
Hopewell, VA
age: 40
"Thirty-something" has been said to be the decade to reform who you are and where your priorities lie. It is said during this decade one shifts focus from friends to family, from fun to home.
I know for me, I have found this to be true. In my early 30s I didn't care much about career. I DID care about family, but also entertained more, "partied" more, and did my fair share of "sowing my oats". Now, as I am progressing quickly into my 40s, I have come to rely more on God and myself. My focus has switched from having someone else around to make me "feel whole" to being whole, which opens me more fully to others.
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Abilene, TX
age: 42
Sure we are reforming ourselves......We have points of our lives that we can see where we have been...reference points...(We didn't have that before)....Before, we knew we know less....It stands to reason.
I have noticed that what really throws off the people in my life is my absolute honesty and complete unwillingness to take any shit.

Hopewell, VA
age: 40
And that has just developed in you over this past decade? Glad I met you when I did. That is one of your charms as far as I am concerned. 
I don't think I have thought I "knew everything" since I was 17 and moved out on my own. But, I do believe I am more willing to listen to other's side and agree to disagree or be open minded enough to change my thoughts or opinions. Earlier in my 30s (and before) I was more apt to just think someone else "stupid" for not believing as I do. We live, grow, and learn (at least those that choose to).