12/18/2007 1:35:37 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Columbia, TN
age: 45
Do you really think honesty is the best policy? When should you be totally honest? How many on here are totally honest about their situation or what they want or need from a mate?
12/18/2007 2:01:54 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Woodlyn, PA
age: 48
Hi connie. Yes I believe in honesty. If not , it bites you on the a** everytime. Just think about it this way, would you like someone not to be honest with you? Not me.
12/18/2007 10:45:16 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Hazleton, PA
age: 41
No one is completely honest all the time. It's not possible. Your SO spends a lot of money for clothes he/she likes a lot and you don't like them. You're gonna say, "They look really crappy on you and you wasted a lot of money?" NO! You're going to phrase things as delicately or just say, "Yes Honey, they look nice." Your SO just bought a car he/she loves and you hate. You're gonna tell him/her that? NO! You'll be as delicate as you can to spare someone's feelings. There's nothing wrong with that. It's funny I had a similar thought I planned on posting in one of the other forums and I will in a few days. If everyone of us was totally, brutally, completely honest with everyone about everything, we'd lose every friend we have in about an hour and a half.
[Edited 12/18/2007 10:45:51 PM]
12/18/2007 10:57:51 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Hanover, PA
age: 48
You can be honest 100% of the time. As long as you always tell the truth your lies can not hurt you. Life can hand you some blows, and lieing will only add to that. Truth hurts but lies hurt worse.
12/19/2007 12:40:47 AM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Macy, IN
age: 46
100% honesty only give and recieve I can not handle lies been hit with them way to many times and do not have time for more!
Very good question!
12/19/2007 12:44:03 AM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Valdosta, GA
age: 47
My Grandmother would say it is okay to tell a peace lie, a lie to keep the peace.
But I am honesty is the best policy myself, but remember the truth can sometimes be painful.
12/19/2007 7:52:15 AM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
I try to be honest all the time - at the same time I don't want to hert anyone's feelings but I'm a straight up person and some people don't like that, and I would rather people be that way with me also...... better than bs'ing any day..
12/19/2007 9:52:53 AM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Hanover, PA
age: 48
It is all in the delivery. Telling the truth can be hurtfull if you do not take care in the delivery of that truth. Brutaly honest I am not...I have a heart when I tell the truth.
12/19/2007 10:37:46 AM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Roberts, IL
age: 44
Like Stormy I try to be honest with people but I'm not going to tell someone they have an ugly baby if asked. Many times it's best to keep your mouth shut I have problems doing that to. Being honest and loyal in a relationship is the only way to go. I suppose it makes a difference who you are dealing with. If they are your one and only they will understand you and be able to handle some criticism. Are you going to eat brussels sprouts your whole life because you don't want to hurt her feelings I'm not.
12/19/2007 12:50:18 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Norlina, NC
age: 41
i have always believed honesty is the best policy..im always honest in my situations even if it leaves me alone or looked past when it comes to choosing a mate...i rather be alone b/c im honest than to be with someone b/c i lied to them and later lose them b/c the truth was told...so i try to keep it real from the start..i don't like to cover up or suga coat my feelings! 
12/19/2007 3:41:01 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Columbia, TN
age: 45
Well thanks guys.....I do believe honesty is the best policy...and when you don't it does come bak to bite you in the a#@....
12/19/2007 6:24:20 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Huntington Beach, CA
age: 44
I believe honesty is the best policy. True being honest has bit me in the butt a few times. But at least I can live with myself...
Being honest is a big part of being
12/20/2007 5:33:37 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 45
Yes. Makes one's life much simplier.
12/20/2007 6:13:08 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
It depends what honesty is to you and all of us.
Most people think that honesty is telling the truth.
My belief is that honesty is doing what gives me peace.
And yes, I always say and do things that gives me peace as I know no other way of living my life.
Example of my belief of honesty:
- Say I make an online order of a product with my credit card.
- The purchase form online asks me for my home phone number.
- The form will not finalize my order until I put my phone number.
- I do NOT like to make my contact info public due to unsolicited calls etc.
- I make up a non-working ph number and put it on the form and finalize my order.
I feel safe not putting my phone number because I value my privacy (something companies will never do), therefore I was very HONEST about my feelings by avoiding to put my contact info and this causes me peace. (which is all that matters to me)
Same applies to relationships and everything else in the world in my opinion. 
12/20/2007 9:41:57 PM |
Honesty? Is it the best policy? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 42
Merry Christmas, Sensual Latina! I agree with you on your approach to "honesty" and the bottom line is "peace of mind" and feeling secure with your actions.
The world is an amazing landscape and on a daily basis it presents me with the opportunity to exercise the better part of discretion with valor..........

Roundhouse in Phoenix, Arizona