Florence, SC
age: 54
How can you say “I’m sorry,” and try to apologize when that special person blocks your communication?
I know that it takes 2 to develop a relationship and I shouldn’t own all the responsibility but I’m not perfect and have made some mistakes.
I strive to be a good Christian and one of the attributes of being a good Christian is “patience”. Patience has never been one of my virtues and it has caused me a special relationship. Have you ever said to your self “I wish I could take back what I said or why didn’t I wait and trust it will all work out (if it’s meant to be)? I’ve been troubled with this for the last 2 weeks.
Well the fact is you can’t take back hurtful things said in fear or a moment of insecurity and he can’t take back things said in anger. You can only pray that God will give you strength and courage to forgive each other and to “learn” from this experience.


North Bergen, NJ
age: 59
I hear you girlfriend, and did not know you posted until this morning. Don't blame yourself and don't make excuses for people who cannot appreciate you. You know what I'm talking about. Move on because he is not worth even this conversation. Remember the nasty words as I do and you will see how easy it becomes to keep walking forward. Lean on friends for support and now that they are there for you.
You are a beautiful woman with much love to give, be patient and know that you will find him. I am always here for you girl   
[Edited 9/13/2008 8:44:22 AM]

Aberdeen, SD
age: 36
Time will heal!
Take time for YOURSELF!
Going to Concerts, hanging out with old friends and family also finding your center in the Spiritual ram it is always so healing for me! 

Fresno, CA
age: 63
I feel you just need to say you are sorry and let it go. The forgiveness and forgetting has to come from the other person. Try the book by Ian Mcewan, better than the movie, Atonement, about this question. You can try, in the
future, to use the Chinese technique of "wu wei", which has helped me. It means to "hold back" just for a moment...
the old "count to 10 before you speak" concept. Now, forgive yourself and know that we are none of us perfect!

Pleasanton, CA
age: 42
How can you say “I’m sorry,” and try to apologize when that special person blocks your communication?
It appears he doesn't think of you as being special enough to work things out with you like two mature grown ups so he blocked you (is called games in my opinion).
Patience has never been one of my virtues and it has caused me a special relationship.
Apparently he doesn't look at it that way. If it had been special to him, we wouldn't be having this conversation here 
Well the fact is you can’t take back hurtful things said in fear or a moment of insecurity and he can’t take back things said in anger.
Yep. Is as simple as that.
You can only pray that God will give you strength and courage to forgive each other and to “learn” from this experience.
You can ask God for forgiveness and then most importantly forgive yourself. That's all that matters.
God is the one in control of your life. As long as we maintained a special relationship with Him, then He will meet our earthly needs when He says is time 

Saginaw, MI
age: 49
My opinion is that with this online stuff a lot (cetainly not all) have lost all sense of common courtesy. People just disappear without a word or explaination, forgiving is seen as a waste of time and letting go of others and instead spending that energy on one.
All because it's easy to move on to someone else, someone perceived as better might only be a click away. Yes my frustration is showing!!!! How someone conducts themselves online and off says a lot about their character, but those people don't really care about the one's left in their wake.