4/14/2008 4:46:58 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Just kinda curious what women go through that might want them to delete their profiles??? I have noticed several in the last little bit that have. I hope a few of them come back!!!
4/14/2008 5:11:37 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Unfortunately, there are a lot of jerks out there. A lot of con artists. A lot of perverted individuals. Um....that's part of the problem.
4/14/2008 6:34:16 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
But is it really so bad that you would need to delete your profile??? I have a little stalker chic who is comical to me. Always re-inventing herself, calling and texting me ect... annoying yes, but not to a point where Id change my profile. So it makes me really wonder how bad it is for you ladies. Some of those women were pretty fun to talk with, Cowgirl 69 being one of them, she just signed up and poof gone.
4/14/2008 6:41:55 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
It gets pretty frustrating and I can't answer for the others but it can also be a bit frightening depending on what the jerk says.
4/14/2008 7:29:35 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Manti, UT
age: 26
Hi TruckerDude - I'm friends with cowgirl_69 and she got a lot of sickos sending her emails, so she decided it was time to get offline for awhile. She might be back one day, who knows.
4/14/2008 8:00:19 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Frightening??? Really how so??? I only ask because of the anonymity we have on this site. My job over the years (almost twenty).It has given me the opportunity to meet and come in contact with everything from drinking beer with celebrities, to dealing the worst criminals. I have had guns pulled on me twice, and seen others murdered or pulled in shortly after the fact, along with numerous other things. Out of all the things I have seen and heard, two things always surprise me. First the way a a grown man will get on a C.B. and talk, saying things he would never say if his Mother were around. The second is a lot of things pertaining to women. They will endure abuse just to be loved and do un-imaginable things for love. So I can't understand how some men can treat them so badly with physical and mental abuse??? What kind of up-bringing must of someone had to write the things I can only imagine to you girls here, and to be even frightful!!!!
4/14/2008 8:12:16 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Hey thanks!!! I hope I wasn't one of them haha, seriously??? Hey and where did you disappear too??? I think I thought you were a re-incarnation of my stalker and I apoligize for that. Glad to see ya found us over here. Tell her if she comes back to email me, and you do the same!!!! Again welcome and post MORE often.
4/14/2008 8:12:45 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
I want to add here....there are also a lot of nice people on here.
4/14/2008 8:18:07 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Miss coffe as sweet as you are dear I can't imagine you knowing anyone but nice people.
4/14/2008 8:22:18 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
I can name a few that wouldn't agree with you, but thank you...LOL
Also, you have to figure that if someone my age is having this kind of problem, it's probably much worse for the young ladies!
[Edited 4/14/2008 8:26:05 PM]
4/14/2008 8:37:19 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Your age??? C'mon now,yer like the new thirty five!!! Im sure the boys are beating the email door down to get at ya!!!!
4/14/2008 8:42:18 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Ya goofball....what I'm referring to is that I have enough of the problem, so, I'm pretty darn sure the younger ladies are having an even worse time of it. Where did your little stalker chick find you at? A website?
4/14/2008 9:01:06 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Goofball!!!!! Haha. Yeah she did, this one right here!!!!!! See at first I just gave my number or email out when someone asked for it. I had never been on one of these sites before, so being retarded I didn't know what I was getting into. I talk to a lot of them daily, others just email. This paticular girl went hog wild really fast.
4/15/2008 4:28:47 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Manti, UT
age: 26
I get enough of the wierdos in my email box, I normally block them, but cowgirl_69 didn't know what to do to get rid of the pervs. I have met some really nice people on this site, too, so I'm sticking here for awhile. I'll let her know that you would like for her to join back up so the two of you can email back and forth some more.
4/15/2008 5:42:14 PM |
Deleting profiles??? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Yeah, show/tell her how to do the block thingy, better yet if she only opens the ones from me she will be safe haha J/K.... Why would guys send yall things like that??? Do they really think they'll get a positive response?? Catching more bees' with honey comes to mind.