10/25/2008 6:22:11 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

Millington, TN
age: 56
I have a picture and yes I have a few pounds on me. But my heart and sole is alot bigger than I am. But man will not look or even want to see past the body. All I want is a friend right now. I have e-mail alot of them no respones as of yet. They take one look at my profit and don't even answer the e-mail. I answer the e-mail that I get which is not alot, and some of them are really bad but it is not the looks that sure count. You should at lease talk to them and get to know them first. This is why I can not stand all the little woman out there. It make us full figure not have a chance at love or friendship. Don't get me wrong, I have alot of friends that are little but in my years of grown up(the older years) I have found that most of them are so into them self that they are not as pretty as their picture. If I was a man I would want someone that is nice ang good on the inside. I am not that bad on the eyes, but I have years on me and two bad marriage behind me.
[Edited 10/25/2008 6:36:10 AM PST]
10/25/2008 8:36:50 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

Las Cruces, NM
age: 38
You know... by saying you dislike smaller gals, aren't you essentially doing what you're complaining about, judging someone else by their appearance? 
Not all men as as superficial as you are making them out to be. Maybe (PLEASE don't take offense, this is just something to ponder) it's not your appearance? If you haven't had anyone actually say that, maybe it's an attitude, or a lack of confidence, or lack of patience, or.... well.... just a personality trait of some sort that's not quite as easy to admit to as "few pounds".
10/25/2008 8:51:17 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |


Sacramento, CA
age: 63
Yes, my momma weighed about 110 lbs with clothes, and she was the best person in the world. So, if we
judge folks by their outer side, that includes thin women as well. Please just keep in mind that it's a big
world, and we are all individuals. I was dumped by a man I loved greatly for a "more attractive, thick" (his
words) woman. I bet if you go where your heart is, volunteer, join a club, bird watching, your church, temple,
synagog, volunteer at animal shelter, take up golf, photography, whatever your passion, you find
both men and women who will see you as an interesting, lively, kind person. It's a big world out there, not
everyone is a gym buff, so go for it, and let us know what happens!
10/26/2008 5:26:27 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

Durham, NC
age: 51
Yes, men AND women do judge us (at first) by outward appearances.
Society as a whole has brainwashed us to think with our eyes.
I too am guilty of this as I love fashion magazines and TV
where everyone is tall, thin and beautiful.
It happens to all of us, the judging us by looks thing, all
of us. Don't get discouraged. There are many guys out there
feeling exactly as you do. Seek them out.
Join groups, have many interests, hobbies and DO NOT count
on this site in finding a mate. There are folks on here
who have been looking for years. Myself, I have only been
on for a couple of months. I am just here for fun, not counting
on a soul mate.
10/26/2008 6:19:10 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |
Lakeland, FL
age: 23
Hey miss anglefish55 I fill the same way.I dont hate the little ones but I just wish men thought more out side the box I was dating so I thought this one guy and we were with each other 4 about 4 yrs and every time he was with me it was home girl this and that That really bohtered me because in my sight I thought it was more.I am a pertty young lady and love myself well and i am in 2 my self.I cant let the way a man feel bring me down If he doesnt want me for what i got on the outside as well as in i dont want him You know my mom told me one time there is sum one for every one.She said there name is tatted on ur 4head When she said that i thought that was really funny
10/26/2008 8:10:07 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |


Calgary, AB
age: 56
I think initially people evaluate others quickly by appearance, whether it is age, ht, wt, dress, car, job.
It is perhaps in situations where people interact and get to know each other that you will find they like each other for more than looks alone.
10/26/2008 7:02:35 PM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |
Minneapolis, MN
age: 42
It is interesting how men judge us on our looks, but women do the same thing. I which I could get a guy to look past my picture. I am a good hearted woman who has a lot to offer, but no one seems to care about that.
10/27/2008 11:09:02 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |
Livonia, MI
age: 40
I guess time will tell. It is so frustrating some times. It is hard to keep a positive attitude. I am trying to find a man who will find me first, like me for who I am without a picture. It's tough. Maybe I'm wasting my time but I have my ways.
10/29/2008 6:32:19 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |
Smiths Station, AL
age: 53
I have a picture and yes I have a few pounds on me. But my heart and sole is alot bigger than I am. But man will not look or even want to see past the body. All I want is a friend right now. I have e-mail alot of them no respones as of yet. They take one look at my profit and don't even answer the e-mail. I answer the e-mail that I get which is not alot, and some of them are really bad but it is not the looks that sure count. You should at lease talk to them and get to know them first. This is why I can not stand all the little woman out there. It make us full figure not have a chance at love or friendship. Don't get me wrong, I have alot of friends that are little but in my years of grown up(the older years) I have found that most of them are so into them self that they are not as pretty as their picture. If I was a man I would want someone that is nice ang good on the inside. I am not that bad on the eyes, but I have years on me and two bad marriage behind me.
Angelfish55 , I have meet two Man on here and I am here to tell you they looked nothing like their picture , so I stopped communication with them , because my question is why do you post a picture thats 10+ years old .thats the reason why i choose not to post a picture ,because I don't judge a book by his cover , the one guy even told me his picture was not doing him justice , yes he was right ! and I do believe alot of people post old pictures of them ! to me I am happy with my looks and like my self and that should be the most importend thing to you , is to like you're self .I am 123 lbs at 5'7 and some times have to listen to stupid remarks ,like the wind will blow you away, o well .don't let it get you down ! beauty lays in the eye of the beholder........you're ship will come in
God bless you .....inga
10/29/2008 1:24:52 PM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |
Vancouver, WA
age: 23
eventually society will always judge on looks, we're so close now. think about when you go for an interview or date or anything like that. its really sad but that's what society has taught us is that your only worth as much as your looks...
[Edited 10/29/2008 1:25:13 PM PST]
10/29/2008 8:40:48 PM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |
Smiths Station, AL
age: 53
eventually society will always judge on looks, we're so close now. think about when you go for an interview or date or anything like that. its really sad but that's what society has taught us is that your only worth as much as your looks... 
thats a terrible statement to make 
10/29/2008 10:41:03 PM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

New York, NY
age: 49
thats a terrible statement to make 
Nevertheless, she's right and she's learn this at such a young age.
Women will always be judged by men and other women, because we are conditioned to do so. This is why you see so many commercials for women now as school kids learning the importance of self esteem. But what you don't see are commercials to change a man's way of viewing a women through their southern region. Men get to stay the same no matter what. It falls to parents to raised their sons a bit better than the previous generation. But women, we're the ones who always have to change. Change to conform to society's or a man's ideal of womenhood.
And for the most part we allow it and follow the status quo, either because its easier to lose weight, or buy makeup, or go to plastic surgery. As women, we have lost the value that was placed on us through our own spirits and have embrace, like the men, the loud voice of arrogance and pride. It isn't until we're in our 40s/50s, that we start panicking and realize that as we age, it becomes even worst for us due to age and body image. Its sad really, there are so many awesome women of all ages.
11/4/2008 12:51:40 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

Kokomo, IN
age: 48
More then true then judge on the outside you know it. I would rather have a guy who is book smart then a GQ man any day
11/4/2008 12:59:03 AM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

Kokomo, IN
age: 48
angelfish55 I agree with you 100% and beyond.
and you are so right about them not emailing back as well. and you want a decent guy to email back and forth not some nut like I got IMing me the other day. He would not go away. Just kept sending me IM after IM in a matter of minutes. I had to block him finally.
Men always want the skinny women, for what reason I don't know. Sex I guess. There is so much more to people then the outside. When some of these men finally get a clue and get off looking at the outside, again for sex they might finally find themselves with someone.
Some of em wonder why they are alone. They are passing up a lot of good people because they can't see past the outer. Goodluck and God Bless.
11/20/2008 10:56:20 PM |
men judge by the outside not what is in the inside of some one |

Auburn, WA
age: 37
there just sometimes i would like to give up on looking beacuse men like the small women there some time i just cry becuase i dont what to be alone no more i have try lose some but it comes off so slow i was a size 26 now im a size 18 and men still say soory but your to big..