Tulsa, OK
age: 51
HI all Its ED .
Iv had a few who would like to do a singles picnic this summer.
any one with Ideas on what to do feel free to send a note are any one looking to help feel free to let me know. We are looking to try and do it befor it gets to hot.
One idea is around fort gibson lake.. they have horse and jet bikes rentals.ect Along with a hotel are cabins and as for cost there cheap..
some one else asked about grand lake.. there is a lodge there with a sandy beach.. a nice place to bands....boat docks.. rentals. and a bar right on the airport and with enough they will give a discount on rooms.
are any other ideas on a get togeither just let me know..
It seems most of the singles meets are in a bar, and im just looking to try something other then a club.. let me know if any one feels kids shouldnt be there are if they should . it makes no mater to me are most iv chatted with .. thanks again and hoping to hear from more of you.. P.s and if you have met some one please still fel free to come and enjoy .. ED