11/3/2007 11:10:23 PM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Religion seems to be a hot topic over in the forums, so it should also be big here. I would like to have an agnostic group, but the problem with an Agnostic group is that I might be the only person in it. I notice that nobody has posted yet in the Atheist group, so maybe atheists, agnostics, and fringe religions such as Scientologists and Satanists could all be lumped together and called something like "The Religious Fringe Group", or maybe just "The Religious Fringe". There might be enough people to make the fringe group work, and we would all have one thing in common... we are all on the fringe and usually shunned by other religions. They say you meet the most interesting people in Hell, this might be a way to find out without croaking.
11/4/2007 1:38:10 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
also one thats for spiritual people that dont perscribe to any one religion.
11/4/2007 9:49:45 PM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Yes I think the non religious would be a good one there is no place for us. Can't get in any of the religious threads.
11/4/2007 10:19:27 PM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Don't worry about it Slinky, you don't have to post there.
11/5/2007 6:43:59 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Slinky is cute to look at, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
11/5/2007 9:49:58 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Slinky, I apologize for the slight on your intelligence, it was uncalled for. I came back to delete it, but unfortunately you saw it first. Please understand that having groups of like minded people is very useful, especially within the diverse spectrum of religious belief. Consider how divisive religion is in the world today, and maybe you will understand that throwing all the people who want to discuss religion together can lead to too much conflict. Even those of us who are on the religious fringe (so to speak) are so different that there will be plenty of room for a lively discussion. By the way, the remark about you being cute was intended to be a compliment, not a crack.
11/5/2007 11:43:59 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
I would love to see what people would write in zoroastrian and menichiean groups, I might learn something. Geezes, I never even heard of those religions.
11/5/2007 5:54:09 PM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Penn Yan, NY
age: 58
Atheist here ... After 8 1/2 years of deep, indepth, research, openminded reading, many,many hours of serious discussions with 12 different Christian/Protestant clergy, I gentlly close the door on religion and any "supreme being/entity" . I say "gently closed the door ... It is ALWAYS open...Nothing ids 100% ... But you better present me with NEW, factual, evidetce/proof, soundly based conclusions of information to open my door. It's NEVER locked ... But you need the "Special Knock" of reason, facts, evidence, etc., ALL NEW ... not going to rehash the same old arguments/ideas over and over, if you wish to attempt to reopen my mind to "supreme entity/being" concepts. 
Not being HARSH, just being soundly firm and expecting something new if someone wants me to see the opposite way of the Atheist ...
Great site ... 
PS - I NEVER mispell ... Noah Webster was simply Dyslyxic 
11/6/2007 5:12:38 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Captain, I consider you to be an agnostic, because you said you keep the door open, and you said nothing is 100%. The true atheist has closed the door, he is 100% convinced that there is no God, just as the true Christian is convinced 100% that there is one. They are polar opposites and both have closed minds. As long as you have an open mind, then you're not a true atheist, even if you lean 99.999999% toward atheism. As long as there is the slightest glimmer of doubt in your mind, then you're an agnostic by my definition of the term. You and I are what I call practical atheists, and theoretical agnostics.
The agnostic approaches religion scientifically, to the agnostic nothing is sacred, everything is just a theory until proven. The question of God has not yet been proven to the satisfaction of the agnostic, and the agnostic sees no value in blind faith. When new evidence comes along, the agnostic is ready to throw out the old theory and replace it with a new one which provides a simpler explanation that's more consistent with observed facts.
I think religion was man's attempt to explain the universe before science came along. Some things may never be explained by science, which is fine because man may be unable to answer every question. I would consider the question of God and religion to be irrelevant if people didn't keep killing each other over it.
[Edited 11/6/2007 5:41:30 AM]
11/6/2007 5:37:31 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Penn Yan, NY
age: 58
I think we're dealing with both symantics and both our individual take on the meanings of Agnostic and Atheist ...
And Agnostic (to me) is one that acknowledge that there is "something" out there, just not a supreme being/entity/God etc.... where as an atheist finds no ANYthing out there save natural flow of eistence, physical law etc ... But 'tis merely each opur own opinion and view...
As for my mind being 100% closed. It is "PREVAILINGLY" I do not doubt tha absence of a reglious entity at all ... The door is left unlocked for those who wish to attempt to sway me otherwise, thus re-enforcing my own stance as I defend it against new information/assails...
I appreciate your throughts and respect your opinion ... Perhaps my attempt at clarification & explaination helps in some way ... Tho I can still see even with my own eyes where the reading COULD seem to leave the type of "doubt" you spoke of. OOOoooooommmmmmm ........ LOL
11/6/2007 5:52:58 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Perhaps I am splitting hairs with you over this. I call myself an agnositc [as I understand the term], but I don't acknowledge that "there is something out there", I only acknowledge my ignorance when it comes to that issue. The alternative is to take a stand one way or the other, and I see no reason to do that just because it's the socially acceptable thing to do.
By the way, since you define yourself as an atheist, then why don't you post something over in the atheist group which is already set up. No one has posted anything there yet, and if you put something there maybe others will join you. I will not be able to join you there, because technically speaking I do not consider myself to be an atheist. that is why I've called for an agnostic group. In any case, this area is not a group, it's only here to determine the level of interest in starting a new group. It's too bad you don't define yourself as an agnostic, because I think you would be an asset to an agnostic group if DH approves one.
[Edited 11/6/2007 5:59:06 AM]
11/6/2007 8:10:18 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Penn Yan, NY
age: 58
Well, like ALL things concerning 'Beliefs" ... there are always plenty of 'hairs' to be split - LOL
I often vist The Atheists Chatroom on AOL . It's interesting to a point, but too many there that are abusive to Chritians that come in with serious questions or want a serious "discussion" . (tho those tend to be few among Christians that choose to come into a room named for Atheists) Most come in to preach and try to convert and damn us, act immaturely etc.  
There ARE, though, a coupe of extremely Religiously knowledgeable people in there that I have learned a lot of information from ... As for the Atheists Forum here, I'd rather spend what spare time I have in the Forums looking for Miss right. I only stopped in here for the one comment and to see what sort of remarks were bing posted ... It's been interesting .. Later - Bye 
11/6/2007 10:20:59 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Thank you for stopping in and adding to the discussion. I didn't know there was any such thing as an atheist chat group on AOL, so I learned something from your visit. I wonder if there is also an agnostic chat group on AOL. I wish you the best of luck in your quest for "Miss Right". I gave up on my quest for a soul mate many years ago, I decided it was an exercise in futility, much like the search for God. But I enjoy the social interaction the DH forums provide. DH is the only site of this type I've found on the Internet.
11/9/2007 9:27:04 PM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Would love to have someplace to discuss and debate with those who do not follow any organized religion. Most of us that have come to this point in the road have already been down the religion path and have rejected it. Would be nice to have someplace where they would not be able to come in quoting their books and trying to convert others.
I personally have become addicted to DH in the last 9 months. There is nothing else like it out here and the people on the forums are great to communicate with.
I have also seen a lot of men on here that I would be interested in if they gave a single hint that they were interested.
11/10/2007 5:17:25 AM |
Agnostics and the religious fringe |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
Ah Queen, you add so much to the forums, I don't now why these men aren't beating down your door. If only I were not a fruit, what beautiful music we could make together.