Chicago, IL
43, joined Aug. 2012
Have You Ever Considered Beating The Recession?
Kelly Richards of Chicago, Illinois was tired of worrying all the time where the next dollar is coming from. Life seemed merely a succession of bills and worrying about how to pay them. One late night while surfing the internet, her long hours of research had finally paid off and she discovered her tight lip secret to getting a break in life and beating the recession. She was finally able to provide for her three children while staying home with them.
I read Kelly's blog last month and decided to feature her story in our local job report. In our phone interview she told me her amazing story. "I basically make about $6,000-$8,000 a month online. It's enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 10-13 hours a week from home.
Working online has been a big break for Kelly, who struggled for months going from one dead end job to another. "I lost my job shortly after the recession hit, I needed reliable income, I was not interested in the "get rich quick" scams you see all over the internet. Those are all pyramid scams or stuff where you have to sell to your friends and family. I just needed a legitimate way to earn a living for me and my family. The best part of working online is that I am always home with the kids, I save a lot of money."
"I basically make $6,000-$8,000 a month online."
-Kelly Richards
I asked her about how she discovered her tight lip secret. "Honestly, it is easier than you would think, all I did was fill out a simple form to get front line access to the The Online Business. I got the instructions kit and within a month I was making over $4,000 a month. The instructions are pretty simple, I am not a computer whiz, but I can use the internet. I fill forms and surf sites, I don't even have to sell anything and nobody has to buy anything. It's as easy as being on facebook."
Quickly, Kelly Richards was able to use the simple The Online Business to make it out of the recession.
Here's how to get started
1. Go to this link - Register -- http://pearl.freetreasurechest.com/index.php?ref=43292
2. Scroll to the bottom -- Enter your email address -- Click Sign Up
NOTE: Free Treasure Chest is the network that we work with, this is who will be paying you every day.
3. Now fill out all the information to become registered on this site. This will be E-Mail, Password, Name, Address, Birthday, PayPal E-Mail (if you have one - If not leave blank), and how did you hear about us (enter Tamera Tolbert). Then enter the CAPTCHA code.
4. Before you click the I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE, make sure you are around a phone and you are NOT using it. They are going to call you with an automated message giving you a five digit code to enter on the next page.
5. Enter the PIN code you just received via a phone call from Free Treasure Chest.
6. Once you are done there, the next page should say "your credited offers" and you want to scroll down and you will see the different advertisers we work with. Ex: Privacy Guard, Discover Card, Direct TV etc.
7. You are going to complete one free trial offer. There are many there, but like we said before you may do the FREE one.
8. Many of the offers say you must use a "credit card" but don't worry about that. Use what you have available. Many people use bank cards, prepaid cards, etc.
9. Privacy Guard should be on the first page. This is the one I recommend and it is what I used and most people used. After completing this offer, you will be credited in usually 2-3 hours.
10. Click on that and it will give you some information about the offer, then continue to the Privacy Guard by clicking "Do This Offer".
NOTE: If you have done Privacy Guard within the last 6 months, Equifax would be my next recommendation.
11. Sign up for the trial version by entering all your information.
12. This is usually pretty quick and you can be done in 10 minutes.
13. Once your done completing the offer, leave the window open for 30 minutes. This will allow Privacy Guard to tell the network that you completed the offer.
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
