9/19/2012 6:28:14 PM |
Spring City, PA
28, joined Sep. 2012
Would you ever talk to someone who wears glasses? I only ask because alot of black men don't seem to like black women who wears em cause it makes em look smart-kinda intimidates them..
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9/19/2012 6:29:14 PM |
Spring City, PA |

40, joined Aug. 2012
Where did you obtain your data?
9/19/2012 6:30:05 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Frederick, MD
53, joined Jun. 2009
If can't find any men smarter then that where you are then you need to move.
9/19/2012 6:31:24 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Brandon, FL
40, joined Mar. 2012
Never really gave it much thought...I've been wearing glasses since I was 18
9/19/2012 6:34:04 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Colona, IL
34, joined Aug. 2011
most people like my glasses 8-)
9/19/2012 6:34:16 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Powell, OH
49, joined Feb. 2012
I like glasses
I never needed glassed till I turned 45, actually, I needed them sooner, but I put it off I'm that 40something who's arms aren't long enough 
I like em, cause, I can have 2 different looks.
9/19/2012 6:35:32 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Spring City, PA
28, joined Sep. 2012
Lol, my data came when I was living in Philly. Most of the guys there only liked broads who had their booty stickin out, tongue out and ghetto slang.
9/19/2012 6:38:25 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Tulare, CA
43, joined Aug. 2010
Are you nuts? I'll take glasses pin that hair up with dress or business suit heels DAMIT THAT IS TOO HOT
Half naked chicks are a dime a dozen its gotten boring.
9/19/2012 6:39:14 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Hurricane, UT
42, joined Sep. 2012
OP you polling black men or everyone? I'd date you , I'm feeling the specs too 
9/19/2012 6:39:44 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
That's quite easily done, OP. It's DO glasses matter.
They figure you have to be street smart, hopefully get by with under 25 years in prison, you have to impregnate every woman in the world because he's got something God didn't give to anyone else and start by 7th grade if he makes it in school that far. Yes, intelligence intimidates them and the worst part is if the woman is black they can't accuse her of being racist. It's all they've got and that isn't very much. Not much advancement in the 147 years since they've been free.
9/19/2012 6:41:57 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Charleston, WV
39, joined Feb. 2012
YO... I'm calling BS.... I have a few black guy friends that think glasses make a woman sexy... and a real man is never intimadated by the weaker vessel(women)
9/19/2012 6:44:15 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Hurricane, UT
42, joined Sep. 2012
Weaker vessel?? OhhH shiiiit
9/19/2012 6:45:23 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Cicero, IL
43, joined Jul. 2011
Glasses aren't the big deal they once were.
9/19/2012 6:46:22 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Charleston, WV
39, joined Feb. 2012
That's how GOD described women in the bible... a weaker vessel than man
9/19/2012 6:46:35 PM |
Spring City, PA |

40, joined Aug. 2012
Philly huh? Interesting....I wear my glasses in the city all the time and get hit on by more black dudes than any other people.
Idk OP....this might just be the dudes you experienced. Stay out of the Badlands! They don't like anyone!
9/19/2012 6:46:38 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Fort Worth, TX
26, joined May. 2011
concerned about the physical? perhaps it's time to mature a little ... the guys you refer to, weren't looking for a real relationship - so they could be picky with who they chose to bang, it had to be good for bragging, right? but when you've found yourself a lady who looks pretty fly, has brains, a personality, and a sense of humor, oh wait, and wears glasses, who's the one to brag now?
9/19/2012 6:48:15 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Bushnell, FL
58, joined Aug. 2011
I wear glasses now, but I want to go back to wearing contacts. I hate it when I go outside and my glasses steam up from the humidity here. Talk about being blinded!
[Edited 9/19/2012 6:48:30 PM ]
9/19/2012 6:48:23 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Coraopolis, PA
37, joined Jun. 2011
i will be honest. i have never dated a guy that wears glasses.
i wear contacts. i tried a couple times to wear glasses. i just can not do it.
and this one guy i talk to online,it is amazing how cute he is without glasses
but when he put them on and had pics with them on.
he looks so damn different. ugly.
i am just saying. i sounds shallow. but it is my preference. i would rather guy not wear glasses. but some people can not pull it off with the glasses thing. like me lol 
9/19/2012 6:50:46 PM |
Spring City, PA |

San Francisco, CA
56, joined Mar. 2012
9/19/2012 6:51:23 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Windsor, VA
62, joined Apr. 2011
I guess since I've worn glasses since I was 10, it never crossed my mind.
When I was younger, I was more concerned about dating a girl with braces.
Not that she looked bad...I was afraid I'd cut her or my lips when we kissed.
9/19/2012 6:54:26 PM |
Spring City, PA |
New Port Richey, FL
37, joined Aug. 2012
Surprisingly there are a lot of men who do like women with glasses. It helps now that they actually make glasses that people can bear to look at . Sometimes I wear mine sometimes I don't but it's never made a difference either way~
9/19/2012 6:54:42 PM |
Spring City, PA |

40, joined Aug. 2012
I'd be more concerned if he had a flesh eating disease than if he wore glasses.....
Idk.....I just think there are bigger things to worry about.......
Shoot.....they could be blind. IJS. Be blessed they are only wearing glasses.
9/19/2012 6:56:31 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Los Angeles, CA
29, joined May. 2008
I've been wearing glasses since I was 8 years old. And whoever wont date someone because they're wearing glasses is obviously stupid.
9/19/2012 7:04:21 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Palmetto, FL
35, joined Aug. 2010
I find women that wear glasses very sexy!
9/19/2012 7:25:29 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Kansas City, MO
45, joined Jun. 2011
guys tell me all the time that my red glasses is a turn on
9/19/2012 7:39:55 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Cleveland, TX
21, joined Feb. 2012
A woman in glasses is just a attractive as a woman without
9/19/2012 7:47:22 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Decatur, GA
51, joined Feb. 2011
Glasses = sexy librarian look. j/s
9/19/2012 7:49:41 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Alexandria, VA
51, joined Apr. 2011
Love a man with glasses, especially when they are filled with VODKA and TEQUILA....
[Edited 9/19/2012 7:50:19 PM ]
9/19/2012 7:50:40 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Cleveland, TX
21, joined Feb. 2012
Glasses = sexy librarian look. j/s
I agree with this
9/19/2012 7:51:54 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Bedford, TX
22, joined Sep. 2012
Op you look good in your glasses I like the style too...its an accessorie and who doesnt love to accessorize
#nohomo #yeahialreadytookittofar
9/19/2012 7:53:42 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Saint Louis, MO
56, joined Oct. 2009
Lol, my data came when I was living in Philly. Most of the guys there only liked broads who had their booty stickin out, tongue out and ghetto slang.
Ohh...you're talking about boys. Men don't care if women wear glasses.
9/19/2012 7:56:43 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Redlands, CA
33, joined Jul. 2012
Maybe guys that hate glasses are just worried that you'll be able to see thru their bs. 
9/19/2012 7:58:56 PM |
Spring City, PA |
San Antonio, TX
45, joined Jul. 2012
Would you ever talk to someone who wears glasses? I only ask because alot of black men don't seem to like black women who wears em cause it makes em look smart-kinda intimidates them..
Idk about black men, but I know my grandma was wrong when she said "guys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses." 
9/19/2012 8:10:33 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Cleveland, TX
21, joined Feb. 2012
Maybe guys that hate glasses are just worried that you'll be able to see thru their bs. 
Look through me
9/19/2012 8:45:12 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Chester, VA
56, joined Jun. 2012
That's how GOD described women in the bible... a weaker vessel than man
that's funny. Stupid but funny.
I think glasses can look really sexy on a woman but it really depends on the woman and the glasses
9/19/2012 8:47:14 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Petaluma, CA
65, joined May. 2009
Not me and if they do, then they are dumber than a box of rocks and wouldn't know a good looking woman if they tripped over her.
9/19/2012 8:51:16 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Hesperia, CA
37, joined Jul. 2012
Women with glasses r very attractive.
9/19/2012 9:07:04 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Spring City, PA
28, joined Sep. 2012
Okay thanks for the 411 and compliments. I got pretty good reviews in the city weaing my glasses and very few black guys found it attractive in the neighborHOOD but anybody that's ever lived in northwest knows what I'm talkin about.
Women are being degraded everyday, why should I have to show off my breasts to get attention? I don't want the wrong kind of attention either.. That's why I intentionally wore just jeans and a t-shirt because I hOPE to be taken more seriously, Just sayin.. I could wear a modest tight skirt and my red pumps and nice earrings if I wanted to, but I'm trying to attract Mr. Forever not Mr. Right Now. I want my brain to be studied, not my body 
9/19/2012 9:13:27 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Newark, DE
28, joined Aug. 2012
I love girls wit glasses Im not sure where u got that from
9/19/2012 9:15:12 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Baton Rouge, LA
27, joined Jul. 2012
Glasses wont make or break me in deciding whether or not I want to be with a girl. Fortunately I look for other things, and won't let a good one slide away because they have coke bottles on their face
9/19/2012 9:16:27 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Roseburg, OR
35, joined Oct. 2011
That's how GOD described women in the bible... a weaker vessel than man
Ha! Well Id like to see you deliver a baby and then come back and tell me how weak we really are. Did you know that delivering a child is described like breaking like 100 bones all at once. Id like to see a man go through that and then tell me who is weaker.
Besides. Wasn't Eve the one to convince adam to eat the apple.
So really, who is the weaker sex?
9/19/2012 9:17:47 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Jacksonville, FL
57, joined Jan. 2010
I think women who wear glasses are sexy.
9/19/2012 9:21:09 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Chicago, IL
26, joined Sep. 2012
in my understanding about this post...
U wher saying black dudes can only cut dumb girls?

9/19/2012 9:29:33 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Cleveland, TX
21, joined Feb. 2012
I wear glasses (tried contacts and hated them) and I have no problem getting dates. It must be the teacher glasses combo for some guys lol 
I want this teacher
9/19/2012 10:14:54 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Cleveland, TX
21, joined Feb. 2012
Aries you are a  
9/19/2012 10:22:07 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Danbury, CT
46, joined Dec. 2010
I wear glasses or contacts.... and never had trouble dating men, regardless of race or ethnic background.
9/19/2012 10:25:14 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Spring City, PA
28, joined Sep. 2012
I can't do contact lenses-too afraid of things going in my eyes lol..
At the above comment, why should I have to change who I am just so some black men find me attractive? Love has no color so there are plenty of other races who do find me attractive, but where I come from, the black men there don't seem to like a easy going, classy, modest young lady who also wears glasses like myself. Black people period aren't used to seeing their own make it or happy so they naturally hate on them, and that's why I asked the question. If you're not like that great but it was towards those who are and I needed answers.
And as far as it being the person behind the glasses, that's true. I've made alot of mistakes, some where I lost people I loved but to hold that against me is ludacris. Esp if I've apologized for it.
9/19/2012 10:25:15 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Cleveland, TX
21, joined Feb. 2012
It's cuz your gorgeous rhea
9/19/2012 10:26:53 PM |
Spring City, PA |

Syracuse, NY
44, joined Feb. 2012
I never had trouble when i wore glasses. I've since had lasik with perfect vision!
9/19/2012 10:28:32 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Fairfield, CA
94, joined Dec. 2011
I have to wear them for up close. I have some with blue frames and purple frames.
I don't think they matter to MOST people. 
9/19/2012 11:20:58 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Saratoga Springs, NY
33, joined Aug. 2012
"DO" glasses matter!
9/19/2012 11:21:49 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Ivanhoe, MN
38, joined Aug. 2012
I don't mind glasses...not a issue. Some women are sexy as hell with glasses.
9/19/2012 11:25:00 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Saratoga Springs, NY
33, joined Aug. 2012
No they doesn't matter.....
9/19/2012 11:25:45 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Mauston, WI
48, joined Jan. 2012
Too bad we could not invent a pair of glasses that would allow us to see though other people bullshit. Oh and glasses do not bother me.
9/19/2012 11:27:45 PM |
Spring City, PA |
Sacramento, CA
29, joined Aug. 2012
Glasses are in these days. Also yes women look good with glasses on, but it does depend on the style.
9/19/2012 11:38:03 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Angle Inlet, MN
63, joined Jul. 2011
Actually women with glasses are better prepared for fun than those with contacts? They have to stop, go to the bathroom, hey out the little case, and then some solution, then remove them and fill the. Case, then come back to bed, in the meantime zzzzzzzz, but if your wearing glasses, take them off and get busy!
9/19/2012 11:40:40 PM |
Spring City, PA |


Lexington, KY
28, joined Nov. 2011
Love me some nerdy girly Especially when they chew on the side of the glasses
9/20/2012 12:14:18 AM |
Spring City, PA |

North Battleford, SK
57, joined Jan. 2010
To me, it is more important what is holding the glasses than the actual glasses.
9/20/2012 1:20:43 AM |
Spring City, PA |

Saint Paul, MN
51, joined Oct. 2010
I'm not reading all 5 pages just to see if someone posted a saying older than I am.
"Men don't make passes at women that wear Glasses".
It makes sense to a degree.
Someone wanting children with a better chance to be Star Athletes.
Studies have shown women to have a natural ability to choose the healthiest Mates.
"Women don't make passes at men that wear Glasses".?
9/20/2012 1:40:32 AM |
Spring City, PA |


Easley, SC
63, joined Jan. 2010
Not unless you wear them on your head.