Dayton, OH
age: 37
I'm out in left field waiting for a pop up fly (baseball term) on this one!! Why do people play games with each other? I hear a lady say they want a good guy who will love them and treat them like a lady, BUT they turn and head over heals for a bad boy who only hurts them in the end. I know guys play games on you ladies too. But when will we stop the "BS" and accually look for what we truely want?

Portland, OR
age: 35
I dont think it starts out as games. I think women want a genuinly good guy who opens doors, remembers important dates, communicates, etc. With the bad boy excitement, be that man who will protect, a little bit of throw you down and have awesome sex. (not drama). In this day and age we have so many quick convienant options people get mad when they wait at the drive thru for 10- 15 mins?? (would you like fries with that) or more than 30 mins for pizza. So when we go with the daily flow of life ....get up, work, eat, shower, sleep, and then do it all over again. People get bored and want something more. I think some people are hard to please, and act as if they are not. If people would make their own excitement, use a little patience and stop and smell the flowers things would be a lot different.

Augusta, KS
age: 36
The BS will stop when the "good" one comes up and it catches you totally off guard. Good things come to those who sit back, wait and enjoy life in the mean time. JMO

Roscommon, MI
age: 36
Check out this thread...

Clayton, OH
age: 38
Steve is TOTALLY a great guy.......
Bring on the old ladies on bingo night! (Only Steve will know what Im talking about )

Riverside, CA
age: 42
I was just wondering the same thing. We are all just wasting life by, shopping and not buying.

Brownsburg, IN
age: 39
Ok guys, how many of you have been married one or more times? How many times are we going to keep shopping and buying? I think when we meet someone, we mistake chemistry with lust. When people meet and get together, in the beginning, their both really happy & everything is bliss. I don't believe either person has the intention of playing games, cheating, or hurting that person from the get go. People always say date about a year and see where it takes you. I think this is good but you really don't know somebody until you live with them. Then there's the religious factor for some of us, don't move in until your married. Kinda like putting the cart before the horse.
I dated my husband for 5 months and then got married. Little did I know after moving in with him, he was big on porn. I would've never guessed it from the way he was in bed. He seemed like a gentleman, not the kind to do this. On his computer he had pictures of girls that were half his age naked. I started getting curious at that point and did my own research. His bank statements showed checks written to these girls, lingerie bought for them, etc. He had duffle bags full of porn. While we were married, he was on websites like "college f--- fest. He's 43 He has 3 young daughters to top it off.
Needless to say, I have filed and am getting out. So to all of you out there who want somebody and say your lonely, take it from me, there are worse things then being alone!