1/13/2009 8:27:00 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Guntersville, AL
age: 47
I am starting to feel like I will be alone forever. I already have heart failure and last week they removed a tumor from my bladder I went to check in today and the Dr. told me it was rated at a 1 and most likely to have more and they will rate higher.
I have held my chin up for 61/2 years and seem to be getting better and now this The Dr. talks to me like I don't know what he is talking about. he doesn't know my husband died 2 years ago with cancer so I know what he saying in between the lines Does anyone else get tired of dealing with this crap all the time.
I am sorry to dump all this on ya'll but I got to say it somewhere I guess.
Thanks for listening to me rant.
I really feel alone in this world!!!
P.S. I think on your 40th B-day they need to hand out tool boxes cause you are going to start the break down.
1/15/2009 1:42:59 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Anderson, IN
age: 27
several years ago i figured i would just end up alone the rest of my life. but the crap i have delt with thu the years gave me the additude where i just dont give a s*it. (you get crapped on enuff, you just turn ur back on the world)
i guess you just have to find a way to deal with things that works for you.
1/15/2009 4:18:55 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Oceanside, CA
age: 37
I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL 7 IN A HALF YEARS AGO WHEN I WAS GETTING A DIVORICE FROM MY EX I HAD A HEART ATTACK AND DID REALIZE IT AND IT DID ALOT OF DAMAGE. NOW THINGS ARE WORSE AND I MITE DIE SOON AND I DIDN't want to die alone. But the hardest part is trying to tell my 8 year old son. But on my bad days i just tell him i am doing good. But hopefully we will find someone out their.
1/15/2009 5:54:50 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Guntersville, AL
age: 47
Thanks for letting me rant. I normaly don't just go with flow but was another day of bad inf. I know you understand that's why I came here to do it. I am not looking for pity and that's what I would get on other forums. I just want to vent and be understood.
I have made it thru that part of it Now I am not going to let this happen to me and be strong for my daughter I am the only one she has other than a brother.I made a believer of them on the heart failure so now I have to on this cancer I will over come this crap in my life.
Thanks again
1/15/2009 8:27:15 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Paint Rock, AL
age: 56
Hi Lynn, its Andornot ... would be happy to sit and talk with you sometime on whatever ... joseph
1/15/2009 9:17:58 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Guntersville, AL
age: 47
Andornot what are you doing over here? E-mail me. We can talk somemore. Now go stir up trouble in Alabama chat your a mess you know that.Lynn
1/15/2009 3:55:18 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Licking, MO
age: 27
honey, u just need to keep thinking positive for u and your children. Your not alone u got your babies. i know it isn't the same as haveing a man to share things w but just ahng in there cause if u think negative u get negative. I'll be praying for u. I'm close to where u are. i got a cistis in the bladder , but the doctar say it isn't cancer and i hope he right. good luck
1/15/2009 8:34:08 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Ogden, UT
age: 49
Aw, Tay, so sorry to hear that you're going through some hard times. Holding your chin up IS hard, and I am not sure if you have children because when I lost just about everything and went on disability leave.......I thought of checking out but visions of my children scared me because it's so important for me to show examples to them. I fought through in the next ten years to be where I am......I'm glad I did it. If I am to be alone for the rest of my life so be it. Just live each day as the most important memorable day. I do it with one foot in front of another DAILY. I hope I wasn't preaching. Good luck, hon. We're with you.
1/16/2009 6:44:12 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
Sorry to hear you also feel that way. I came to accept that I'll probably always be alone. Doesn't stop me from trying. Keep your good nature and I will hope that you find that special someone who will be who you need and who needs you as well.
1/16/2009 1:52:41 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Florence, OR
age: 43
I had an automobile accident when I was 17. Paralized me from the waist down. I am 42 now and I must say that I have lived a very exciting life. I have traveled, I have loved, I have laughed and I have cried. But what it all comes down to is that I HAVE lived, and I am still living. I was humbled early on in life. When you become humble you live from your heart and soul. No one is going to give you anything that you don't already have. If you don't love yourself how do you expect to love anyone else. Do not blame life because your lonely. You choose you own battles. Either fight or wave the white flag. If you choose to fight, at least you tried. If you wave the white flag, it just shows everyone that you cant even try. If i died tomorrow, I would die a happy man. I had a throat cancer and recoverd. I will never stop fighting. I can not blame anyone for my mistakes and my misfortunes. Sorry for the tough love, but that is what it takes to keep fighting. Please keep on trying and love the ones around you, they need it.
And as far as being alone? I love myself, so I am never alone. If someone wants to share thier life with me, I am all for it, but never never attempt to try and change me. I have lived 25 years in my chair, and never thought of giving up, so I must be doing something right.
1/18/2009 7:40:59 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Birmingham, AL
age: 59
I damn sure hope so,,,, being in a mess with the wrong person is worse than anything that you guy's have mentioned so far !
1/18/2009 12:14:59 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Cape May Court House, NJ
age: 54
Yes I do some times think I will always be alone. It has been 7 years since I became disabled and have been alone for six. It seems it is hard for others to deal with illness/disabilities.
I have friends and family but not the same as being with someone romanticly.
I do have hope nad believe that each new day holds new promise, you just never know whats in a tomorrow.
Here to hoping we all find a someone.
1/18/2009 5:15:36 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Herrin, IL
age: 60
Right now, I relish being alone. I guess you might say, I am licking my wounds. I am hoping tho, that I will eventually find someone that I will want to be with. Since I am battling cancer I don't think it is a good time to have a romantic relationship. I have a lot of really great friends that I have met here on DateHookup who have been encouraging me. We will forget about the a**holes who are also on DateHookup (and we will not mention their names LOL).
1/18/2009 6:43:19 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Roscommon, MI
age: 52
Lynn, Chin up like the saying goes "And this too shall pass". I am a cancer survivor of eighteen years. I have psoriasis and will always have that. Heart condition in 2005 and began to eat better and get myself healthy (or try to).My heart is fine now. Depression is not fun to deal with...believe believe believe* 
Wishing you better days...and in my prayers. ~Karen
1/18/2009 9:28:22 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Schenectady, NY
age: 43
I do feel that way. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc syndrome and Chronic Insomnia.
I've tried and have dated. It's very hard to get some feeling for someone and then you tell them about your medical problems and they are gone, never to be heard from again.
Why are people like that?
1/18/2009 10:55:59 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Phoenix, AZ
age: 54
Hi Lynn, 
No Lynn i don't feel that i am going to always be alone, because i refuse to believe that. But looking for love at the age that i am now is not as easy as when i was much younger, but i as glad that The Lord has let me live this long. Everyday that we (we humans) awake to a new day is a new day of hope, a new day for something better than yesterday to happen. No matter how lonely we get in this world Lynn, and no matter how it looks that we see other people in this world getting everything that they want and we are not, we can never give up Lynn, we can never stop dreaming for the things that our desires.
Keep Hopeing & Dreaming Lynn, Never Stop! 
The Bigfella
1/19/2009 7:27:53 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Chattanooga, TN
age: 42
I don't feel like I will be alone, always. I have had days in the past where I wondered and such. But, one thing that always keeps me going is the "Gratefulness Book" I keep. In the book, I write five things I am grateful/thankful for each and every day. That way, I feel like I am not alone and that I have much to be grateful.
1/19/2009 7:29:05 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Chattanooga, TN
age: 42
Hi Lynn, its Andornot ... would be happy to sit and talk with you sometime on whatever ... joseph
Hi andor/taytay. Good to see y'all over here.
1/28/2009 1:50:06 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Covington, OK
age: 50
shure i think i will always be alone no ldays in oklahoma want a one legged man 
1/29/2009 5:43:09 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Clarksville, TN
age: 24
There has been times I have felt like I will be alone forever then I just just stopped worrying about it and started living life and enjoying it. I'm letting fate decide when i find the one if I do find the woman I will spend the rest of my life with great if I dont owell I guess it wasn't meant to be.
1/29/2009 10:37:29 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Anacortes, WA
age: 45
I FEEL YOU ALL NEED TO BE LOVED IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER....I Am going Share...I am 45...In 1987 I faced I was always going to be alone..Its O.K....I travel, I Love - the people or Things I meet in this world....Plants, Animals-Including Rock's...Do with what You have...Love is and always will be Enduring...Always Remember....Love of Love, Love of Life,Love of All Life....And....Respect All Life-No If's,Ands or Buts About Rule ONE...Please know that people out there care.... Ghost_or_Ghoul...
1/31/2009 7:03:33 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Peckville, PA
age: 46
to each and evrey 1 of you i pray that you all find that iner peace and be well as you can expect for you to be iknow the pain of bein alone and iknow the pain of rejection cause im not prefect neither ihave scholieosies of the the spine please ex cuse my spellin and anxiety depression &add so iknow when you try to fitt in and be in a relationship they find out your not what they expected they poof like air gone.iwas also in 3car accidents . god bless and keep you all in his prayers. 
2/19/2009 6:59:00 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Alcoa, TN
age: 49
Yes! That's why I'm here. I'm 48 and have always been alone. I was engaged once for almost 6 months and kept waiting, waiting, waiting until I finally knew I was just being used. In 2005, I tried to end it in Oct., but he just kept hanging on and making excuses, and people kept preaching at me to be patient. Then, I honetly feel HE made me dizzy. I held myself together until after Christmas, then went to a MD I picked out of the yellow pages. She said it could be a inner ear problem, a sinus infection or horror of horrors, a brain tumor and set me up for a MRI on Valentine's Day 2006. I sent my "fiance" an email (expecting to see his true colors) which I did, because I never heard from him again. I went alone to have the MRI without telling another person, and I went alone to hear the results two weeks later. I did have a deep sinus infection, but the MRI also showed signs of MS which I have been dealing with alone the last 3 years! I'm expecting to only get more alone as the years pass and those who care about me for while will drift away following their own dreams. At least there will always be people on the Internet.
[Edited 2/19/2009 7:04:53 PM PST]
2/19/2009 10:18:03 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Tulare, CA
age: 23
I sometimes get the feeling that I will always be alone. I've survived several surgeries and accidents, some leaving me with scars, others with other health problems. My memory isn't nearly as good or as sharp as it used to be. A headache daily is not uncommon thing, along with body aches and popping.
I choose not to dive further into the feeling, as I cannot bring myself to believe that I will be alone for the rest of my life.
2/21/2009 11:14:36 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Mesa, AZ
age: 39
I can relate. I know you'll pull through.
It's almost funny, but not...I mean, you think you are alone
and like crap on a shyt sandwhich
I have been struggling, I have over come many hurtful, life altering, devestating, crushinh cirsumtances over the last several years. Everytime I believe I am over the "hump" and things are going "well", it doesn't take very long before I'm faced with another will draining issue.
A couple of years ago, after dealing and getting through a very hard time, I was then faced with being diagnosed with cancer, alone, scared, and financial depended on myself to survive....I was facing the ut most difficult time in my life. Struggling to fight, find a way to keep myself fighting and lost everything in the process of beating cancer.
I lost my house, my belongings, my assests, ....everything.
Yet, I am here...one day at a time later, going strong, stubborn as always....and re-starting,...yet again...anew.
Yes, to find someone to be with me, and me to be with someone, to look forward to having the bond, that connection, that hug at the end of the day, the kiss first thing in the morning....to make life seem like it's not all weighing on my sholders alone.
But HEY....I've proven to many that I can do it...and I'm not out to "prove" anything...I just refuse to give up or give in.
If I'm fortunate enough to find that love, that special person to share life together with...
fantabulous!!! It's what I'm hoping for. I've been alone a long long time now...and figure....my time is due and it's coming....
we all deserve to live happily. When you are happy and refuse to let life get you down...good things will happen.
Keep the Faith....
2/22/2009 11:46:50 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
I want to amend what I said.
I am not alone. I haven't been alone in a long time. I have wonderful, incredibly loving people in my life. I just don't think I'll ever have a more intimate relationship with anyone again. I am a wonderful person, but no one wants a 35 year old guy with epilepsy, an arthritic spine, and psoriasis all over the place who's also significantly overweight.
2/22/2009 6:05:45 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Hartselle, AL
age: 52
As far as a mate? I am trying not to give up on that. I am looking and searching with eyes wide open here,there and everywhere.
I am sorry you feel so alone. I have seen you in the forums but never checked your profile. I will do this.
Even though I have 2 sons I sometimes feel so very alone with all my problems. I think it is partly depression that causes this sometimes. We may not even realized we are depressed at times. I feel no one understands what I go through. The pain, the sickness, the FEAR. I am not afraid of dying...I am afraid of all I have to go through to get there. But I try my very best to keep a positive attitude...I do slip now and then though. I reach out to people and so far have really been blessed with those that may not understand exactly but are willing to lend an ear or a hug or a much needed smile.
I do get very frustrated with some doctors. I am currently in the market for a new primary care doctor. The current doctor seems to over dramatize things alot.
I am always ready to listen and you are welcome to e-mail me anytime if you need to talk. One last thing...don't know if you are religious or not but my faith tells me that I am never alone. Jesus is always beside me.
2/22/2009 7:50:30 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


French Creek, WV
age: 44
Hi All I am 43 almost 44. I have 2 beautiful daughters that live with me. A big family that is my strength alot of the time. I left my alcoholic abusive husband in January of 2006. I never reconciled. We were divorced last May. 5 monthes after we separated I came down with severe COPD. I had big plans to go on with my life and maybe even get a job. But my health put a quick stop to that. I have finally gotten to a point in my disability where I feel pretty good most of the time. I however am so lonely for a mans touch and affection that it is so frustrating waiting a wondering will I ever find another mate again. I would like very much to believe that I will not always be alone. I hope I am right. If it is meant to be, I think I will find him again. I sure hope so.
[Edited 2/22/2009 7:51:21 PM PST]
2/23/2009 4:39:54 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Snellville, GA
age: 45
I'm quite sure I will be alone. Although I look good, non contagious, and get around pretty good. My disability is terminal, and no woman in her right mind is going to get involved with me. I have ALS....
2/24/2009 11:21:55 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Latrobe, PA
age: 52
Yes, I feel like I will always be alone, I haven't had any luck dating irl or on the internet. I am getting old, and my mental problems make me difficult to deal with sometimes, I don't expect someone else to put up with it when I can't stand myself sometimes. And all my prayers fall on deaf ears. I truely feel abandoned and hopeless. But hats off to those of you who manage to stay positive!
2/27/2009 10:36:48 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Decatur, AL
age: 47
Amen brother! I feel hopelessly traped because the one im with dont make enough to make it on her own, she is a wonderful woman and all but i know in my heart i will never be truly happy with her because there are no children in the home, i lost my two kids to the state of california a few years ago due to my girlfriends disability (Traumatic Brain Injury) it caused spontaneous rage episodes and they took our children "due to the violence in the home" even though i had many friends write letters to the court telling them what wonderful parents we were and that the two of us never fought with each other and that paula just snapped now & then out of the blue and she wasnt always physical with me but when she was it was strictly one-way, it was never two adults "FIGHTING" anyhow to address taytay (hope i got your name right) No you won't be alone forever i have read your profile a couple times before i found this group and i would date you in a hot second! And that's meant in any sort of sexual way i promise. But i never wrote to you because a) i am with someone at the moment b) cause you are too far away and c) cause my front teeth are broken. i pray that you get a reprieve from the bad news and i know you will find a wonderful man to who will love you for all you are worth! ps. sorry to piggyback my comments but its difficult doing this from my phone!
2/27/2009 11:21:15 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Woodburn, OR
age: 32
There are days that yes, I feel that I will end up alone, and there are days I feel like that I won't. Lately I have been feeling like I will always be alone. I can't meet good decent guys here in town or even on the internet. Here in town ya I get looks from guys that say that there intrested, and when they see me start walking they look the other way and no longer make eye contact with me. Or I get the ones that say they don't care that I am handicap, and they start asking me right away if I'm recieving money for my disability, and try to find ways to see if I would give them money. So far on the internet I met a few that sounded pretty good, and when I tell them that I'm hadicap they don't answere me no more, like I'm contagious. It just hurts because before I tell them that I'm handicap, they always say that they don't care about a person's appearence that it's whats in the heart. I don't know sometimes it does break my spirit, and I do pray to God, but sometimes I just get tired of being alone. I know God is listening and watching out for me but I just feel empty, I just have to be patient, which I am not good at.
2/28/2009 10:11:17 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Augusta, GA
age: 45
Have to admit many days I did and have. But I know I have not come this far "alone".
I know he has been there to hug me on the days I cried out for love of another human touch (other than my family) u know romantical touch. I hope you hold on to these words because our lives are different, I go out to the market, doctor and I wonder am I the only disabled person in this city. If we don't come out and connect with one another than chances are we will be alone.
3/2/2009 11:11:39 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Columbus, OH
age: 45
I have felt like I will be alone...I am 45, I have good self esteem, outgoing, and love life. I volunteer a whole lot so I can go to galas, parties, get out and mingle. I am an organizer of a couple meetup groups, and I do try to stay busy so I do not think about my disabilities, but my abilities. I do go out on dates, but some guys just want sex today, and I want a real relationship...I do have hope that the one is out there...so keep your head up high, keep hope alive...I believe my prince is out there.
I am working on a lot of self improvement.
3/5/2009 6:16:00 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Excello, MO
age: 55
Yes, I have felt that way many times in life. I use to be very out going...and even some would say fun to be with...but as the years go by being disabled I have found more and more friends don't come around as often...don't call as often...and then it hits you...YOU are alone in life. Life is what we make it though, and I refuse to just stop trying to find someone to share life with though. Many people try to comfort you and tell you that there is "Someone" out there for everyone. Sounds good, but I often wonder is that the true reality of life being disabled. Most people don't want the hassel of having to deal with someone that has problems in life, they try to be nice about it..but it shows thru on most that they are only trying to be nice and help as best they know how. I have read a lot of good posts on here and most people it seems goes thru the same emotions that I do at times...we all have GOOD days...and we all have BAD days in life....but I think we all have to at least try to have HOPE...without hope there really isn't much left in life. I hope each one of you find that special someone that cares and understands your problems in life and WANTS to be with you and share life with you...NO one should have to be alone in life....God didn't make us that way...we each want to find that special someone and who knows...they may be just around the next corner...so don't give up trying...keep on keeping on...and Good Luck to Everyone...Keith
3/6/2009 6:19:16 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Saint Louis, MO
age: 51
i see, why, this date hookup site is a %100..00 free. its such a joke .dating siete.
3/6/2009 7:50:08 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Chandler, AZ
age: 48
I don't care one way are the other!
3/6/2009 8:30:04 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Atascadero, CA
age: 36
i see, why, this date hookup site is a %100..00 free. its such a joke .dating siete.
Not sure what you mean. It's not too fancy, but it has some cool features. Honestly the fancy stuff on the pay sites doesn't work for a lot of folks either.
3/7/2009 2:46:33 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Lawton, OK
age: 53
 Hello, I don't even know how I found you, I have only been on a computer for 3 days. But, there you are! I can emphathize, simpathize, and feel you totally. I feel the same ,but I do a 180 and get back to what is important...me. Number 0ne. That's all you should concentrate on right now..you. There are support groups but I couldn't stand to hear them whinnin' and not coming up with a solution or at least trying to. I think what you need is a one-on-one with someone that has been there and done that...me. My # is 580-215-9751 if you need a real person to talk to. Diz
3/7/2009 3:48:53 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Columbus, OH
age: 45
I know what you are saying. One can get out and enjoy life on their own instead of letting life pass you by and whinning about it. I go to social groups, go on vacations and trips on my own if I have to, but i get out and enjoy. I usually meet people when I am alone, but usually only talk. I am good at striking up a conversation with some one.
I will not take a guy home, but I will agree to call or see him again. Sometimes its a hit, sometimes a miss, but you at least have to try. And do not talk or whine about disabilities unless you get to know a really trust that person, or you see it being a problem for you or them.
3/8/2009 6:15:51 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Columbus, OH
age: 45
I had a guy propose to me last night. I have been chatting with him off and on since November on the phone and online. He is very nice and kind. He is in Tennessee, and I am in Ohio. He has back problems and is on disability there. I have yet to meet him, I plan to rent a car and visit in a few weeks. Who knows we may hit it off...
Truthfully, me being on disability, I do not really want to marry a guy on disability also. I do plan to get back to work soon, hopefully the economy will pick up. There is discrimination against those of us with disabilities out there even though it is against the Law. When I meet the guy I will know for sure if I like, love him or not. I will let you all know when it happens, but there is hope.  
3/17/2009 1:52:25 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Memphis, TN
age: 32
Well I always have hope deep down, but it's not exactly high. I don't really think it has to do with my disability though since mine is my vision and I still see good enough for it to only be noticable when I read or am asked about some object or soemthing of that sort. I have no problems for the most part. So it's not that I feel judged on that... I guess I feel judged for other reasons and also it seems like any time I DO get interested in someone she's a liar, so... blah.
3/17/2009 7:35:27 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Guntersville, AL
age: 55
Lynn, I can't say anything that hasn't been said before, but I'm in Guntersville too, if you need someone local to vent to or need to get out of the house to chill out and regroup. I'm just thankful that there are people that do understand and are there for each other. Life isn't easy when you are healthy, but it's ten times harder when you have to live with health problems.
As far as always being alone....I go through the guilt of , if I love someone that much, do I want to bring him into the dynamics surrounding me. Is it selfish to want to be loved and give love? Wish I had the answer. I know I don't want to be alone, that's why I have my dogs and friends.
It was good to talk to you at the AL St. Pat's dance Sat. ..
3/17/2009 12:35:01 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Cuba, MO
age: 45
i know how you feel iam diabetic and have nuropathy in my feet and hands, but iam active and walk a lot for exerise when i can. men run like the wind when they hear that come on guys im diabetic not dead. give uas a chance it might surprise you.
3/18/2009 11:39:21 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Asheville, NC
age: 33
I am starting to feel like I will be alone forever. I already have heart failure and last week they removed a tumor from my bladder I went to check in today and the Dr. told me it was rated at a 1 and most likely to have more and they will rate higher. 
I have held my chin up for 61/2 years and seem to be getting better and now this  The Dr. talks to me like I don't know what he is talking about. he doesn't know my husband died 2 years ago with cancer so I know what he saying in between the lines Does anyone else get tired of dealing with this crap all the time.
I am sorry to dump all this on ya'll but I got to say it somewhere I guess.
Thanks for listening to me rant.
I really feel alone in this world!!!
P.S. I think on your 40th B-day they need to hand out tool boxes cause you are going to start the break down. 
I'm sorry you are going through all you are going through, but I'm confident that it'll all get better in time. Just be strong and keep holding that chin up. Lonliness is a state of mind. There's many ways to keep yourself busy where lonliness isn't even a factor anymore. Go out and meet people, volunteer somewhere, hang out with some friends, do some of your hobbies. Anything that'll occupy your mind.
Being born with both of my arms missing from the elbow down and my left is slightly shorter than my right side. I've coped with people staring and laughing, people doing a double take quicker than the people in the wrigleys gum commercials (sometimes I see people spinning their heads so fast, I figured they were part of the exorcist movie ), depression, thoughts of suicide, alcoholism, any imaginable drugs there is. But why? Why think, feel and do such things when all you have to do is accept. Accept the fact you were born the way you are. Accepting and being confident on your so called disability will make you overcome any obstacles that you may THINK can take you down.
I have family and endless amounts of friends, still I feel alone. I AM alone! I am content being alone. All I need is my dog and I'm perfectly happily. I know he's always there and will be until he passes. Being alone isn't bad at all. You learn more about yourself. Of who you are. Sorry about my rambling. Again I'm sorry for all you're going through.
3/18/2009 12:06:35 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Crestview, FL
age: 58
all . Cherokeedreamer I know what you are talking about I also am a diabetic, and have high blood pressure and when a guy finds out that there is any thing wrong with you they run like crazy .any way I have been alone now for 15 years and most likely stay that way. But good luck to all of you.
3/18/2009 5:29:52 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Gainesville, FL
age: 51
As pretty as you ARE I cant imagine you being alone the rest of your life I recently went to a Singles Group that is Sponsored by the Church I am transferring my membership to and I am wondering why are al the people there so old I mean I am 50 but they all look much older than I am I have been Divorced for almost 4 years and I have not dated at a;ll Some times I just want to give up. I don't drink so I don't go to Bars I am in Recovery and I went to all the Conventions and Things and I never meet anyone there. I dont know but I have not given up yet I just started to go to The Singles group But I dont go on all the Functions Because I cant afford to eat out when they meet for Diner at Places and Bars I don't go when they meet there, There are not many Single women in my Singles Sunday School Class and I really am not interested in any of the Women there, But maybe someone new will show up.
3/18/2009 7:29:46 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Selma, AL
age: 24
Hello everyone my name Is Ray and I am alone but of course I am still a spring chicken at 23 and will be 24 in May. I ain't in no hurry to do anything right now. It would be nice to just find a decent girl friend. It is best to just way things out to get to know someone. The things that look good are not always good for you. All I do is give it to god and pray one day I can find a decent person. I deal with alot of lonlyness because I am not the person just to go out just any where. I am I can say a quiet type at first and shy but once I get to know someone I will open up like a flower. If it wasn't for Our father god and me praying I would have been killed in lonlyness because like I said I aint the one just to hang anywhere. Even though I am young I do get lonly but i wont let it put me down I keep on trying. I belong to a church In Sardis AL and I play drums for my church. I really enjoy doing it. Not to please anyone but to lift jesus name up. You can't please flesh an blood anyway. People still going to talk regaurdless. My disbility is Depression, Aniexity, LD which is Learning Disability and ADHD but My ADHD is not suver its minor and sometimes I get mood swings out of nowhere but I have a way to control it. But anyway you are never alone God is always there in time of need. We might not get things done like we expect but he is never late. God said in his word dont worry about tomarrow but let tomarrow worry about itself for which he knows what we need in each and everyday. Anything you need just ask him in prayer and he will deliver if you are senser and I know I said I was alone but what I mean't by that I am single but not alone with Jesus. So my prayers are out for you all because we all need a prayer. May the blessing of Jesus Christ be with you now and forever more amen.
4/17/2009 3:23:56 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Battle Creek, MI
age: 32
yes i fell that way every day. i fell like ill be alone for the rest of my life .
4/17/2009 5:06:31 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Wheeling, WV
age: 38
I used to feel that way and it frightened me.
Now I can enjoy it. I have learned so much more about myself, who I am, and what I can do. Independence is good. My grandmother used to say" in life the only person you can truly count on is yourself." I used to want to scream. The thing is, she was right.
Look at it this way... when you get up in the morning the whole day is yours. It can be whatever you want. You can read, watch tv or a movie, listen to music, do your dishes, water your flowers, etc etc etc OR
You can just rest your body for another day. You get a clean slate you can fill any way you like. Treat yourself to something special every once in a while...live a little and never regret it!
4/17/2009 7:04:19 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Saint Paul, MN
age: 55
I belive in yes you will be loved sometime/somewhere hope here!/ Im am not white i think some like there own race! be its kool ill hang in there!! lordy girl it will work out.
I just like people and i like having funnnnnnnnnn! letusing/BevGreat post honey!,,,
4/18/2009 6:08:32 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Harriman, TN
age: 52
Recently, I have been living with myself...I've taken myself to therapy and as a result I am finding my relationship with myself to be improving...If you are on here, you aren't alone!!
5/29/2009 6:25:09 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Kalamazoo, MI
age: 61
I have lost both of my parents and every one I ever loved. I feel I will die alone. Have not had a date in years. I am 61 years old. I suffer with depression and I know it is because I am alone to much. I have no family near me. I want to live near my brother but he is going to retire and then move so I have to wait a few years before I can move near him.
5/31/2009 8:01:32 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Temple, TX
age: 46
thanks for dumping, lynn! i'm only 10 months post stroke, but remember vividly when i was lying on my back in the hospital thinking, with what was left of my mushy brain, "nobody will ever want me again... life's over! why did i have to survive?" my thinking has cleared a bit now, but i'm glad i was able to talk some and get it out! i will never understand all that you have dealt with, but am glad to hear you rant some, my dear.
6/2/2009 3:15:59 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Eaton, OH
age: 46
alone been there all my life when I lost my left leg in 83 at age 19 was dumped on my birthday in the hospital was alone when I had my bypasses 03 also when I lost my right leg in 04 & when I had my Stroke in 05 still alone come to realize no 1's important than me just get up dust yourself off & keep pushing on    
6/2/2009 9:55:01 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Porterville, CA
age: 90
There has been times I have felt like I will be alone forever then I just just stopped worrying about it and started living life and enjoying it. I'm letting fate decide when i find the one if I do find the woman I will spend the rest of my life with great if I dont owell I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Alone is actually pretty peaceful. And, then Zipper (my cat) doesn't have to get her evil, jealous streak going.
6/3/2009 12:10:31 AM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |


Harriman, TN
age: 52
Yes, but I agree with myself usually!!!
6/16/2009 2:40:46 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Kalamazoo, MI
age: 61
Alone is actually pretty peaceful. And, then Zipper (my cat) doesn't have to get her evil, jealous streak going.
I am tired of being alone. It has been too long
6/21/2009 3:16:10 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |
Kalamazoo, MI
age: 61
I have lost both of my parents and every one I ever loved. I feel I will die alone. Have not had a date in years. I am 61 years old. I suffer with depression and I know it is because I am alone to much. I have no family near me. I want to live near my brother but he is going to retire and then move so I have to wait a few years before I can move near him. 
I pour my heart out and no one cares not one responce 
6/26/2009 10:08:53 PM |
Do you feel like you will always be alone |

Angels Camp, CA
age: 50
Im 50 years old,my wife just left me after 16 years of marriage,i thought we would be together forever. Up until i met her i thought i would be alone all my life,people look at you and see your disability not the person you are. Now that she is gone[only been 1 1/2 months] im back to thinking that at my age there is not much chance that i will find someone else to share my life with,its sad and it sucks. BUT i am not a quiter,its hard to wake up every morning and know what your day will be like,and that you are going to come home to a empty house,but i just keep plugging away. If it werent for my dog i dont know what i would do,animals for me are the best company,they love you unconditionally and are ALWAYS happy to see you. I have dermatomyocitis,to most people they think i have arthritis. But like someone said earlier,you have to be glad for the things you have and have done...i am very glad that i had the chance to have my wife for 16 years,at least i found someone who loved me for who i am and not for what i look like. The doctors told my parents that i would be dead by the time i reached my teens,guess thats what determination does for ya *lol* Well guess i better quit babbling,hope this helps someone....Brad