM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 47
the psycicolgy of relationships for myself is partly getting to know myself first,doin work on me without the distraction of someone else in my life so that i can get to know people because we are different(men and women) i had to have arelationship with myself first helps me understand other people that pick up artist stuff is what it is BULLSHIT, its just about pickin up not stayin,and i dont want to treat someone like i think there shit or think of them that way,being on the same page with eachother well as much as possible,and like you said its not about running a lot of people dont wanna deal with the work it takes to work stuff out and through that learn more about eachother sometimes YA GOTTA HAVE BREAKDOWNS TO HAVE BREAKTHROUGHS IN RLATIONSHIPS,as far as men and women understanding eachother totally you hit the nail on the head with that one the only thing to understand is that we dont understand,and letting your partner be who thy are and accepting them is important now ofcourse there is an amount of compromising to be done thats the work,and for me its the relating part that counts really talking about whats goin on with eachother i mean if im agitated cause im scared about something i gotta state it and if i see that in a partner ill ask in stead of the fronts we put up to cover it up and then he or she thinks somethin wrong then there are the little games shes pissed and dont wanna say anything well ill put up with that for a while some people need time before they are ready to talk stuff out me too,any way big part of the psycology is having been in rlationships and see how each person operates in a relationship being aware and of what i do aswell i dont know how accurate this post is i didnt read every thing,the psycology is it about the relationship itself or the thinking and acting of the people in them,their habits personality, emotions and how we operate,a learning experiance for sure
[Edited 8/25/2008 11:34:35 AM]
8/25/2008 4:06:35 PM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |
Pico Rivera, CA
age: 49
I was reading a local newspaper today, and it has an article related to love, and my favorite part said, "Relationships require some formal training or at least some sort of degree. I recommend abnormal psychology." I have a psychology degree and I still don't understand relationships. I have had some really great relationship and a lot of my friends are guys, but understanding men will always be a mystery to me and for men, Kenny Chesney said it best, "Girls were a mystery that we never could explain, I guess some thing ain't never gonna change"
So, how do two mysteries find a common ground to make a connection. In this world of internet dating, and self-help dating advice books, relationship coaches, and the vast amount of male role models on how to pick-up chicks, get your freak on and forget them. It is hard to find a good relationship.
My last relationship was short and barely existed. He read every type of book on dating and relationships and knew all of the pick-up gurus personally. They taught him how to smooth talk a lady and tell her whatever she wants to hear. But no one ever explained to him that if for several weeks, you stretch the truth, make ommissions and play the game these gurus taught you to capture any woman, that she really believes you care. These relationship guys like Ross Jefferies and David DeAngelo teach men to pick up women by seeing themselves as superior and to see women like dogs. You just have to plant an idea in her head and she'll eventually do your tricks for you.
This guy starts out with a simple line, and he's probably used it so many times on several dating sites. "I saw your picture/Profile and I got this feeling we should talk." Implanting a strong pyschological connection right there. I don't believe in the short-term relationship. I'm in it for something more. Appealing to the woman's sense of security and wanting stability. So this goes on for weeks and weeks, and then after all of his, you are so wonderful, I am so lucky to be with a girl like you, I am the luckiest guy in the world, he pulls a 360 and says so long. He tells me, he needs space and likes another girl, tells the other girl, it's his health, and tells yet another girl, that she moved away and they both decided to end it happily. (He has learned to catch the girls, but has not learned what to do with them when they fall for him)
Now I am not mad at him, as he is curious and seems to genuinely meet a nice girl, who he can relate to, but all these nut jobs with their seminars, do not address the one thing they should. How do you go from the telling the girl all the right things, so you can score, to building a healthy relationship. I can only use the information from the best relationship, I ever had.
Talk to each other, and be honest about your feelings. Don't keep back, because you are scared or think the other person won't understand. If they care about you, they will value your thoughts, opinions, and output. Don't try to over think everything and let things fester, talk to the one you care about and settle things before they get out of porportion.
Don't give up on your whole relationship after one little spat or fight. Some people throw a perfectly good relationship away due to something little, because the urge is to resist making up after a fight, No one wants to be wrong or swallow their pride and apologize and it is hard to forgive. So part of us, wants to make up because we have strong feelings for that person and the other part of us fights every urge to talk things out, and another good relationship goes down the flusher.
Relationships are hard because women will find a guy who seems almost perfect and try to change him to what she wants him to be. I try to find a guy who makes me laugh and let's me be myself. That is what made Bob so special. Sure he fed me all the lines, but he also let me, be the spur of the moment girl, who was trying to forget a lot of the pain and misery in her life. These gurus say women are like dogs, well let them think that, but maybe you should start seeing men the same way as you see your cats. Men don't like to change. They want to be loved for who they are. They do want unconditional love and support, but not to be crowded. They want to be treated with love and respect. To know that we will be there for them in their time of need. I know that when Bob was sick, I wanted to be the one to take care of him and to support him. When he was scared that he was really sick, I put my fears aside and listened to his worries.
These gurus never teach how we can live together. The man, who is physically strong, yet scared to show his emotions, and the woman, who is emotionally strong and sometimes shows those emotions too much. Can we really be happy when women are listening to guys like Christian Carter, who says a failed relationship is usually the fault of the woman, and the men who are listening to Jeffries and DeAngelo, who say you can have any woman you want, anytime. No one says that a relationship is work. They don't come easily.
Two people learn to work together, learn together, live together and love together to build a strong foundation to build their relationship. They do it by talking things out, settling differences, compromises and teamwork. Relationships aren't easy and we have to learn not to give up on them and to make them work.
Would I date Bob again? I love him yes! But he is not ready for a relationship or to be loved yet. He seems to want something more in his life, which is a normal reaction, no one wants to be alone, but it also seems like he is scared to let go and loose himself in a that thing called a relationship. This week I have had many reasons to be sad and hurt, and loosing him was just another reason, but I wish him well. I will always be a little more jaded from this experience, because he did break my heart, but looking back on the relationship, I know that I lost a good friend. I lost someone that made me forget the things that hurt my heart, so much I moved 2000 miles from home. I miss having someone to talk to about serious issues and silly ones. I hope he finds what he is looking for and that he learns to let go and take the plunge of loosing himself by accepting someone else into his heart.
try not to over analyze things sometimes a assertive approach with a positive outlook will suffice
[Edited 8/25/2008 4:08:35 PM]
8/25/2008 7:31:21 PM |
Understanding relationship requires a degree in abnormal psychology |

Battle Mountain, NV
age: 47
You got burned by a player!!!! pure and simple!!It hurts a whole lot and I hear yah!
Ross and david are not to blame the guy that played you is.With all your knowledge of the human mind you could not see it coming.How many times in history have we seen the aristocrat fall to commen layman or bum.Get up kick the dirt off and email david and the rest of us whats your next step.Yes their are ways to burn woman bad useing the material given out by these guys.BUT THEY JUST MAKE THE GUN: HE USED IT ON YOU.