2/21/2008 12:16:12 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 33
Hey everybody... I'm pretty new to this site, and I am a little disappointed that nobody from Rhode Island has anything to talk about...
What's going on?
Anyways, I'm recently divorced, and I'm just looking to meet some new people to chat with or go shoot some pool or whatever.
I'm not really actively pursuing any kind of long term relationship, but I have an open mind and I always try to take life as it comes.

2/21/2008 2:03:25 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Warwick, RI
age: 59
Don't feel bad about nopt getting any responce, I'm from R.I. and I can't find anyone to chat with either.
2/23/2008 9:40:45 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Lakewood, OH
age: 40
HA HA!!!
2/26/2008 12:32:50 AM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Kingston, RI
age: 50
Nope. State borders close at 5:00 pm. Which sort of explains all the inbreeding. Biggest holiday is Father's Day. Everybody participates...........Like an Easter Egg Hunt..... without the eggs....ouch. 
2/26/2008 1:17:56 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 33
Wow... only guys have answered so far... not cool... 
2/28/2008 5:25:03 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Cranston, RI
age: 50
Yes things are happening in Rhode Island. We are on the brink of bankruptcy with a 550
million dollar deficit. There are almost no jobs. The real estate market is down 20 -30 percent.
Time to bail.
3/1/2008 11:19:21 AM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Coventry, RI
age: 46
well what do you expect in 1983 the number one employer in the state was the "state its self". with more corruption and sanctuary's cities, add to the mix.
also with that kind of thinking most people around here will not talk to any one who they have not known for at least 20 years.
the state motto should be "Just Bail faster" (instead of fixing the leek)
3/5/2008 4:08:30 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 52
Hey c'mon....I have lived in RI for 52 years and we're not all that bad...a little eccentric, granted...but not everybody in RI is crazy
3/7/2008 11:49:27 AM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Fiskeville, RI
age: 41
sorry you had to move here--lol its very hard to meet women here they are mean and stuck up for the most part...
but there are alot of nice ones its hard to find--a good place to go for fun is the hi hat in providence older crowd nice looking women..sexy- and pretty nice for Ri it is a hard state to mix it up but people are not to bad there are alot of asses but good also alot of clicks here...so if u have any more questions just ask..
3/7/2008 6:14:04 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Cranston, RI
age: 50
I agree with you about trying to find people to chat with and date in Rhode Island.
Had great chats wih people from nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut. I became a
tri-state dater. Rarely am home alone on Saturday nights. All the people i met have
been nice from both Mass and CT. I think they are worth the exrra mileage. Most of
your profiles seem to be in Mass. Don't limit yourseld, Cross the border.
3/8/2008 4:18:31 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 59
Have been trying to meet ppl from RI for months
3/10/2008 2:11:43 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Coventry, RI
age: 46
lets see a Rhode islanders conversion would be:
"aaaaaaa what school you go"
"do you know my cousin?"
"my cousin went to CCRI so he's wicket smaht"
"I going away on vacation" A Florida or B new Hampshire C Fox woods
I used to drive for an private ambulance Co. and at times let family sit up front with me,
I hear things like "you have a green arrow flashing on you dash,,you better check your oil or something." or as i went to jump on 95 to get to a hospital quicker, I heard "you cant get on the hi way we are not going to new york" ????????. or "you did not stop at that yield sine"?
why are you so scared to explore, is it because you do not know the names of the streets, your directions are ware thing used to be, I also heard turn left at ware Gena used to work,,,who is Gena and where did she work, did she quit or did it burn down.???????

the state is only 20 x 30 miles(a small county) but 95 runs on for 87 miles?
unwritten rule #975,(maybe my cousin shoulda told me) you can only date people who live just one town over,,I.E. a person from Exeter can not date a person from Johnston. but Johnston can date people from Cranston or Providence,???????
3/11/2008 5:56:00 AM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Providence, RI
age: 25
Well RI is very Boring if u really wanna chat go to one of the local Bars and make a new friend. the internet for RI is not the way to go, you have a better chance of meeting someone u like in Mass than in RI.
3/18/2008 7:27:15 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

Pascoag, RI
age: 53
Actually Rhode Island is a very interesting place. The location between New York and Boston made for some very interesting times from probation to the current times.
How many other states can boast about the politicians from Providence, Pawtucket and central falls filling up one wing of the ACI, not to mention past Supreme Court Judges?
Things in Rhode Island have gone down hill ever since the Patriaca (forgive the spelling) Family lost full control. At the very least the politicians were not so out of control and most things in this stat made some sense.
The street gangs were not dumb enough to commit any crimes outside of their allowed areas.
As far as the scean here on this site, well at least the women don’t seem to be getting paid to respond to the men here.
3/20/2008 9:24:29 PM |
Is anything happening in Rhode Island? |

North Kingstown, RI
age: 49
at least if someone does post here.. they arent 3000 miles away. but can you be too close? i'm intimidated that 2 people have posted in here.. where the distance is .1 .. one tenth of a mile.. ok.. ok.. which neighbor is it...