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8/26/2008 7:31:36 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
OK, this is just a little venting, but I have to say it to someone...
I've been talking with someone online who at first meeting seemed to be pretty nice... so I figured what the heck? I took a chance and started talking. Turns out the guy is deeply religious and wants to convert the world (you guessed it - die hard Christian). My religion is other because I am not any one of the religions listed.
I am a humanitarian. I believe in good deeds and helping others out when possible. I believe in equality and general human kindness. (Now before that gets taken too far, I am certainly no sucker).
I have had plenty of opportunity to select many religions as I have traveled all over. I have seen them first hand, lived them and rejected them all. The general message of all tends to be what I practice now.
I just find it irritating that one person, who has never ventured much farther than their own back yard can lay claim that their religion is the only right, tried and true belief system.
OK, I feel better now. Thanks for putting up with my ranting.
Peace to you all.
8/27/2008 7:08:24 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Peace to you as well. I am truly sorry that you had the experience that you are relaying.
As far as sounding off goes, you did it with great class and self discipline, I have a lot of respect for that. Thank you for sharing, many of those that post in here have had similar situations.
May you always find the light
8/27/2008 7:19:56 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Atascadero, CA
age: 35
OK, this is just a little venting, but I have to say it to someone...
I've been talking with someone online who at first meeting seemed to be pretty nice... so I figured what the heck? I took a chance and started talking. Turns out the guy is deeply religious and wants to convert the world (you guessed it - die hard Christian). My religion is other because I am not any one of the religions listed.
I am a humanitarian. I believe in good deeds and helping others out when possible. I believe in equality and general human kindness. (Now before that gets taken too far, I am certainly no sucker).
I have had plenty of opportunity to select many religions as I have traveled all over. I have seen them first hand, lived them and rejected them all. The general message of all tends to be what I practice now.
I just find it irritating that one person, who has never ventured much farther than their own back yard can lay claim that their religion is the only right, tried and true belief system.
OK, I feel better now. Thanks for putting up with my ranting.
Peace to you all.
Sorry you ran into someone trying to save the world from themselves. I'm sure you'll find someone interested in loving you for who you are instead of "saving your soul."
Your philosophy sounds rather Humanist and Unitarian Universalist. That's cool. 
8/27/2008 2:34:52 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Eastlake, OH
age: 59 online now!
Hi there, nice to 'meet' you neighbor....
I Live in Eastlake,
Sounding off is good, and myself, being a Christian, I don't want to spend my
'dates' with anyone who wasn't . And if I am around other people, let them be. If they had any questions to ask, fine, but to try to steer the conversation to God all the time, or even overdo it much, is just wrong. If they were letting you know their views, and you listened a bit, fine, no harm. But if you showed no interest, let them go!
Regards, BB
8/27/2008 3:09:13 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
Hi there, nice to 'meet' you neighbor....
I Live in Eastlake,
Sounding off is good, and myself, being a Christian, I don't want to spend my
'dates' with anyone who wasn't . And if I am around other people, let them be. If they had any questions to ask, fine, but to try to steer the conversation to God all the time, or even overdo it much, is just wrong. If they were letting you know their views, and you listened a bit, fine, no harm. But if you showed no interest, let them go! 
Regards, BB
Well howdy neighbor!
I feel you. I normally tolerate a lot of religious reference. Mainly because everyone has an opinion and I feel they are entitled to it. Having said that, the issue is that the desire to convert me has been expressed in every bit of conversation. The premise is accusatory and implies I am a lost lamb in need of spiritual cleansing. Golly, I don't know. I think myself to be very open minded, but this type of pressure goes way beyond merely sharing one's thoughts on religion. If anything, it pushes me further into my understanding of religion; thereby having the opposite effect of what the individual was trying to gain. In a strange way, I pity this individual. Yet I find myself only hoping the best for him; that he may find happiness in his pursuit of a relationship with his savior. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for your thoughts.
8/29/2008 11:14:26 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Boston, MA
age: 41
Holy Christmas! I'm pretty religious myself. However would not want to convert you. You could not get me to, even if you offered to give me oral sex while you were down on the kneeler things at mass. I still would not want to bother you with my religion.
Same dude is probably taking the alter boys out to boyscout, molesting them. The zealots are always the worst of the bunch.
If you find a certain irony in this message. You are correct in assuming that I am a wise ass.
Deeply saddened by your experience of meeting a full fledged wacko online.
Goddess Bless
8/29/2008 7:48:34 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
Holy Christmas! I'm pretty religious myself. However would not want to convert you. You could not get me to, even if you offered to give me oral sex while you were down on the kneeler things at mass. I still would not want to bother you with my religion.
Same dude is probably taking the alter boys out to boyscout, molesting them. The zealots are always the worst of the bunch.
If you find a certain irony in this message. You are correct in assuming that I am a wise ass.
Deeply saddened by your experience of meeting a full fledged wacko online.
Goddess Bless 
Hahaha Ghost - You are terrible. It's a wonder I like you. LOL. Nice new pics by the way. Thanks for sharing.
8/31/2008 3:19:15 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Syracuse, NY
age: 51
Painesville, OH
age: 34
OK, this is just a little venting, but I have to say it to someone...
I've been talking with someone online who at first meeting seemed to be pretty nice... so I figured what the heck? I took a chance and started talking. Turns out the guy is deeply religious and wants to convert the world (you guessed it - die hard Christian). My religion is other because I am not any one of the religions listed.
I am a humanitarian. I believe in good deeds and helping others out when possible. I believe in equality and general human kindness. (Now before that gets taken too far, I am certainly no sucker).
I have had plenty of opportunity to select many religions as I have traveled all over. I have seen them first hand, lived them and rejected them all. The general message of all tends to be what I practice now.
I just find it irritating that one person, who has never ventured much farther than their own back yard can lay claim that their religion is the only right, tried and true belief system.
OK, I feel better now. Thanks for putting up with my ranting.
Peace to you all.
I feel your pain as I too am an Other as far as Religious labeling goes.
When I am able to enjoy some leisure time on the net I usually am posting or reading in the Religion Forum; I am constantly being labeled as Christian by the non-G_d believers,
Atheist by the Christians...etc...
Personally, I believe that where the Organized Religious, Atheist and Agnostics fail the most is when they do not accept anyone else for whom and what they are, not matter their spiritual and religious tenets may lay.
I am happy to meet you Otheah, especially being an Other
Peace and Love 
8/31/2008 9:59:12 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
Nice to meet you too. Just my humble opinion...
I think people do tend to forget that the basic foundation of religion is compassion for our fellow man; not just for what you want to believe is true, but also for those that you may not understand. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Heck, I even like hearing those opinions. My real problem lies in others preaching the message of "love" when there is a hidden ulterior motive (aka - converting someone to your way of thought by force). If "God" or "Jesus" is love, then I've yet to see an organized religious fanatic exemplify that. Force feeding religion is abusive, regardless of the denomination, organization, or other.
I would never force my own views down another's throat. I think there are just times that people should agree to disagree. I'm not seeing a whole lot of that in this day and age. I see too many of the "I'm right, you're wrong" comments blasted all over the place without any real concrete argument based on fact. We can all cite bible verses, for example... but how many are just out there to promote what they have memorized (la la la... mine is bigger than yours is)? If you can quote it, then I guess that makes you uber cool. If you can live it... then that makes you unique.
Peace to all (may your lives bring you as much of it as you are willing to create for yourselves).

9/1/2008 7:04:46 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Rockford, MN
age: 57
So many can talk the talk but don't walk the walk.
9/2/2008 5:06:44 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Syracuse, NY
age: 51
Happy Tuesday Morning Everyone

Painesville, OH
age: 34
Nice to meet you too. Just my humble opinion...
I think people do tend to forget that the basic foundation of religion is compassion for our fellow man; not just for what you want to believe is true, but also for those that you may not understand. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Heck, I even like hearing those opinions. My real problem lies in others preaching the message of "love" when there is a hidden ulterior motive (aka - converting someone to your way of thought by force). If "God" or "Jesus" is love, then I've yet to see an organized religious fanatic exemplify that. Force feeding religion is abusive, regardless of the denomination, organization, or other.
I would never force my own views down another's throat. I think there are just times that people should agree to disagree. I'm not seeing a whole lot of that in this day and age. I see too many of the "I'm right, you're wrong" comments blasted all over the place without any real concrete argument based on fact. We can all cite bible verses, for example... but how many are just out there to promote what they have memorized (la la la... mine is bigger than yours is)? If you can quote it, then I guess that makes you uber cool. If you can live it... then that makes you unique.
Peace to all (may your lives bring you as much of it as you are willing to create for yourselves).
Yes Otheah, there are a superior amount of Preachers with a hidden agenda (I believe as well), compared to the amount of Doer's without an agenda.
I prefer to have my Actions speak for my heart, mind and soul in all that I do. And yet, there too are times when I lack in this Action just like the next person. I notice that when I am lacking in Action, it is caused from being distracted within my inner self from feelings (my ego), from exterior circumstances (the testing).
Since I am not in the desire of converting another from their path in life (as I am not looking forward to any reward from my Actions), I find that resistance to fellowship has fallen away for the most part. I enjoy all the new acquaintances I meet and interact with, while I am reminded from many whom I do not agree with (of not allowing their behaviors to be my behaviors), deflect me from accepting them for who and what they are.
I do not view those who live and believe differently than I as Bad or Evil
If I am not in agreement with what they do or say I choose not to do that in my path in life. This is how I maintain inner Peace. Accepting others for who and what they are, to help them in any form that I am able to without expectations of a return from them (personally), is how I exude Love.
Creating Love in our life truly is a willingness. I do reflect too that little Love came to me until I began Giving Love out to others.
In Peace and Love 

9/2/2008 5:38:36 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
well, i understand you frustration. i myself am a christian, and yes i do believe its the only "true way". but i dont really care all to much if you arent a christian. i don't push my religion on others, but i do like to discuss it. the pro and cons and it vs. other religions that i kno or dont kno. learning is always intertaining.
believe it or not though i have had more athiests try to convert me than christians (back b4 i was one) and athiests are mean about it.
9/2/2008 6:38:59 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Painesville, OH
age: 34
well, i understand you frustration. i myself am a christian, and yes i do believe its the only "true way". but i dont really care all to much if you arent a christian. i don't push my religion on others, but i do like to discuss it. the pro and cons and it vs. other religions that i kno or dont kno. learning is always intertaining.
believe it or not though i have had more athiests try to convert me than christians (back b4 i was one) and athiests are mean about it.
I think, suffice it to say that your experiences with the atheists that you have met are mean. I do not think it fitting to say all. Just as I would not say that all Christians are forceful about their beliefs. There are just some, from all religions that take it too far. If the ultimate goal is to share beauty in the practice, then the person sharing the information must be equally "beautiful" to make a persuasive argument. That, ultimately, is my issue. Compassion and understanding will gain more trust that force feeding through preaching one's opinion to another.
Peace be with you.
9/2/2008 6:54:05 PM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
well, i understand you frustration. i myself am a christian, and yes i do believe its the only "true way". but i dont really care all to much if you arent a christian. i don't push my religion on others, but i do like to discuss it. the pro and cons and it vs. other religions that i kno or dont kno. learning is always intertaining.
believe it or not though i have had more athiests try to convert me than christians (back b4 i was one) and athiests are mean about it.
I think, suffice it to say that your experiences with the atheists that you have met are mean. I do not think it fitting to say all. Just as I would not say that all Christians are forceful about their beliefs. There are just some, from all religions that take it too far. If the ultimate goal is to share beauty in the practice, then the person sharing the information must be equally "beautiful" to make a persuasive argument. That, ultimately, is my issue. Compassion and understanding will gain more trust that force feeding through preaching one's opinion to another.
Peace be with you.
i concure. and yer i didnt mean to generalize.
9/3/2008 5:51:54 AM |
Normally I don't do this, but I have to sound off... |

Campbellsville, KY
age: 64
Thanks for sounding off ,I too am looking for friendship but I dont want to be hooked into a debate about what I believe in under the guise of friendship...