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2/11/2008 8:12:09 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I don't know where to begin on this but I do know that there is a lot of information on these subjects that would be very helpful to those who are trying to learn or expand there understanding of how things have come to the point that they have.
Ra was the Egyptian sun god (many ancient cultures and some current ones revered the sun as the ultimate god, as without it life could not exist). His full name was Amun Ra, and it is from his name that later groups got the word Amen.
If my memory serves me correctly Ra was the first god to be called the only god by Tut's father Akenaten (sp?)
2/11/2008 8:50:00 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
Yes, I have heard of Ra, the Egyptian Sun God....did not know that it was involved with Amen....ya see, I learn something every day. Thanks, Liam.
2/12/2008 8:36:02 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Akash, this is not meant with any disrespect but, at 29 you are still very young to think that you have already reached total understanding. As I said, not attacking, just wondering if you are aware that age changes us and our understanding of everything, if we are open to continue growing?
2/12/2008 8:56:02 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I don't know where the hell you got the idea that I said I had reached total understanding, but at 29 I know for a fact that I have not shown the level of ignorance and misunderstanding that others over twice my age have shown. I hope when I reach your age I am not anywhere near as judgmental and critical of others. This is not meant with any disrespect.
[Edited 2/12/2008 8:57:44 AM]
2/12/2008 9:19:55 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
Heavens, Queen....I'm even older than you and I am sure I haven't reached the point of total understanding.... But, I'm learning every day....and....loving it. And, SURPRISE, in my private conversations with Liam, I have ALREADY learned a lot from HIM. I'm not sure where you got the impression that he feels he has total understanding, but I personally can assure you that he does have a great deal of understanding for his tender age, and that he has never conveyed to me that he has total understanding. He is as eager to learn as I am.
I hope that you get as much enjoyment in learning as both Liam and I do.
[Edited 2/12/2008 9:21:16 AM]
2/12/2008 10:03:06 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Torrington, CT
age: 40
Queen of Hearts wrote: (sorry, I don't know to automatically quote)
Akash, this is not meant with any disrespect but, at 29 you are still very young to think that you have already reached total understanding. As I said, not attacking, just wondering if you are aware that age changes us and our understanding of everything, if we are open to continue growing?
Aint that the truth! When you are younger, you tend to think that you are done with your education. Formal, structured education anyway. Yet, A wise man keeps his ears,eyes and mind open to learn new things. I am going to be 40 on Wednesday and I still strive to learn new things everyday.
I too know of Ra but could someone explain something to me. Where did the Greeks come up with Dryads and Harpies in their mythology? Seems for a group known for their scientific observations, the Greeks had quite a few mythical characters, gods and goddesses. Likewise they have Nymph's (Dryads are Tree Nymphs of Oak Trees, originally. The term Dryad now applies to Tree nymphs of all trees.) Likewise Elves and Faeries. Faeries are sometimes spelled in modern English as Faries. Most of these spirts are female. Wasn't there any males? I ask as I am a Scifi writer, in addition to being a Gaian, I find these creatures quite fascinating. My writings can be found on Elfwood.com btw. look for Allyssa the Dryad and The Dryad and the logger. Handle there is the same as here b'ichela.
Being this a Religious group that has meny neo-pagan believes in it, including me. Do you believe these creatures exist, in another dimension/time space?
2/12/2008 10:43:36 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I am confused, I started this thread so that everyone would have a chance to discuss a variety of topics and post questions that someone out there has the answer to. I did not intend for this to be a discussion about my age, and whether or not I am aware of the changes that age brings. To end this part of the discussion, yes I am aware of how one's understanding changes as they get older, just as I am aware that I do not have all the answers. maybe someone could explain to me why certain people feel so compelled to say this to me over and over again. I apologize for having studied these issues, as well as many others from an incredibly young age, especially if it offends others out there, it was never my intention to offend.
2/12/2008 11:03:14 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Nymphs who lived in trees and died when the tree died. Like the freshwater nymphs known as naiads and the ocean-going Nereids, dryads were minor deities of a less-than-Olympian order, with limited powers and lacking immortality
harpies These are demonic winged women with beaks and claws, into punishment, torture and death. Starting off as stormy Tornado Goddesses, they were originally fair-haired and beautiful, but soon realised this did not really project the right image. One quick makeover and they became screechy, scratchy, vicious and downright unsavoury in every way.
As far as I can say it goes back to the belief that every living thing had an earth being that was related that it looked after or cared for. In my opinion it is essentially the name given to the 'soul' of the trees or tornados etc
Even though the Greeks were very scientific they seemed to know that everything possessed its own type of energy, so they began naming them
[Edited 2/12/2008 11:18:43 AM]
2/12/2008 2:21:16 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I spicifically stated that I meant no offence. I just ask a lot of questions some people don't mind and some get offended. I was just curious if at 29 you felt as I did at 29; that there wasn't much to be learned anymore. It is hard to talk to young people they always feel so offended if you mention their age. Sorry.
2/12/2008 3:23:08 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Well, Queen, I guess I did not understand or see that you were asking me if that is how I felt. It would be incredibly foolish of me to think that I had learned everything there is to know. I am a firm believer in 'you don't stop learning till the day you die'. I truly do not mind being asked questions but it seemed that you were making a statement as opposed to trying to figure out how I felt or what I thought. I have always been on the advanced side for my age, so I have a long history of people using my age against me. I am sorry that I responded the way that I did, I should have asked you for clarification before saying anything. Please, no hard feelings, I have seen you all over the site and do enjoy reading a lot of what you have to say. I am still wrestling with my red-headed temper....
with the utmost sincerity,
2/12/2008 4:36:11 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Akhenaten was the one who began a Monotheistic religion. But it was not Ra, it was the Aten... The sun. Which is why he changed his name - to reflect that.
But, yes, Amen does come from Amun. I have a fascinating book on Egyptian mythology and how it is very similar to the creation myth of the Bible.
When I am feeling better I will post some of those parallels. Shaman, I know you will love the info.
I think what many people fail to realize about the Bible is that much of the stories come from earlier religions and regions: Mesopotamia and Egypt just to name a few. Even the story of Adam and Eve eating of the tree - the Egyptians had a version which I think is far more beautiful.
2/13/2008 12:18:22 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
No problem Shaman, I don't always say things the best way. I think and write at the same time so sometimes it makes no sense to anyone else. Sometimes people say things in a way that sounds as if their answer has no more questions. It has a finality to it.
I know that everytime in my life that I thought I knew something for sure, it turned out to not be so. Like christian for instance, 40 years ago you could not have convinced me that it was a crock, even if you talked for a year with every great arguement there is. Now I do not accept any of it as inspired, though some of the wisdom, like from Jesus own words only not what the writers wrote, I accept as wisdom.
I have lived so many different lives, with each of past ones ending in a day, that maybe I could not have done anything but learn to live and think a new way, or die or go crazy.
2/13/2008 6:33:06 AM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Thank you for the correction Sekhmet, I knew it was a sun god of some form or another. I look forward to hearing your parrallels from the early mesopotamian and egyptian civilizations. By the way, what is the name of the book
2/13/2008 1:01:24 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

age: 62
Akhenaten was the one who began a Monotheistic religion. But it was not Ra, it was the Aten... The sun. Which is why he changed his name - to reflect that.
That's true, but Akhenaten took the idea from his grandfather Tuthmosis IV, who venerated Aten in the old kingdom. Aten was a minor aspect of the sun god Ra Horakty and this can be found in the text on a large scarab owned by Tuthmosis IV which mentions Aten. If you look deeply, you will find the origins of yahweh the Abrahamic god, who is described in Egyptian mythology as the god of war, a very apt description considering the results we see from worshipping this myth. When you have a real lpok you will find this Abrahamic mythology derives from both Egypt, Mesopotamian and Indian mythology.
2/13/2008 6:26:39 PM |
worldwide religions, ancient beliefs, and mythology |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Thank you Storm.
My opinion is that Moses (being raised in Egypt for some time) formed YHWH from the Egyptian pantheon.
Read the description of the Ark of the Covenant. It seems very Egyptian.
Shaman: The book is 101 Myths of the Bible / How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History.
I would like to go into more detail but as it is the day after my surgery I'm only giving a very abridged version of what I want to say. More when I am feeling better.
I will also post excerpts from the book in the next couple days. I have a feeling it will lead to some interesting discussions.