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Thread Starter Replies Last Post
single mom looking to date momsingle02 3 6/7/2013 8:06:51 PM
by andyc20091990
Dating as a single gather is impossible littlebittwiste 25 6/7/2013 7:06:12 PM
by andyc20091990
im a true fulltime single dad uga1785 7 6/6/2013 8:52:52 AM
by littlebittwiste
wants and needs lostnoz 13 6/6/2013 2:58:47 AM
by littlebittwiste
What If This Was Your Child's Father/Mother countrygirlfany 18 6/5/2013 8:45:05 PM
by littlebittwiste
what happend to people bigman170 6 6/5/2013 8:34:18 PM
by littlebittwiste
for the single dads out there kryptoboy23 2 6/4/2013 11:56:00 AM
by littlebittwiste
forgive or learn a lesson? judas236 3 6/4/2013 11:46:21 AM
by littlebittwiste
single moms.. for play dates!! tattedmom83 2 6/4/2013 11:46:11 AM
by tattedmom83
New to dating! Difference between dating and relationships? tattedmom83 4 6/4/2013 11:28:10 AM
by littlebittwiste
This is my first crazycmc 15 6/3/2013 11:57:20 PM
by sazzyblonde7619
Single father looking for that right one yellowbone_22 5 6/3/2013 12:29:46 AM
by clayton26
People constantly judge you on your past..when no one is perfect onlychld 2 6/2/2013 11:14:15 AM
by littlebittwiste
best thang that happen to u sense your break up bigman170 3 6/1/2013 10:32:31 AM
by littlebittwiste
Single man lookin for a single mom kingphil1 0 5/30/2013 8:03:16 AM
by kingphil1
Proud parent moments sassy_girl41112 21 5/29/2013 4:17:37 PM
by megg28
pet names / nicknames anthonyplus3 22 5/28/2013 10:29:51 PM
by fidelityin707
shared summer break hurts ? uga1785 1 5/28/2013 10:20:27 PM
by fidelityin707
Parents opnions... jamie624 2 5/28/2013 10:16:21 PM
by fidelityin707
Any other parent deal with this feeling? jessi812 15 5/28/2013 2:28:32 PM
by dadsangel85
hi i am looking for a single father. behappyof13 12 5/28/2013 1:10:40 AM
by joeee4
Rodeo mom (single ) rodeobabe24 6 5/27/2013 10:02:29 PM
by rodeobabe24
single mom new to oklahoma missmugs 0 5/27/2013 8:57:54 PM
by missmugs
Separation and family... wordplaypoet 2 5/26/2013 3:07:50 PM
by jamie624
how do u get your kids to stop fighting bigman170 10 5/26/2013 12:40:10 PM
by fidelityin707
why did you want to be a singel mon/ dad bigman170 3 5/26/2013 9:31:50 AM
by caringforu1
do u judge a man/woman by their ex uga1785 1 5/25/2013 6:17:13 PM
by fidelityin707
what do women want in a man bigman170 13 5/24/2013 1:38:49 AM
by blackribbon
how many people will lie to save a relationship bigman170 3 5/23/2013 9:35:27 PM
by 1sadgirl01
y do single fulltime dads get doged uga1785 6 5/23/2013 3:47:53 PM
by sayrah1184
how do you truly make women happy bigman170 0 5/23/2013 9:42:44 AM
by bigman170
is true love real bigman170 1 5/22/2013 10:26:10 PM
by loveableladee
single mom looking... shellshell27 0 5/21/2013 1:57:42 PM
by shellshell27
parenting advice? ms_peeps 4 5/21/2013 9:07:23 AM
by fidelityin707
How has being a parent changed you? i_am_desiree 14 5/21/2013 6:51:36 AM
by herefortheforum
What's the worst thing a man can do to a single mother? mekee13 27 5/20/2013 11:18:47 PM
by wordplaypoet
Tired of doing it alone sonrise07 12 5/20/2013 7:26:29 AM
by reedie1989
Single mommy looking :) alliefromil 20 5/20/2013 2:55:50 AM
by trpage
well, well, well, another single dad wtf? jb2829 0 5/19/2013 11:24:17 PM
by jb2829
California Dads? 707angel4you 0 5/19/2013 9:43:31 AM
by 707angel4you
Social life as single parent lezleh21 14 5/17/2013 8:37:46 PM
by c2j2012
Superhero Status littlewilly1001 1 5/17/2013 7:14:34 AM
by suprchrged
single mommy of one =) babybug21 2 5/17/2013 4:00:01 AM
by dragonstar01
singel mom post here for good men bigman170 4 5/16/2013 1:49:18 AM
by randy211990
single mom looking for friend heartofdust 0 5/15/2013 11:57:56 PM
by heartofdust
single father of two kuntryboy2000 0 5/15/2013 8:25:20 PM
by kuntryboy2000
single mom looking for a good man countrygirl08_3 13 5/15/2013 8:03:09 PM
by mrsthicknezz19
An insulting opinion on single mothers raising children on their own lyndymoon 37 5/15/2013 7:13:48 PM
by bearycute85
Share what you do when your going crazy dez_25 2 5/13/2013 11:40:12 PM
by floatdriver
How is it being a single mom.? Happy Mother's Day :) mandalover123 1 5/13/2013 6:13:39 AM
by i_am_desiree
teens wanting to get pregnant nice_guy_jason 1 5/12/2013 4:10:54 PM
by fatwomanwanted
Share your favorite stories i_am_desiree 3 5/10/2013 12:59:29 PM
by i_am_desiree
what is the best thing a man can do for a women bigman170 1 5/10/2013 12:35:40 PM
by mekee13
scared pregnant teen nice_guy_jason 0 5/10/2013 1:57:24 AM
by nice_guy_jason
To All Mothers smoothwen 2 5/9/2013 7:23:54 PM
by agooddaddy10
Poll how many women look for good men bigman170 0 5/9/2013 1:42:39 PM
by bigman170
Masterbation group kjr7752 8 5/7/2013 11:59:51 PM
by marine8815
single mother of one. islandchick954 0 5/6/2013 4:15:19 PM
by islandchick954
single mom looking for a good man. sweetcntrymomma 0 5/6/2013 12:49:40 PM
by sweetcntrymomma
My ex introduced my kids sfunmom 3 5/5/2013 9:24:22 PM
by mammoth99
Married single parent soxfanatic91 13 5/5/2013 12:19:44 AM
by suprchrged
mom' for party are impotant than their kids robertdlt 2 5/4/2013 9:41:37 PM
by mamadd81
single dad 22yrs old maybe_good4u 5 5/4/2013 7:21:21 PM
by 2wheeledrider
Single Mother in Sacramento, CA sacbeauty 4 5/3/2013 10:11:51 AM
by sacbeauty
Single mommy looking in the buffalo area malachimommy12 1 5/1/2013 4:58:40 PM
by missoldfriends
What to tell my daughter. crazycmc 14 5/1/2013 2:17:55 AM
by crazycmc
does it ever get easier? sjh31176 5 4/30/2013 10:32:50 PM
by sjh31176
Rules for single parents (agree or disagree) tnbadboy1965 4 4/30/2013 4:19:20 PM
by tnbadboy1965
How long has it been since you had sex?  Page: 1   2   3   Last Page deadeyejedi76 1,541 4/30/2013 4:48:15 AM
by mynameisjoe03
singel father needs advice on raising girls bigman170 14 4/30/2013 3:51:43 AM
by megpies
New at this site geflo 7 4/29/2013 10:36:07 AM
by geflo
Single Mom Of One! kaseyyjo92 1 4/28/2013 6:48:54 PM
by tnbadboy1965
Men who just disappear dbidaho 3 4/27/2013 10:51:26 PM
by ene74
Why do married people cheat? soccer26mom 4 4/27/2013 1:49:06 PM
by agooddaddy10
hate being judged just because i have a son and raise him on my own. bri_preble 54 4/26/2013 10:59:25 PM
by grrsnstvn52761
awesome stuff that kids say anthonyplus3 29 4/26/2013 3:07:51 AM
by lexington86
does it ever get any easier bigman170 17 4/25/2013 11:21:01 AM
by lilmsme4u
Single mom of one! kaye461 36 4/25/2013 10:55:25 AM
by greatguysteve
I got a question for picky 3yr old eaters? shelbyb55 6 4/24/2013 8:54:59 PM
by anna302010
potty training tips for boys lilmommy26 17 4/24/2013 2:44:12 PM
by song_bird86
So cal single dad jinnes89 7 4/24/2013 12:04:05 PM
by charger4lyfe555
single mothers who r dtf discretelovr 1 4/23/2013 9:57:33 PM
by mikey8410
what do women thank bigman170 1 4/23/2013 9:05:51 PM
by newtotx7
singel moms and dating bigman170 5 4/22/2013 6:27:29 PM
by jess_faulk
could use some advice mikey8410 16 4/21/2013 11:01:37 PM
by mikey8410
Single ? And a parent? Is it hard to date ? Tell me about it here! yourmineforever 57 4/20/2013 8:06:02 PM
by menwhite
single mom wanting to settle down abbyhaileywyatt 2 4/20/2013 6:15:18 AM
by thabeast317
Good down to earth woman.. the_one4u1224 0 4/20/2013 3:41:42 AM
by the_one4u1224
single mom of 2 wisegirl31 8 4/18/2013 8:43:47 PM
by imthebeardedone
any lk Stevens, Everett single moms? justonepls 0 4/18/2013 6:54:17 PM
by justonepls
Any single fathers inNW Kansas? spamulaspammy 1 4/17/2013 6:44:34 PM
by spamulaspammy
Single dads in WNY?? korielee 3 4/17/2013 6:41:13 PM
by korielee
where do u see urself in the next 5 years? mlchilds01 0 4/15/2013 8:39:45 PM
by mlchilds01
Single mother new to area, looking for dating men near London Area, ON ladyzman1342 0 4/15/2013 12:07:19 AM
by ladyzman1342
Have you met anyone decent on here??? justmmob 17 4/14/2013 7:56:41 PM
by creolecutieb
Any one had a threesome when were married?? luis69juan 0 4/12/2013 8:40:15 PM
by luis69juan
good vs evil guys dollycousin 11 4/10/2013 10:59:08 PM
by dollycousin
new single mom in a new state ashley_m_h_1985 2 4/10/2013 2:22:23 PM
by greatguysteve
single 21 yr old mom looking for my soulmate redneckmommy91 1 4/5/2013 11:56:05 PM
by mikey8410
Any real men countrygirl6860 17 4/4/2013 10:42:55 AM
by missoldfriends
would you date long distance? rawkygirl 10 4/2/2013 11:04:09 PM
by mikey8410
Tired of being a judged single parent? lets talk about it! kaitlyn5221 58 4/1/2013 1:29:53 AM
by feisty_female
whats your favorite? mikey8410 5 3/31/2013 9:51:07 PM
by mikey8410
single mommas in canton ga??? williamsmith31 0 3/31/2013 1:07:54 PM
by williamsmith31
Dating men that don't have kids mybabeandme 12 3/30/2013 3:33:51 PM
by rose1206
My son's girlfriend ccasimiro 12 3/29/2013 9:43:55 PM
by everthesame
hey everything behappyof13 7 3/29/2013 8:49:28 PM
by feisty_female
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by janice3633
single mother looking for a single country man? britt865 8 3/28/2013 9:17:43 PM
by mikey8410
curious about everyone else mikey8410 7 3/27/2013 1:22:31 PM
by greatguysteve
single mom just bored and chillin nurs11 0 3/26/2013 11:17:49 PM
by nurs11
single 31 year old mother of two searching for her soulmate! oneswtangel 2 3/26/2013 2:26:32 AM
by hazmatbrian
I'm exhausted already shewilbhappy 14 3/25/2013 5:52:28 PM
by my_world_desire
single dad from nebraska tahoe2001 1 3/25/2013 3:19:43 PM
by ogaboga69
Los Angeles Single Parents 1inglendale 1 3/24/2013 4:19:00 PM
by clipsgirl
Need a good fathers rights lawyer in Chicago bdiddy31 2 3/22/2013 8:28:44 PM
by dimples_and_ink
single dad new to northwest oklahoma tired of lonely nights cowtrucker81 0 3/22/2013 3:03:42 PM
by cowtrucker81
Orlando Florida single dad... Any Florida women? mrrealistic28 0 3/22/2013 9:37:52 AM
by mrrealistic28
social life work n kids lezleh21 7 3/20/2013 10:56:55 PM
by mikey8410

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