5/28/2009 12:25:22 PM |
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Mobile, AL
age: 32
I just logged on to find this in my inbox. I am so sick to death of getting these. Ive been at the hospital dealing with a very sick friend and i do not need this childish crap to deal with on top of it. And yes this time i am upset about it. GET over yourself and get a life Message------------------- From: bootycall4u Sent: 5/28/2009 12:20:08 PM Subject: Stupid You are nothing but a cold heartless b*tch. How many times do you have to be told you are not wanted here. Get a f**king clue already and get lost
5/28/2009 12:33:04 PM |
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Pisgah, AL
age: 46
I flagged his profile. When you open that e-mail it has a harassment and vulgar option at the bottom. Click on it and report to administration. Then hit reply and erase his chat name and put "customersupport". Tell them you received that in e-mail and give his chatname and report him. They will remove his profile.
5/28/2009 12:35:29 PM |
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Bowling Green, KY
age: 51 online now!
i dont think its anyone from this chat room.......i get crazy emails all the time. posting them on here could make it worse.....just saying.
5/28/2009 12:38:55 PM |
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Huntsville, AL
age: 48
Welcome back Bev.
5/28/2009 12:41:20 PM |
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Bowling Green, KY
age: 51 online now!
thanks gary! 
5/28/2009 12:41:47 PM |
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Bryant, AL
age: 49
Yep Bev is right your doing what they want you to do and they feed off of it and when you report it they come right back with another new profile, its just simple deleted it and don't worry about it and don't make a big deal about it.
5/28/2009 12:52:22 PM |
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Hayden, AL
age: 57
Bev! Welcome back.
Laura, I know it upsets you to get those emails, but just let it go. There are real kooks out there and they're not worth getting upset over. There goal is to upset people on this site. Don't give them the pleasure. You may not know who he/she is sending these, but you do know who didn't send them, right? My advice is to just report them, delete and go on. Just not worth it. Be cool. Love ya, girl.
5/28/2009 1:04:56 PM |
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Mobile, AL
age: 32
Just to set the record straight here. The main reason I am upset is because ive got a friend in a coma and dont know whats going to happen and i find that and it makes a bad day worse. Yall all want me to let it go. Walk a mile in my shoes right now and youll know what it feels like
5/28/2009 1:42:01 PM |
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Murrieta, CA
age: 55
Belle my heart goes out to you and I'm sorry you're having to go through that. My late husband was in a coma for 5 months before he passed and I took care of him the entire time at home. All sorts of other chit hit me during that time so I understand how you must be feeling. Hang in there and try to forget about these mindless AH's and do what you need to do for your friend.

5/28/2009 1:48:16 PM |
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San Diego, CA
age: 57
everyone gets yucky mail, I just flag them, block and forget.
5/28/2009 2:51:13 PM |
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Hartselle, AL
age: 61
Laura, I am sorry you are going through a rough time now. Just hang in there and be strong. I know it is upsetting to get emails like that, but just try to ignore them. Don't let them know they are getting to you, that just adds fuel to the fire for them. People that don't have anything better to do than send emails like that are not worth wasting your time getting upset over.
I am saying a prayer for you that the Lord will give you the strength that you need right now. I am also saying a prayer for your friend and her family.
5/28/2009 5:40:00 PM |
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Mobile, AL
age: 65
Laura - sorry that you are going thru so much right now - my prayers are with you.
Since we both live here in Mobile - I would email you my phone # and ask you to call me, BUT - I cant email you b/c you have an age block on your email - so if you would email your tel # or whatever it takes to make a tel connection - I would like to treat you to Lunch to get your mind somewhat away from what you are enduring right now. This is not a date proposal - it is just a kindness thing from my heart to help you cope.
later, Burt 
5/28/2009 5:51:13 PM |
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Vinemont, AL
age: 56
I know how rough it is to be helpless when a friend or relative is sick and you don't know what the prognosis is. As far as these emails--strangly--I do not get them very often...I just delete when I do and let it go. Like was previously said when you bring it to AL Chat's attention, then they have accomplished what they want--ATTENTION!
5/29/2009 10:00:14 AM |
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Somerville, AL
age: 46
Laura - sorry that you are going thru so much right now - my prayers are with you.
Since we both live here in Mobile - I would email you my phone # and ask you to call me, BUT - I cant email you b/c you have an age block on your email - so if you would email your tel # or whatever it takes to make a tel connection - I would like to treat you to Lunch to get your mind somewhat away from what you are enduring right now. This is not a date proposal - it is just a kindness thing from my heart to help you cope.
later, Burt 
Sounds like she needs a long walk and talk on the beach.
Laura my best wishes and prayers go out to you and your friend