Spencerville, OH
age: 38
How do you handle the holidays when you lose someone you love, who loves the holidays and it was definately a time for family and the love we shared as a family. I can't bring myself to be excited about Christmas it was my mom's favorite holiday, Everyone says I should want to celebrate it because of her but without her it is kind of hard, it makes me cry. Any suggestions?   

Albuquerque, NM
age: 36
you do the best you can and remember not to dwell on the past and what and who you are missing, but instead, only remember all the good times you had together and celebrate her memory! This is how you get along with it and make the holidays special in spite of the circumstances..... By celebrating their lives instead of mourning them, you can live our your memories in your mind and then you won't dwell on how sad you are at why they are gone. This is the best advice I can give you! Good luck, and I am always available to chat.

Spencerville, OH
age: 38
Thanks Matt for your reply to my losing my mom, I will take your advise and make the best of the holidays in her memory and yes that is what she would want. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Would love to chat with you sometime.