4/15/2008 8:24:55 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Alright yall, we all got'em. Ghost stories, bigfoot, UFO'S ect... Lets hear them!!!!!! If you disagree or think someone is lying keep your objections civil. This could be a lot of fun, you might even learn a great story to tell around the campfire???
I'll go first since I started this in the camping thread. A few years back a buddy of mine and I took a weekend camping trip near the white mountain. We took horses and two small tents, and of course beer. We rode all day to the area we wanted to be in, when we got there we set up camp got a fire going and threw out our fishing lines. We didn't expect to catch anything because most of the fish winter kill up here. That left our hands free for drinking beer and roasting hot dogs. There was still snow on the ground in places and we camped right on top of it, snow acts as a insulator and at that hiegth you want all the heat you can get. Anyway, after no fish a package of hotdogs, beer and some Crown it was bedtime. During the night I was woken by foot steps. I figured it was my buddy but thought about bears and said nothing, found my hand gun and drifted back to sleep after the steps had stopped and things got quite. The next morning I was up first, yep those tracks were my buddys, they went around and between our tents. Then I noticed they went into the woods, I thought that drunk retard went to use the bathroom and passed out!!! I called for him and was startled when he answerd me from his tent. He got up and started whining how I kept him up all night walking around kicking snow on his tent, and now was waking him up early. I said umm... I never left my tent and if you didn't leave yours, you need to see what's in the snow!!! He crawled out of the tent, after a few minutes of me convincing him that my size 13 did not make those noises and tracks we both got to packing our gear!!! We debated on following the tracks but decided not to. There is a lot more to this but lets hear some stories from yall.
4/15/2008 8:26:11 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Moab, UT
age: 25
trucks r us!
4/15/2008 8:28:24 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
I don't find that to be a BS story...I think it's interesting. I look forward to further "installments".
4/15/2008 8:43:32 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Well hello Miss Yanks, nice to see ya posting sweets, I'll work on my end of the deal, promise k. Miss Coffe it gets going from there. Now someone else's turn.
4/15/2008 8:46:50 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Well, I still look forward to further installments of the story.
4/15/2008 9:19:32 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
C'mon now tell one of yours. I have stories about why I will never ever sleep on highyway 50 between Baker NV and Fallon NV. Strange things that have happened while on the road also delivering to a military base. Tell me one.
4/15/2008 9:23:24 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Where is area 51 from there?
4/15/2008 9:57:34 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Not far at all. I have seen weird stuff in the sky, but what scares me out there is what I have seen on the ground.
4/15/2008 10:01:34 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Manti, UT
age: 26
Do tell - what's on the ground that has you worried I don't have any strange stories, but I love to hear them! And I don't think they are BS.
4/17/2008 12:27:47 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Hyde Park, UT
age: 44
Twenty years ago I went to my first (and only) Grateful Dead concert. Had a wonderful time listening to them jam for hours, getting groped by the opposite sex in the beer lines, and watching some gal under the influence of God knows what dance around sans clothing for 20 minutes before realizing what she was doing. Next morning I woke up at home, 90 miles away, with no idea how I got there. Spooky!

At least it's a story.
4/17/2008 1:15:05 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
LOL! I suspect there may be a lot of people who used to go to Grateful Dead concerts that had similar experiences. Good story!
4/17/2008 9:00:23 PM |
Strange, weird, unbelieveable stories!!! |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 36
Right after having my daughter I rented an old house in a town called Copperton. Everything was great. about a week after moving in I started noticing thing being moved from the place in which I left them. That went on for about 2 months and I was really starting to think I was going crazy. Things started getting really weird I went into the kitchen one night to warm a bottle and the stove was on with a pan of water on the burner but when I tried to warm the bottle the water went cold. Freaked me out big time. I warmed my baby bottle in the micro. and the next morning the micro was broke. I had no money to move I had just paid for this place. I then was asked the next day by my neighbor why was the lights fickering on and off all night at my house. I told them they werent and then the neighbor told me that the person who lived there before me was killed by a freak accident with the electrical. I moved out a week later but still 17 years later wonder what the hell happend in that old house and what was I being told.........?