11/24/2007 7:28:28 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
I'm find I get on DH looking for my women friends, end up playing in the forums by default at times! I'm a flirt and smart ass with the best of you, but get tired of all the sexual bantering at times.
11/24/2007 8:02:33 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Yah... and it didn't take Sandbagger long to offer the older man thing. Wonder about his motivation...LOL
11/24/2007 8:02:49 AM |
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Venice, FL
age: 55
Hi Stella...agree totally with you, if only there was less talk, lol..seriously I was hoping this group would be more active..it seems pretty quiet compared to the rest.
11/24/2007 8:07:11 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
Then lets get it going!
11/24/2007 8:07:44 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Stella, you do make a good point. All the sexual bravado (by men and women) does make you wonder if they're trying to convince us or themselves. I also wonder why they don't post that sort of thing in the forum dedicated just to sex.
The other thing I appreciate about Woman's World is that I haven't experienced any bashing here...yet. That's refreshing.
11/24/2007 8:08:51 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
I've been married most of my life, got on here in Sept., after being divorced for 5 yrs. The banter is fun...but I get in over my head at times and my inbox is full of guys I want nothing to do with! 
11/24/2007 8:12:39 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Venice, FL
age: 55
Yea...I read Sandbaggers thread..even checked out his porfile, sure won't be giving that one any more of my reading time!
11/24/2007 8:14:15 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Well, my inbox isn't full all the time. I do notice that about 98% of the men who either wink or write to me are from other states. That common theme has me second guessing whether any of the local men really want to date or if I'm just not their type. For the ones contacting me from out of state, I immediately put them in the "friend zone" because I have no desire for a LDR nor do I ever plan to move out of state and leave my family, friends and my job.
[Edited 11/24/2007 8:15:30 AM]
11/24/2007 8:18:26 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Mankato, MN
age: 47
i agree with you. sometimes it is just nice to talk to other women
11/24/2007 8:19:26 AM |
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Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
lotus..yep, I didn't even check the profile! Yikes...run quick!
But the people who interest me post, I've gotten all my friends there.
LDR...I didn't even know what that meant, till I fell hard for someone in SF!
11/24/2007 8:20:10 AM |
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Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
snow...is it snowing?
11/24/2007 8:22:17 AM |
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Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
The sexual repeats...anal, d*ck size, etc. UGH!
11/24/2007 8:23:04 AM |
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Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Not here in Texas.. just rain and cold... ugg.
11/24/2007 8:23:50 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Venice, FL
age: 55
I joined this site about two weeks ago, and it is true, a lot of the winks are from men who live out of my state..something I am not interested in at all. But back to the winks..I am really torn with them. They remind me of the construction crew on the street corner..a wolf whistle when an attractive woman walks by. I have a hard time saying thank you for something like that. I usually just end up ignoring the wink, until the time is taken to write something. What is your take on Winks?
11/24/2007 8:29:48 AM |
just wanna chat? |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
My take is that some guys just want to say hello and others want to approach you but want to do it in such a manner that if you don't respond, they don't feel so badly rejected.
For awhile I considered all winks to be nothing more than "hello" but find that isn't accrurate either. I'd prefer that they send me an email so I don't have to guess their intent. I'd also appreciate it if they'd send a picture so I have some idea (assuming it really is their pic) of who has emailed me.
I am considering the practice of just deleting all winks since I can't read their minds.