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would you like some amonia with your ground beef?
by kevinbarry at 3/10/2012 7:59:43 PM

McDonalds and Taco Bell said they do not even use this stuff but millions of pounds of ground beef have this "pink slime" blended in and used in school lunch programs - just so these beef distributors can make more money off of beef waste that used to be used in dog food and cat food.
Maybe that is why our pets want some of our table food.
Also, some of your local grocers are buying this pink slime in "pink brick" squares that they blend in their ground beef before they sell it to you packaged together. Mmmm Mmmmm Good, right?
The lady in our government who approved this "pink slime" for human consumption left her job to sit on the board of the company making the "slime" and she has made over $1 million dollars over the past 10 years!
I only posted this to bring the Pink Slime to everyone's attention. THIS IS NOT a political football - both parties are trying to cut the budget and neither party is complaining about the slime in Congress.