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11/14/2007 12:43:30 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
Ladies, what draws u to a man and what is most important to u when looking for a ltr ??? Love, personality, looks , age, money, ???????????? what do u look for when u meet a man for the first time ????? What turns u off ?????????? Guys say they dont understand women , can we give them a clue??????????
11/14/2007 2:44:12 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Hey burn, I'll take a try at this.
Looks not so much, but I like em tall. I'm one of those women who like to put her "red shoes on" (heels that is)... some men are uncomfortable with a woman that is taller... don't want my man to be uncomfortable.
Brains comes next or first depending on his altitude attitude.
Sense of humor co-exists with the brains... quick wit is a sign of intelligence to me.
Can't say money isn't important... it is... he needs to be financialy secure. At "our" (mine and his) age it is time.
Turn offs
No money
No brains
No funny

[Edited 11/14/2007 2:55:47 PM]
11/14/2007 3:03:09 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

York, SC
age: 30
I feel that they are all important. Some a bit more than others. I think love and personality are at the very top. But I must be attracted to them, and that doesn't mean a 10 though, or even an 8. And I want a man within a decently close range as to my age. And as far as money, they don't have to be rich or anything, but have to work and be able to contribute. So I say all of the above, but I can't say that there is just one thing that I find to be most important. I think that honesty, faithfulness, opinionated,respect, etc. are also very important.
Turn ons: loves kids, can be a big kid (but not all the time), a great smile and eyes that I can get lost in.
Turn offs: Bad teeth, no job, no car, rudeness, no self-respect
[Edited 11/14/2007 3:05:47 PM]
11/14/2007 4:33:00 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Intelligence excites me....quick wit stimulates me!
11/14/2007 7:45:49 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
most important personality with a sense of humor and a creative imagination and being comfortable with who he is without boasting.
Turn-off--Definitely lying
11/14/2007 10:33:03 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Smarts all the way.
11/14/2007 11:09:17 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

North Augusta, SC
age: 50
Guess it's a combination of different things. I've been attracted to men which girlfriends have told me were "homely" or "yeeeckkk"!! It's never just one thing...
1. Must have hair (their own!)
2. Must have teeth (their own!) No green or yellow ones, please!
3. Must have intelligence (does not mean PhD!)
4. Must have compassion (for living things other than themselves!)
5. An established address (doesn't mean a mansion!)
Turn offs:
1. Crude (doesn't refer to 'heat of the moment' talk!)
2. Rude (Blatantly, or uncalled for!)
3. Uncontrollable temper (make love, not war!)
4. Uncontrollable jealousy (a little goes a long way!)
But then again,...maybe I'm asking for too much!! 
11/15/2007 2:41:42 AM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
Thanks ladies, that should give the guys a few clues so when they come over and read our posts they can take " notes". U can never do too much "research" .
Thing I look for first is "whats in his heart" , is he a "good " man, how does he treat animals, kids and little ol ladies?? everything else can be "worked out ".
11/15/2007 9:50:22 AM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Red Rock, TX
age: 36 online now!
There has got to be an attraction....
I am so easy going I can talk to anyone.. Problem is I have a flirty personality too!
I am not looking for a 10 But there has got to be some chemistry on some level. Whether I am intrigued by his words (if he happed to be on DH) or if I met him somewhere.
Of Coarse as we age ( me being the youngest to reply so far) stability become important too.
Okay I want it all::
Age: doesn't really matter as long as we have somethings in common, that's why I think a man from my genre might be a better match.
Looks: I like alot of different types of men,,, something about a bald head on man I find very sexy. I like them with hair/ without I find all types of men attractive.(lOL)
Money: always helps, it eliminates alot of arguments about spending money.
Personality; Is so important, I want to be comfortable and relaxed with someone. All the time even when I am in a pissy mood.
Love: Its been the one that has gotten me every time. Money was never thought of. I will try to make it more of a priority this time. I don't want to have to support him. I would like a "Help Mate" not another child.
This is a great topic. Thanks. this smiley makes me laugh every time, I start to crave chinese food.(LOL)
11/15/2007 9:59:54 AM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Red Rock, TX
age: 36 online now!
I forgot something--- A man in uniform:
cop, fireman, service, I think its the clean cut strong protector image I am attracted to.
I am turned off when I feel that they are talking about how great they are, it makes me feel like they think I am lucky to be with them...
Hey, I am a great catch!! I have value, realize it... I am not going to waste my time on braggers. They are to insecure.

11/15/2007 4:02:51 PM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Gosh I just thought of that as giving me a reason to think they are worth my time.
11/16/2007 11:47:07 AM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Tioga, PA
age: 66 online now!
I definitly think that honesty and being romantic come in first w/me>
I need to feel he really loves me and will be with me til the end:
Turnoffs--lying,cheating,bad teeth,no energy-------not clean,disrespectful, not a family person,a woman--beater.
Guess that covers some of the bad traits i hate------hugss--lotsafuninpa.
11/17/2007 7:54:01 AM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Gainesville, GA
age: 40
Well the way I look at it looks is out for me I look deeper then that. A man smile tells me more about them when it comes to first look then they way they treat me first off show me were their heart is I'm simple to read and easy to get alone with.Until you cheat on me, lie to me, and try to treat me like I don't have a brain then you'll see the worst side of me :: have a nice day
11/18/2007 11:32:27 AM |
most important , age , looks, money, personality, love???? |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 48
I enjoy being with someone who is passionate about something, and I don't mean sexually. They have something they care deeply about, and they share that passion with others.