3/14/2008 6:24:55 AM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Petrolia, ON
age: 64 online now!
Soneone posted this subject in the 50+ group and got a pretty good reponse from our American cousins. I thought that since Ontario covers such a big area spring must arrive at vastly different times and in different ways. For instance, although I should be having signs of spring in my garden, with the blanket of snow lying there, my flowers won't be putting in an appearance anytime soon. However, the robins are back!!! As are the swans in the marsh area near Grand Bend. There have been other bird sighting recorded by the naturalists at Point Pelee. What is happening in your area?
3/14/2008 4:01:46 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Hamilton, ON
age: 44
p*ssy willows are out. mud where there is no snow..
3/14/2008 5:33:28 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Brantford, ON
age: 50
I get off work and there is still daylight. Lights are turned on later in the house..
3/14/2008 5:42:20 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Windsor, ON
age: 49
It was an absolutely warm and beautiful day today. People walking around wearing just
sweatshirts or jackets.
3/14/2008 8:45:33 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

East York, ON
age: 41
No, unfortunately no signs of spring yet...except it's tax season...LOL!
I can't wait for it to get here!!!
3/15/2008 6:52:23 AM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Ingersoll, ON
age: 58
Saw the trumpeter swans when I was taking my granddaughter back to St. Thomas. Also saw a field with about a dozen wild turkeys just south of the 401. I still have about 2 feet of snow. It is melting but I don't want it to melt too fast as a don't want any flooding.
3/15/2008 11:29:35 AM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

London, ON
age: 49 online now!
My tulips and daffodils are beginning to pop their heads out. Where I can see them without this huge blanket of snow that is!
3/15/2008 3:49:18 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Petrolia, ON
age: 64 online now!

Thanks for all the great responses. Sorry I couldn't answer sooner, computer problem. I keep looking for my p*ssywillows, Spyderwoman, but they are keeping their little heads tucked in. I wonder if it's colder here next to Lk Huron than you are next to Lk Ontario?
Don't we all love the extra daylight at the end of the the day, Golden. Especially since I'm retired and I'm not up as early as I once was. I think both you and SpyderW are in an area that's gets more snow than I do here. These warmer temp. are really melting the snow here, is your's going as well?
Mare, you are farther south than any of the rest of us. Surely some of the trees should be budding in your area.
Magtag, that has got to be a more pleasant thought than TAXES. But for sure "that" time is just around the corner.
Londen, I am right on the fly-way for the swans, but I haven't seen or heard them yet. When they go over my house you can hear them long before and after you can see them. That route down to St.Thomas is another flyway, and seeing a dozen wild turkeys must be quite a sight.

I was in London last Wed. and there looked to be lots of snow still. Those tulips and daffs must be coming up in a protected area, Misskitty.

Don't we all love this time of year. (except for the mud and water) It's so exciting with all the new growth and the birds retuning. Should be time for some maple syrup B/F.
[Edited 3/15/2008 3:53:18 PM]
3/15/2008 7:18:49 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Windsor, ON
age: 49
No I can't see any buds on my tree outside but we've had quite a lot of snow here lately.
3/16/2008 5:34:32 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

East York, ON
age: 41
Well today we saw some sunshine finally!! Still a TON of snow and I don't see a bud on anything unfortunately, but a few more days like today and maybe some of the snow will melt and we'll find something peeking out of the ground. I'd love nothing more than to ditch the boots and gloves!
3/16/2008 5:41:26 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Petrolia, ON
age: 64 online now!
I know I have piles of snow here too. But I went to a pancake and maple syrup breakfast this morning. Yum.

3/19/2008 5:43:21 AM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Petrolia, ON
age: 64 online now!
Finally!! With the warmer temps and the rain, enough snow has melted closer to the house, I can see the daffs pushing their noses through the soil. And the p*ssy willows are beginning to show themselves.

3/20/2008 6:02:03 AM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Ingersoll, ON
age: 58
March 20th, First day of spring, still have lots of snow but can see some buds on the trees, and the birds are really setting up a racket. Haven't heard my doves yet. I can't see the tulip or daffodils they are still under the snow banks.
3/23/2008 2:29:28 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Kingsville, ON
age: 50
snow is gone, can see grass lake is melted{ erie} birds are out kids playing& laughing in park can have a coffee out side on deck looking at lake without freezing my a--- off or hands can go barefoot on deck & BAD PART see where i forgot to rake leaves &pick up sticks in fall & garbage wher coons or cats got at it COME ON MAY HURRY UP
3/24/2008 3:11:08 PM |
Signs of Spring in Your Area of Ontario |

Petrolia, ON
age: 64 online now!
Rudracula, it must be a great deal warmer in Kingsville than it is up here. Lk. Huron is still ice covered for as far as you can see out. And you wouldn't walk on my deck in bare feet unless you wanted frost bite. I am looking forward to April and May and hopefully some of the warmth making it's way alittle farther north, to Lk Huron!!