4/9/2013 1:51:25 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I must be bumbed I have no comment about the sex statement . Oh please save me I think someone stole the person called Izabo! Sigh............I'm lost and all alone ! Wasn't there a song from air supply that had those words in it?
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4/9/2013 3:20:07 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
dont know about that but there is a song that might help you, its called
4/10/2013 8:52:06 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
Was the song "Lost in Love"? One of my favorites, but then I remember enjoying all of Air Supply's songs.
4/10/2013 2:37:15 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
im brain dead today for some reason
4/11/2013 8:58:20 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
BBQ, I see you have a different photo. After the last one this one is nice just seems so ordinary. 
4/11/2013 10:28:05 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i had some friends said the last one kinda scared them a little.
so being thoughtful that i am i changed it for them.
but if you want to see it you can still see it on my profile.
[Edited 4/11/2013 10:29:01 AM ]
4/11/2013 10:53:09 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
that is nice being considerate of your friends. 
4/11/2013 11:19:55 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i guess im not aloud to have fun oh well just wont have fun around them. 
need the music bumped
4/11/2013 11:27:44 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
so sad
4/11/2013 11:33:37 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
they were just joking with me they are fun people and like to act childish too
i just like this one better for now who knows i might come up with a better one later
4/11/2013 11:53:20 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
so reflective
4/11/2013 11:58:12 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
need to get you some new pics barb
4/11/2013 12:15:21 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
You are the second person to tell me that in 24 hours. Thanks for caring
4/11/2013 12:34:03 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
well maybe this summer we can get you some new ones
4/12/2013 7:56:06 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
Summer? What is summer? Icy here this morning.
4/12/2013 11:55:59 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
cold here too but no ice
i heard it aint going to warm up anytime soon
4/12/2013 12:17:41 PM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
I know along about July, I'm gonna wish that the house was as cool as it is right now. Kinda wishing I hadn't turned the heat off last month. *sigh
4/12/2013 12:30:51 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
put on another sweater and a blanket you'll be ok as long as the house temp dont get below 32 degrees for a long time.
bake me a cake harder that should warm you up 
[Edited 4/12/2013 12:31:42 PM ]
4/12/2013 1:49:34 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I'm also not happy with the weather ice storm for couple days then snow on top of that. SICK OF IT!
4/12/2013 1:56:12 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
4/12/2013 2:42:08 PM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
[Edited 4/12/2013 2:42:48 PM ]
4/12/2013 3:45:58 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
4/13/2013 12:27:29 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
4/14/2013 10:29:44 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
Nope, not me! 
Going bowling today. Been practicing on the wii. I should be able to get a strike every time! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
4/14/2013 1:13:03 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011

4/14/2013 1:49:37 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
the first time i played wii bowling i beat the guy who taught me how he wont let me play anymore because i beat everybody. how? 
4/15/2013 9:46:21 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
I'm so good at wii bowling, I think I should be able to use it at the lanes.... cause I really, truly suck at the real thing! But, it's fun!
4/15/2013 12:31:27 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i challenge you to a match some day. 
4/16/2013 8:14:43 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
I warn you, I am quite excellent on that wii! 
It's not supposed to rain today, it's very cloudy and 30° right now, maybe that's why it's not going to rain...
Maybe I need to shopping and buy something I don't need, as long as I can't play outside AGAIN!
4/16/2013 12:16:41 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
maybe you better practice your wii before i make it up there someday 
5/8/2013 10:56:36 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
I hired a company to finish painting the house, which I started last fall. I just couldn't get on the ladder again this year! I've turned into a wimp!
Anyhow, before I painted, I cleaned it, this guys isn't and when I asked, he told me they don't do that, just sand off the old stuff. Does this correct? Doesn't to me.
5/8/2013 11:22:18 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
ive never heard of anyone ever sanding a house to paint. i have heard of water blasting then scraping or just scraping i think you better ask around about this guy and his ways sounds like he is just wasting time to make extra money. are you paying him by the hour or the job? is he sanding it right down to the wood or just sanding to rough up the edges? how fast is he going to get this done? is there a guarantee? and for how long? is he a local boy? has he been around long? references? check him out online.
5/8/2013 1:56:43 PM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
They've been an area business for years and years. Everyone has had good luck, so....
Charge by the job, not hourly. But, I don't think they will get 2 coats on this day! Lol!
5/8/2013 4:48:24 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
My truck is being fixed on and when it is done I am putting my truck/business up for sale! I have to go through two households and pack, sale and store stuff so that we can combine the two. I will go along with this doing fine and then all of a sudden I am overwhelmed.
So here is my solution: What do I do best? Tell people what to do So I called in the housekeeper to clean my house. It was a horrible mess when I came back from my trip. Daughter left before I got back and has been gone sense. Her mess and not here to clean it. Grrrrrr Oh well!
So yes this leads into what I'm talking about. Yesterday I got on Facebook and someone I know from about 25 years ago started talking to me. She moved close to me. Then asked if I would come and decorate her house. I really didn't have time to do this. But well I'm sure you can guess I went over anyway lol. Heck I love decorating and it we give us a little time to catch up. So told her she had a hour of my time we would go through each room and give her idea's. She can think it over make a decision and we would go from there. No I am not a Interior Decorator just another hobby I'm good at.
So I spent 3 hours there gave her idea's told her to look on internet for designs that she will want to use etc. In that three hours we caught up on what is going on in our life. One of which I am moving in with BF and having to sell a lot of my stuff. Which some will go with what how she wants to decorate. Also that I am going to be selling my business.
So I get a text later that night after she talked to her fiancee. She wanted to know if she could give out my number to someone who might be interested in my truck/business. WOOT! Then she texts me "I am not busy this weekend so if you would like help I can help" I text her back you are volunteering to spring clean and pack are you NUTS? She then texts me saying well I was hoping you would give me a better deal on some of the stuff for helping. At this point I start to laugh for awhile I'm thinking how funny it is that I pick friends that like to save money just like myself. 
Well I was laughing for awhile and didn't respond she texts me You don't like that idea huh? hahahah I had to tell her how hard I was laughing and how I liked the idea. So told her that if nothing else cames up this weekend we could do it then. I will let her know for sure Friday.
Now back to where I started I have housekeeper coming to clean house I have friend coming to help me spring clean and pack in order to combine 2 houses. Oh and Bf sister who hasn't wanted to help clear out their mom's stuff has said she will be down next Saturday to help clean it out. Oh and my ex is helping get my truck fixed and is willing to help explain the truck/business to interested buyers. ( That one has a lot to do with the fact that he will not get anymore calls from me asking ? on how to fix truck ).
So what is the moral of this......when overwhelmed use all your resources.........no time is really wasted even when you don't have time....never know where the most unlikely help will come from? I'm sure there are more 
I never take naps but dang I am tired wonder if I have time to take one 
5/10/2013 12:54:01 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
thats quit the story iza i wish you luck on everything
i spent the morning working on my business and ill will spend half the night doing the same thing and then tomorrow night i will finish up what i started. then maybe next week ill go sell all i have worked so hard on today and tomorrow.
5/11/2013 10:03:11 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
what exactly is your point 
5/11/2013 11:38:55 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
barb he is saying the woman is all fake and she wants a real man.
5/11/2013 11:45:17 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
So is he saying that of all women or just the woman above you? So I am to believe that his profile picture is real?
5/12/2013 12:28:09 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i dont know about him being real or not he was just saying that women who have fake tits fake finger nails and so on arent real but they are looking for a real man. barb you are a real woman unless you have had a boob job or plastic surgery done or implants fake fingernails and all you want is a real man not one with breast plates implanted and bun pads implanted and hair plants all fake not real. if thats what you are looking for get yourself a blowup doll at least they dont talk and you can put them away when your done with them.
5/12/2013 12:29:59 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011

5/12/2013 1:49:22 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
It is funny. I don't take the meaning so literal though. What I see from it is how woman and mean see things differently and yet the same. Men see the changes a woman has made yet she complains how she wants a real man. Real as being what? Physical? or Personality?
A woman sees it as she has made these improvements because the MEDIA shows us this is what men want that PERFECT body (are any of us perfect?)
Now we are all different and not one of us perfect. Some like the opposite sex trim, fit etc. Specially when younger. Time goes by life goes on lessons learned opinions change. Beings we are all different what attracts one may not attract another. The one thing out of all of it is the compatibility personally that we each are looking for the most.
I guess the saying Love is Blind can take place here too. When you Love someone they are beautiful/handsome in your eyes. It doesn't matter if they have imperfections to you they are perfect in your eyes.
Food for thought is all! Have a Wonderful Day Everyone!
5/12/2013 1:51:39 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
thank you for sharing 
5/12/2013 2:24:50 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
iza you nailed it thank you sometimes i have a hard time saying things that simple.  
yes us males and females do see things the same way on a lot of things its just how we communicate them that is different.
6/7/2013 2:32:33 AM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Something to talk about? Do I talk about what I'm thinking about or pick another topic? If I talk about what I'm thinking that wouldn't be good you know those secrets that others shouldn't know about . So that leaves me to pick a topic hummmm. What is one of my favorite topics? Oh I know S E X . Okay we now have a topic! What should we say about it? I wonder what the stats of women who go through the change sex desire sky rockets? Do you have a favorite way of doing it or all the ways good? How many of you have to care or love or neither for the person you are having sex with? If your partner ask you to try something new will you? Do you communicate while you are having sex? If sex becomes routine do the two of you try different things to change it up? Feel free to contribute to this topic! I dare you no I double dare you 
7/11/2013 8:56:05 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
I got nothing.
[Edited 7/11/2013 8:56:34 AM ]