9/29/2008 1:44:23 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |
Louisville, KY
age: 54
There is a favorite quote of mine from Abraham, "I am that which I am and I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are." For those who are unfamiliar with Abraham, it is a name given for a group of entities that are channeled through Esther Hicks. One name was chosen for simplicity. Esther and Jerry Hicks are husband and wife and have been teaching and giving spiritual workshops since the 1980's. They have written some of the best spiritual books available. I also listen to their workshops for free on hayhouseradio.com. There are so many wonderful spiritual teachers to choose from. This last bit is my opinion only. I think the definition of a Christian is to be "Christ-like" or to strive to be as Jesus taught us. I call on Jesus whenever I feel the need. He is our brother and he lived as a human just like we do. Just thinking about walking beside him and discussing my earthly issues with him brings me much comfort. I do not believe in any particular religion. I have researched most of them. There is something good to learn from all religions. I take the best for me and leave the rest. If I were to give myself a label I guess I would call myself a "Gnostic Christian." Gnostic simply means a seeker of truth. Not one truth but whatever we feel is our own truth. Thank you for listening...........
10/1/2008 11:56:53 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Hello Shaman. I just think that when people say things they should be able to back it up. That is one of those I am sick to death of hearing.
Besides, anyone who lives till they die are going to be coming through rough times in their life. That does not apply, metaphor or not. Or when people without faith handle their lives, does that not count?
10/4/2008 3:47:07 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Davisburg, MI
age: 57
ashe Sister very well said!
10/4/2008 10:20:05 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Columbia, SC
age: 20
Besides, anyone who lives till they die are going to be coming through rough times in their life. That does not apply, metaphor or not. Or when people without faith handle their lives, does that not count?
Everyone lives until they die... kinda doesnt work any other way. Besides... having faith that a mountain will move is already verified because our mountains are moving constantly. What would a person without ANY faith at all be called? A nihilist? I'm not quite sure, but as far as I am concerned faith of any kind is considered faith, and even athiests usually have faith in themselves. If not, i don't see them doing very well in getting through rough patches in life. Where would any of us be without any faith at all?
And if you decided to pick on me because i happen to be quoting something from the bible, i really dont appreciate it (or simply just that you had to start in on me...), i was trying to discuss IDEAS here, not necessarily Christianity. Personally, i don't follow that path, but I am the type of person who tries to learn from everything. The fact that it came from the bible doesn't exclude it from being a statement that can be applied to other situations.
And shaman, In my personal belief system, the statement would actually... be as you said, a theory. I believe that if i truly believe in something, and contribute enough energy to the goal of that "something" then it will manifest. BUT! I can't change something that wouldn't want to be changed, so the mountain would only "move" if it would like to.
Kinda like the same argument against quantum mechanics theorems where any random object could up and appear somewhere way across the galaxy as long as something observed it... why would the object do that if it didnt want to?
[Edited 10/4/2008 10:34:08 PM]
10/5/2008 8:47:18 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
hhhmmm i am discussing ideas, and i kno mine are focused on my religion, but thats the one i kno about. i have a bad memory for specific fct but i remeber the ideas better. so sorry if my backing isnt up to par.
besides it's not like i'm trying to convert you, i just trying to show my point. and b/c i am my mothers daughter, i like to convince people that i am right xD
10/7/2008 2:33:57 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
At 19 and 20 you both have no idea how many times you KNOWING will change in your lifetime. Have enough understanding to respect that there are things you have not learned yet.
10/7/2008 4:01:34 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Columbia, SC
age: 20
And thats precisely why i'm here queen, to discuss these things openly, without facing ridicule. So i might actually learn from others. Yet, even on forums like these i suppose i can't get away from the ridicule of others for my beliefs.
and where did i say i KNOW anything beyond a shadow of a doubt? I'm 20, i understand that there is plenty i don't know.
[Edited 10/7/2008 4:03:01 PM]
10/8/2008 1:47:25 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
all i said was that i spoke more about my religion b/c i know more about it. i do not kno all about it and did not claim to. and i very much am aware that i don't kno anything. i go through an awakening every couple of years and relise that i don't kno shit everytime. and even in your 60s you should relise that you also kno nothing compared to what there is to kno as a whole. the more you learn, the more you relise just how much there is to kno.
also you complained about not being able to discuss ideas and were risking flameing to ask questions in the christian forum and now you complain that christianity is being spoken about? my religion is one of many out there and i like to discuss ideas about it.
At 19 and 20 you both have no idea how many times you KNOWING will change in your lifetime. Have enough understanding to respect that there are things you have not learned yet.
10/8/2008 5:33:02 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Red Deer, AB
age: 35
And thats precisely why i'm here queen, to discuss these things openly, without facing ridicule. So i might actually learn from others. Yet, even on forums like these i suppose i can't get away from the ridicule of others for my beliefs.
and where did i say i KNOW anything beyond a shadow of a doubt? I'm 20, i understand that there is plenty i don't know.
There is much wisdom shown in this post.. along with a touch of irony...
I have gotten to know some young people who most assuredly put me to shame.. and quite frankly? It excites me! It gives me hope for the future.. thanks for that 
To the Op.. what is the point in asking others to "discuss ideas" if you are going to put limits on said ideas? As the lady above me mentions, your opening post talks about discussing ideas without being attacked..... hmmmm.....
[Edited 10/8/2008 5:48:01 PM]
10/8/2008 11:39:49 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Columbia, SC
age: 20
Thank you.
So now, lets get back on topic.
Here's an idea... since before we went off on a side tangent (me and night_tangle) i believe i read a bit about fear.
How would you say your spirituality/religion is affected by fear?
I believe fear to be the mind-killer. The thing which will instantly create a hold on all progress. But how do you see fear? Is it being afraid to go on with your own pursuits? Is it being afraid of something more mundane? Or would it be the fear of ridicule? The fear of what could be out there?
Or is it just that we should all see ourselves above impractical fears and focus our energy on bettering ourselves and sticking to just worrying about what is necessary?
10/9/2008 10:43:56 AM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Red Deer, AB
age: 35
Good question... fear can be seen as something that holds you back, but truthfully it isn't fear itself... it is your reaction to fear which truly matters. Will you lend it power, making it real? Or see it as a symptom that something is out of balance?
Fear shows me that which needs to be healed.. brought into the light..
To me it all boils down to trust.. if you trust, what is there to fear?
10/9/2008 2:54:16 PM |
Where are all of those who want to discuss ideas |

Oak Harbor, WA
age: 19
sometimes fear freezes me and other times it propels me into action.
if i dont kno what to do about the fear it freezes me. like the fear of my now unknown future, wondering why i no longer have dreams. sometimes i doubt my very sanity.
but when there is fear that i can fight, something tangable i do something about it. i do not like to be afraid. i used to have a phobia of ladder after one broke on me when i was younge and i still have the scars from it. i can get on ladders now, they freak me out more then others but i can still use them. i have gotton stranded in another city b4, without a way home. my friend was freaking out so i had to stay calm and figgure out a way home.
fear tend to highten my faith. b/c i will pray if i dont kno what to do. infact my faith was slow in growing untill i went through a tragity then it strengthened ten fold.