Uniondale, NY
age: 31
Okay so we've all heard the term. "You need to love youself before you can love someone else". I think a lot of us say it, but where not "living it".
If we keep attracting the same type of relationships...then we have to take a look in the mirror.
Like I said and will continue to say..Too many of us are looking to be loved when we don't love even ourselves.
When we love ourselves we don't get all caught up when a guy shows us some type of attention, we don't lose our head because we are so thirsty to have someone love us.
When we love ourselves, we are not afraid to be single, because where filling our life with other things..so when a gentleman does come along he'll just join our party.
When we learn to love ourselves, we set boudaries,
When we love ourselves we don't date and mess around with someone who's married.
When we love ourselves we don't use our sexualtiy as a weapon or vice.
When we love ourselves we don't fake pregnancies and try to trap a man.
When we love ourselves we don't jump the gun in realtionships,or make something that it's not.
When we love ourselves we don't just sleep with anyone.
When we love ourselves, we don't say " well anyone is better than no one"
When we love ourselves where not totally consumed with a person liking us, but we see if we like the person too.
When we love ourselves we are not afraid to speak our mind with tact, so a person knows what our realistic expectations are.
When we love ourselves we are not afraid to say yes or no to something that is healthy for us or is destructive to our lives.
When we love ourselves we do not allow our emotions and heart to be treated like a yo-yo.
When we love oursleves we go through the pain..but we know that's it's only gonna make use stronger.
When we love oursleves we take the time to nuture, heal and find out who we really are. Again we set boundaries.
When we love ourselves we don't let life make us bitter and jaded...because we deal with situations as they come along.
When we love ourselves, we are not needy, clingy and expecting someone to come along and give us a self-esteem.
When we love ourselves, we know that we are valuable because we are a human being first before anything else. OUR VALUE is not in a wedding ring, having babies, a big house, fast car, a six figure salary, fat, skinny, tall, short, or having a boyfriend or girlfriend, this list can go on and on......
Sorry but I just had to write this......
[Edited 3/6/2008 9:43:16 AM]

Monroe, NC
age: 38
That was GREAT!! me and my b/f broke up 6 months ago and i've been struggling with it big time! and EVERYONE has told me the same thing...take some time off and get to know you and that whole you need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. so, i've been working on that! your list was awesome...and i might just be on the way to loving ME b/c i could relate to some of the things you listed!

North Little Rock, AR
age: 36
Excellent, Cos. Thank you!

Buffalo, NY
age: 29
smart women Cos and you are absolutely right!!!