Glad they decided to keep wrestling...
Have you ever wanted to eat something so badly, that you could taste, feel, and smell it? What is it, and why?
4/16/2013 12:20:17 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
go for a walk and enjoy the day
i sleep on my side and yes i snore
if someone drop a $100 bill as they walked passed you would you return it?
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/16/2013 2:19:41 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
I would return the money.
same question: if someone drop a $100 bill as they walked passed you would you return it?
4/16/2013 2:40:30 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
of course
what would you do if you lost your home. (fire, flood, bank, ect...)
4/17/2013 12:07:40 AM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I would put most everything into storage rent something cheap save up enough money buy a fixer upper and go to work making it my new home. Oh and find myself a man that is a carpenter to help me and have a whole lot of fun doing it !
Do you spring clean your house and if so how do you go about it?
4/17/2013 3:40:48 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i haveand the way i have done it is by open windows and just start cleaning one room at a time. throwing out or donate old clothes and other things i ddnt need or wantwash windows and walls if i have the money i would rent a carpet cleaner too.doing one room at a time.
at this time of your life would you go back to school to learn something that you have always wanted to do but are really to old to do it?
4/18/2013 7:18:09 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
I don't think you are ever to old to pursue an interest. I'd never go back for any reason, but I admire people that do.
When people ask what your goals are, do you have to think about it, do you actually have one? What is it if you do?
4/18/2013 7:30:07 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
ya i always have to think about it but now a days i do have a goal and it is to start my own business
going on a vacation would you go alone with a friend or a group of strangers?
5/7/2013 7:56:20 PM |
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Washington, IA
43, joined Mar. 2013
Short vaca id do alone....long vaca id take a friend...
If you saw a woman spank her child in public, would you intervene?
5/7/2013 8:34:21 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
long enough to shake her hand and say thank you for teaching your kid right from wrong.
would you date someone 15 to 20 years older or younger then yourself?
5/7/2013 9:44:20 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
I was married to a man 20 years older than me for 24 years.
If you are an outdoorsman, ie: fishing, huntings, would you except the woman you are interested in to do the same?
5/7/2013 10:14:52 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
no but i dont want her to hold me back from me doing it.
if you went camping what kind would you do tent, camper, or hilton?
5/7/2013 10:24:27 PM |
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Washington, IA
43, joined Mar. 2013
Definitely tent camper...near a swimmin hole...
By the 4th date would you let the lady pick up the tab if she offered?
5/7/2013 10:28:32 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
sure i dont see why not i dont have a problem with it
would you date someone with a handicap?
hey gaiagirl email me would you i would like to ask you a question
5/8/2013 8:06:59 AM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Hypothetically sense I'm not dating anymore, it would depend on the handicap. Their mentality would have to be at the age lvl as their age. If not able to have sex in a normal way be open enough to explore other ways.
At your age if someone you liked had a child below teenage years would you date them in hopes of a long term relationship knowing you would have to help raise the child?
5/8/2013 10:46:45 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
No! I would not! Never! No matter what! This is supposed to be MY time. I raised 5, I'm done. Besides, I don't think I like kids well enough anymore.
Same ? At your age if someone you liked had a child below teenage years would you date them in hopes of a long term relationship knowing you would have to help raise the child?
5/8/2013 11:08:42 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
ok i have thought about this and im going to say yes because if it isnt for us elders to teach the young respect this world will really go down the crapper faster. i have dated women with teenagers before and cared for them like they were my own and even today i still give them advise if they ask for it.
would you date someone who has to be in the spot light all the time even though you dont or vice versa.
5/13/2013 9:44:08 AM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
I guess when you say spot light it could mean different things to me. So if the person is a extravert and very sociable I wouldn't have a issue with that. Part of their personality. If it is that way in our personal life yes I would have a issue with it because a relationship is a give and take and for one to always be on top isn't good.
What was a hard lesson for you to learn?
5/13/2013 12:17:37 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
no matter how hard you try to keep peace there are still some asses out there.
if you didnt have a computer to entertain yourself what would you be doing?
5/13/2013 12:42:47 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
ROFLMAO Oh come on you really want that answer? I do still do what I would be doing without a computer even with having a computer I will leave what THAT is your everyones imagination 
Same ? if you didn't have a computer to entertain you what would you do, use, be entertained by? 
5/18/2013 9:52:09 PM |
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Des Moines, IA
53, joined Jul. 2012
Funny Izabo, I also still do the same thing with a computer to amuse myself as I did when I did not have a computer. Hmmmm 
How long has it been since you have been on a real vacation?
[Edited 5/18/2013 9:53:11 PM ]
5/19/2013 2:36:52 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Everyone has their own idea of what a vacation is. Nature is my cup of tea so my REAL last vacation to Yellowstone (lord if I could live there I would but that would defeat the purpose of Yellowstone) was 20 years ago. Now get away vacations that I take to daughters to visit about 9 months ago. I use to go on those about every 2 months when married but can't do that now . Now my ideal vacation would to be 2 different ones. One going west hitting all the nature places. Custard Park, Yellowstone, Yosemite etc. The other one would be going east hitting nature places and making sure I see waterfalls . So saying this it leads into my question............
Where would you go on a ideal vacation?
5/19/2013 4:22:37 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
if i ever won the lottery i think i would love to hike the appalachian mountains starting in the north and working my way south. i figure about the time i get to the end i would be back in shape again. hey maybe thats a great way to do it. do a fund raiser and raiser money for the trip and if i make it and all the money left over i would donate to cancer or something like that. anyone want to join me in this out of shape hiking vacation? hey maybe thats my next question to ask. lol
would you do something totally outrageous that you would never do if a friend could talk you into it?
5/21/2013 5:29:33 PM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
ROFLMAO...........Let me think here hummmmmmmmmm..............YES 
What is something that you have wanted to do but haven't? For what reason have you not done it?
5/21/2013 6:00:57 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
thought i kinda hit on that one a couple windows up. ^^^ 
him i paying for you to hike with me?
6/6/2013 5:46:08 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
what scares you?
6/6/2013 8:17:35 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
same question: what scares you
6/6/2013 9:51:16 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
same question: what scares you
6/6/2013 4:34:10 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
have you ever been arrested?
[Edited 6/6/2013 4:35:02 PM ]
6/6/2013 11:59:43 PM |
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Newtown, CT
43, joined Aug. 2012
Yup but not for anything serious
Ever been so drink you didn't know what was happening?
6/7/2013 1:56:29 AM |
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Ocheyedan, IA
58, joined Aug. 2012
Nope no matter how drunk I got I always knew what was going on.
If you could take one moment in your life and change it what was it and how would you change it?
7/11/2013 9:04:44 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
Only the deaths of people that I loved, but that would not be possible. So, there is nothing in my life that I would change, because whatever I did, whatever happened, right or wrong, was just exactly what I wanted at that moment.
Would you ever go on one of those daytime TV, "Who's your Daddy" or "Judge" shows?
7/12/2013 1:59:12 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
no i cant stand them shows.
would you date someone who is like so not like anything you want but one thing in common.
7/12/2013 8:28:46 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
58, joined Jul. 2013
Common sense sais "No"
I you went blind, how would you view the world?
7/13/2013 2:50:33 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i would view the world through the eyes of my partner having her describe what she sees.
if you were to lose one of these in an operation which would you chose sight or hearing?
cassie good to see you stopping in for a visit, come again
7/14/2013 12:53:35 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
58, joined Jul. 2013
i would view the world through the eyes of my partner having her describe what she sees.
if you were to lose one of these in an operation which would you chose sight or hearing?
 cassie good to see you stopping in for a visit, come again
Hearing, because I would not have to listen to all the wining going on these dating (if you want to call it that) sites
What was the age that you were at that you had the most memorable moment in your childhood life and what was it? I stress the word "Childhood" 
7/14/2013 3:18:26 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
so many of them but i like this one i was out fishing with the family and i caught a big fish and it was pulling me into the water i was yelling for my dad to help me but he said you have it son play em well after about 15 mins i landed it and i had found out my dad had me by the belt the whole time i wasnt going anywhere.
same question
7/15/2013 11:11:06 AM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
58, joined Jul. 2013
I could just picture your arms and legs flailing lol Must have been a good laugh after the fact! I have to think long and hard to top that one!
Back at ya ...
7/15/2013 11:40:23 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
oh boy another childhood memory.
well lets see ok heres one that i pass on to everyone who is afraid to to learn something.
i had always enjoyed the time my dad had for me to teach me the love of the great outdoors, taught me the respect for it and how to care for it some. over the years i have learned more on how to care and protect it more and also what it will provide for me so if ever lost i can survive. i try to teach friends who are as outdoorsy as i am what to lookout for both in good and bad. i still have a lot to learn and i am sure i never will learn it all but the first rule is common sense.
if you could be a professional athlete what sport would it be?
7/19/2013 9:03:47 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
58, joined Jul. 2013
made some ribs tonight on the bbq!!
7/19/2013 11:11:35 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
yummy nicely done, wheres mine?  
10/11/2013 10:40:08 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
What's the best new movie that you have seen?
10/17/2013 11:29:07 AM |
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Cedar Rapids, IA
27, joined Sep. 2013
I loved identity theft!! So funny..
How old were u when u got ur first bf/gf/??
10/17/2013 12:38:03 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i had dated but i would never say that they were my gf. so i would have to say i was around 22 before i would say i had a gf.
if you were a animal what kind would you be?
10/17/2013 12:56:36 PM |
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Cedar Rapids, IA
27, joined Sep. 2013
10/17/2013 12:57:38 PM |
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Cedar Rapids, IA
27, joined Sep. 2013
Whats ur favorite type of movie??
10/17/2013 2:24:23 PM |
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High Point, NC
65, joined Sep. 2013
I like the old black and whites from the 30's, 40's and 50's. The horror and urban melodramas are my favorite types.
If you could rule any nation on earth, besides the USA, which would it be and why?
10/24/2013 8:14:15 AM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
I do not want to be in that kind of authority position.
Would you take someone you just meet or use as a first date to a wedding?
11/13/2013 10:04:39 AM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
no not unless they wanted to come.
what would be a perfect date?
12/7/2013 12:13:17 PM |
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Florence, AL
54, joined May. 2013
Just being with a sweet woman and having a good time no matter what we did.
What do you love about women the most ?
12/7/2013 2:31:45 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
Unfortunately I cannot answer your question since I am heterosexual.
What do you vaue in a friend?
12/9/2013 12:09:44 AM |
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Florence, AL
54, joined May. 2013
Being loyal
What is your best memory of Xmas
12/9/2013 1:33:25 PM |
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Waterloo, IA
65, joined Jun. 2013
the year i got to help be santa to my younger sisters
If you could have a supernatural power-- what would you like it to be??
12/31/2013 10:00:57 AM |
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Lansing, IA
66, joined Jan. 2011
Supernatural power? I'd like to fly!
What are you doing New Year's Day?
2/3/2014 7:52:41 PM |
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Iowa City, IA
57, joined Mar. 2011
i dont know thats a long long time away right now.
do you like to watch the oscars?
2/8/2014 8:25:01 PM |
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De Witt, IA
64, joined Nov. 2011
No I do not watch the Oscars.
Do you have a favorite sport to watch of the Olympics?
3/15/2014 4:55:25 PM |
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Hickory Grove, SC
67, joined Jan. 2011
In your opinion, has there been any significant improvement in race relations between whites and persons of color in the United States?
4/27/2014 8:36:32 PM |
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Altoona, IA
49, joined Aug. 2012
Do you have a favorite sport to watch of the Olympics? |
5/20/2014 2:04:05 AM |
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West Des Moines, IA
56, joined Apr. 2014
Filet Mignon.
What is your favorite Ice Cream?