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1/21/2013 12:05:52 PM |
420 friendly |
Seattle, WA
35, joined May. 2011
Been in town two days and can't get anyone to share with me I ain't from here I don't have card can't get one I don't live here lol 31 states never had a problem and in the least restrictive state in USA this is difficult???
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/21/2013 1:02:53 PM |
420 friendly |
Denver, CO
37, joined Nov. 2012
Well....if you got some funds I know where some sweet blueberry is....
1/22/2013 9:30:19 PM |
420 friendly |
Arvada, CO
27, joined Jan. 2013
I second his question. Haha. But I'm more looking for edibles.
1/27/2013 11:49:42 AM |
420 friendly |
Colorado Springs, CO
47, joined Jan. 2013
Nice kerplunct! tat.
1/27/2013 11:52:57 AM |
420 friendly |
Colorado Springs, CO
47, joined Jan. 2013
Amendment 64 may have passed, but colo springs is still unphriendly. Im sure they will eventually catch up but in the meantime i'd be careful in the springs....
1/28/2013 8:03:08 AM |
420 friendly |
Denver, CO
37, joined Jan. 2009
Same here I don't have a card yet. But I don't let that stop me.
2/1/2013 1:54:53 PM |
420 friendly |
Arvada, CO
27, joined Jan. 2013
Thank you! You're the only one to know what it is 
2/1/2013 2:31:27 PM |
420 friendly |
Albuquerque, NM
32, joined Sep. 2009
I'm new to Denver Florida has some good bud but I've burned a little out here and would like to find someone who could hook me up every now and then
2/3/2013 6:02:38 AM |
420 friendly |
Colorado Springs, CO
47, joined Jan. 2013
You're welcome! We/I just have excellent taste in music.... Apparently someone here in colo springs has set up a 420 delivery service, like pizza...
2/4/2013 1:59:21 PM |
420 friendly |
Pueblo, CO
23, joined Feb. 2013
I can't seem to find anyone in Pueblo that has any, ok that's not true but i'm not gonna buy from a crack dealer no f'ing way!!!
PS: Pueblo is so ghetto. 
3/12/2013 1:11:53 PM |
420 friendly |

Wheat Ridge, CO
35, joined Mar. 2013
meh.. whatever you do, anybody, don't try to buy weed on East Colfax. The first week I was here, about three weeks ago, me and my roommate went around looking for weed (neither of us had a red card yet), and we didn't know about the park yet, so we both just assumed, after all we'd heard about East Colfax, that was where to find it.
Anyway, long story short, we gave this dude some money for some weed, and told him what we wanted (weed).. went around the corner with him, gave him the money, and he hands my roommate a damn crack rock. And when we told him that's not what we said we wanted, he just took off running. And neither of us were going to do anything with the crack, so it turned out to just be wasted money..
Weird as it may sound, we were walking back to the parking lot and some other dude stopped us, looking for crack, if we hadn't tossed that rock we could have probably sold him that..
Anyway, he's flashing around a wad of cash, asking if we wanted some money.. hands me some money...and it turned out to be the exact amount that we had just gotten sold crack for.
A dispensary is the best (and cheapest) place to get it in town. If you can't get it from a dispensary, its probably cheaper to get somebody with a red card to go in and buy it for you.
3/25/2013 9:46:18 AM |
420 friendly |

Colorado Springs, CO
43, joined Mar. 2013
I always have a stock of edibles and green, I have my red card, and make cannabutter on the reg....if ur interested, message me (not in the thread as I don't want my number all over gods creation)
3/27/2013 11:40:11 PM |
420 friendly |
Richmond, UT
24, joined May. 2012
Hey you know where I can get some bud? Email me? [email protected]
3/29/2013 3:00:09 PM |
420 friendly |

Pueblo, CO
44, joined Mar. 2013
I have yet to stop laughing at this post!
8/14/2013 1:49:09 AM |
420 friendly |
Albuquerque, NM
25, joined Aug. 2013
hey sup?my 420 people
just thought i make some friend/s/hi-103.gifs who like to smoke bud.  /s/party0006.gif
8/14/2013 1:50:42 AM |
420 friendly |
Albuquerque, NM
25, joined Aug. 2013
HEY SUP?420 people just thought i make some good friends here.
8/16/2013 2:18:25 AM |
420 friendly |

Denver, CO
48, joined Jun. 2013
F**k 420
8/16/2013 1:23:23 PM |
420 friendly |

Longmont, CO
27, joined Jun. 2013
Lol for how much you know youre an idiot. If its a rich mans drug and its legal... Then people are buying it. If rich people are buying it... Then theyre prob not growing it so they will pay more for higher quality weed becuase they understand economy...So yes pueblo can still be ghetto because in places where rich people give poor people money, stuffs not gonna get better. Weed veing legal doesnt take a dealer off the corner it raises his client basis lol...
8/16/2013 1:33:56 PM |
420 friendly |

Longmont, CO
27, joined Jun. 2013
Lol ever heard of ghost accounts and or forgery/catfishing? Youre the one thats naive enough just to believe that is a teenager who wants some pot... Again.. idiot... Op of forum just go to boulder on
pearl street or 16th street In Denver and ask the nice man with dreads he will definately tell you bro!
8/17/2013 11:50:18 AM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013

Dr. Sanjay Gupta Apologizes Being Wrong About Medical Marijuana: Americans 'Terribly Misled'
Marijuana cannabinoids slow brain degradation and aging, reverse dementia: here's how
By Ethan A. Huff
(NaturalNews) The human brain contains an extensive network of special receptor sites that modulate nervous system function only when activated by the appropriate cannabinoid compounds, many of which are found in abundance in the marijuana plant. And emerging research continues to uncover the unique role these cannabinoids play in Protecting Brain function, which in turn helps deter the aging process and even Reverse the Damaging effects of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and cognitive abnormality.

8/17/2013 4:45:03 PM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Medicinal marijuana stops seizures, brings hope to a little Black Forest girl
They'd done all they could to control the seemingly endless, violent seizures that hit Charlotte 20, 40, 60 times a day. They put her on an extreme diet. They tried at least a dozen medications, many with harmful side effects. Despite some promising starts, nothing worked. And the rescue medications they were giving her to stop the seizures in fact stopped her breathing. CPR brought her back to life more than once.
Her seizures have dropped from 1,200 a month to three, and the ones she has are shorter in duration and less severe. She's off all the other medications with their troubling side effects. And, as one of the youngest medical marijuana patients in Colorado, her dramatic turnaround is starting to draw national attention, with a CNN report on the horizon.
"Charlotte, when I first saw her more than a year ago, she was listless, really lying in her mother's arms. She did not speak, she could not walk," says Dr. Alan Shackelford of Denver, one of the two doctors who recommended medical marijuana for her. "And when I compare that child to the little girl who bounded into my office when I last saw her, and laughed and danced, it was a different human being who was there."
To Paige, there is no other explanation for the stunning reversal in Charlotte's condition than the marijuana.
"That plant is worth everything to me," Paige says.
The military ran the cocain industry, and now they're supplying the drug cartels. They're keeping them in inner termoil, making the US more appealing.
Simultaneously the pharmaceutical companies have basically free roam to peddle their poisions. It's one big rat wheel, grinding up our lives.

8/18/2013 7:29:40 PM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Well it's a shame the parents had to resort to that. Now the child will dependent on this to take care of her effectively becoming a willing addict thanks to her parents. Could be considered Child Abuse; Mothers on drugs that have kids born with the addiction do get charged with Child Abuse and the kids summarily taken from them. Black Forest hmm a Well to do neighborhood that has fire issues. You put the parents in Colorado Springs city proper and the results will be much different! Social Services will have a Field day with this and so would the state possibly seizing property and giving the parents a very big rectal exam! So why won't labs do research, they know it's a dead end Fiancially and ethically. Never medical but casual use. Schools will not accept this child due to the dare program and the money the feds give the state and school districts to keep kids off drugs!
Cannibis was criminalized as a "backdoor" to free labor once the Jim Crow Laws were deemed unconstitutional. The criminalization of cannibis is just as wrong.
Ignorance and racist remarks are going to plague our culture for generations...
One thing slowing down the truth movement is the chemicals embedded within all our modern day conveniences.
Actual Studies on the Dumbing Effects of Fluoride
I read these studies and wonder if it could be true, if we really might be “dumbing down” our own children in the name of (or guise of) dental health. Then I read the most recent study about fluoride decreasing IQ in children, released in December 2010. By eliminating other possible causes of lowered IQ’s (including brick tea consumption), this Chinese study presents undeniable findings.
The study compares children in two areas of China, one with a low level of natural fluoride averaging 0.36mg/liter water to an area of higher natural fluoride averaging 2.5mg/liter water. In the low fluoride area, there were 3½ times more bright children as in the high fluoride area. That’s enough to make a person pause for a moment.
And if the last statistic isn’t dramatic enough, digest this one: the high fluoride area had 2 ½ times more mentally retarded children than the low fluoride area. I’m hoping for essentially this same study redone by comparing a NO fluoride area to a high fluoride area.
Fluoride Carries Aluminum Into The Brain
This should be enough. This obviously IS more than enough – but unfortunately this isn’t all that fluoride does to the brain. Fluoride has a frequent companion: aluminum – and when the two of these guys hang out together (which they commonly do), all hell breaks lose. Aluminum in the brain is a possible causative factor in Alzheimer’s Disease. Fluoride is the key that allows aluminum to pass the blood brain barrier and set the stage for dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease through the formation of beta-amyloid plaques.
I avoid aluminum based deodorants and don’t cook in aluminum pans because of the Alzheimer- aluminum connection. But I never realized that fluoridated water promotes aluminum getting lodged in the brain.
Our own government is supplying military grade assault rifles to the Mexican drug cartels while trying to take ours away.
Does that tell you?
Cannibis is the greatest healing herb known to mankind, yet people are still allowing the opinions of a few bring pain and suffering upon us all.
A 2-year-old girl was killed after she was removed from her parents’ home and placed in child protective services.
Little Alexandria Hill in Round Rock, Texas was taken from her biological parents who were accused of neglecting her because they are pot smokers. The couple was charged with “neglectful supervision,” but claimed to only smoke pot after they put their daughter to bed.
8/19/2013 4:56:36 PM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
You're not really safe in the hands of our government. They care more about the econmony than you or me. The entire pharmacuitical company is just a business, if they cared about your health they'd be devoting their efforts to nutrition.
What’s in the regular flu shot?
Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses
Gelatin: can cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin
Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including
anaphylaxis. Also associated with inferility in female mice.
Formaldehyde: known carcinogen
Triton X100: a strong detergent
Sucrose: table sugar
Resin: known to cause allergic reactions
Gentamycin: an antibiotic
Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose flu shot vials
Do flu shots work?

Welcome to the real world...
8/20/2013 3:04:55 PM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Nice Photoshop job, not! If this Gov't cared about the Economy, then why are they penalizing businesses by limiting hours worked? Curious!
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
– Thomas Jefferson
It's the major stockholders and corporations pulling strings.
They move in, drive prices down low, put mom and pop out of business, then take over entire towns and jack up prices like never before.
They take taxpayer money, then use it to kick you off your own land.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
– Henry Ford
We live under a very complex system, and it's made life nearly impossible.

8/20/2013 6:22:17 PM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
It's only complex due to the "Socialization" of A Free Market Economy. Penalizing people who invest money the risk taker businessperson and the undo recipient Big Government! Joseph Mattoon who was the socialist party's leader in the 1940's said paraphrasing; "The united states will never become a socialist country, but if under the label of Liberalism, America will slowly become that. I no longer need to run for President of the united states, The Democratic Party has fully adopted our Platform!" But anyhoo I'm not willing to have crappy roads or drug addicted kids and adults running around because of a "Recreational" Drug option that the Federal Government and Law Officers don't want due to those problems! Still can't convince me or most people It's right when It's not!
I can't force you to do anything against your will. No one can, we can only choose. Then from that experience we can decide if this is something we wish to be apart of our lives.
I can't tell you who to love.
I can't tell you who to respect.
I can't tell you who to sleep with.
Will you do these things?
Yes, hopefully.
Should someone a million miles away have any say over which woman you love? Over whom you care for? Over how you live your life from one day to the next?
No. You are an individual who has found balance in his life. You don't need any more or less. You are fully capable of thinking for yourself.
Intamacy is a rare and beautiful state of being, it is the union of two souls that have found peace in each other's embrace.
However you wouldn't want intimacy while you're in a professional setting, while you're in a public setting, or any other innapropriate time or place.
It's a high state of emotion, that is not a typical experience between most people, and is coveted. We know in some situations it's criminal, it's innapropriate, it's disgusting, but it can also be beautiful and exotic.
Should someone who's never felt the touch of another have the authority to impose celibacy upon us all? No. One persons insecurities and inexperience should not dictate the lives of others.
If you're uncomfortable with having sex then don't.
If you don't like cannibis then don't do it.
However regaurdless of what you think or feel, people still deserve the right to experience life and make the most of what they have been given. They should not be forced to suffer in agony simply because you can't comprehend their experience.
How would you feel if you loved someone and no one else understood, should you find a different girl because they told you to? Should you be someone you're not, to satisfy people who don't like you the way you are?
Are you okay with people being addicted alcohol? Pills? Tv? Fast food? Sex with random strangers? Huffing gas or paint thinner?
Stopping the legalization of cannibis isn't preventing addiction, it's only conforming addicts to a select group of options, options that happen to all be very harmful to one's health. The corporate sponsored government doesn't care, in fact it works in their favor.
The more people to ingest the toxins they produce, they shorter the average life span, and thus the less social security they have to reward. They really know how to make a killing. Why else would they blatantly approve of so many harmful and addictive toxins to the American public, then criminalize the one thing that actually does the body good?
8/20/2013 7:23:22 PM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Weed will never be fully legalized as you so Desperately want. There are people that do tell you what to do and yes It Is the Government under the Guise of "Change". People who choose to make weed and drugs in general will find themselves Shunned by society at every turn. What will happen when the Mandate for Obamacare takes effect AND who runs it? The Federal Government which drug abuse won't be accepted as a pre exisiting condition for Insurability, yet Planned Parenthood will get millions for doing Abortions on these women who do drugs! You Compound One Mistake with another is still 2 Mistakes. So have your wallet ready to pay for this oh yea they won't ask, just take! Not Friendly ever. we have a Prison here that's not being used, it may fill up quicker than people think. Do watch the movie "Savages" and the underbelly of this will make you think!
You don't strike me as much of a thinker, you come off as more of a follower.
Currently both Bush and Obama are wanted for war crimes internationally.
RT’s The Truthseeker 12-minute video explains with multiple expert witnesses the legal argument for War Crimes prosecution against US government “leadership” in the Bush and Obama administrations.
The most egregious War Crime is unlawful War of Aggression, with deaths in the millions. All “reasons” for these wars are now acknowledged in official US government documents as known to be false as they were told. This means that it is uncontested conservative history that US “leadership” lies directly caused thousands of deaths and injuries to US soldiers; arguably the crime of treason for being the cause of attacks on the United States.
It's the blind leading the blind...
Humans are the only species that have to pay to live on the earth.

Some things I wouldn't mind being standardized, like the Goodyear tire, seems like a great design that's proved the test of time. However the patten office won't allow others to use their technique since they thought of it first, so we have tires like Firestone that blow up and end lives.
If corporations weren't trying to sap the life out of every moment, people would have the time and energy to focus upon nutrition and health, quality time with family and loved ones, and the troubles that plague our lives would be no more.
But no. The ripped our towns and communities apart, deprived us of our freedom and strength, and now punish us for being what they made us into.
Our way of life creates misfits, not drugs and alcohol.
“Bonding with the earth unfolds early on but most prominently around age four, with the shift to the brain's right-hemisphere dominance. This bond to the earth is difficult to develop if the child is not first bonded to parents and free to explore that world. Making making matters more difficult is the fact that such bonding is emphatically blocked or bypassed by virtual reality that takes the place of nature. This virtual reality begins with technological childbirth, continues through bottle-feeding, nurseries, cribs, playpen, television as babysitter in infancy and early childhood, Playstations, Game Boys, computers. Those not bonded with the earth will have bonded with an electronic world and later will support virtual reality at the expense of the living earth. The harm that results may not register in the child because ecological awareness has no receptors in a child of virtual reality. Further, any harm pointed out will be rationalized. Such a child can only seek ever more intense forms of artificial stimuli as he grows older, for he is dependent on these for maintaining full conscious awareness or feeling really alive.”
–Joseph Chilton Pearce

“By their fruits you shall know their name.”
In other words, we must be a flawed society if we are incapable of raising decent human beings.

8/23/2013 8:08:04 AM |
420 friendly |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
I am not concerned if I don't strike you as a thinker, but I've lived a helluva life by traveling as a civilian seeing things you will never see good and bad! Obiviously the Public school system you were Indoctrinated by did It's job. You want to have Obama and bush put on trial well son it don't work that way. Chouchescau from Romania was a sleeze by all accounts and even Russia wouldn't back him so he systematically erased his own people. China does the same thing which is why America has the highest cause we report them for financial purposes. The ACLU and other groups won't let justice be served properly in this country when a person is guilty. It still comes down to this; you Dilude the Issue of wanting to smoke weed with no consequence, but it'll never happen in this lifetime. Society like nature tends to cast off the unwanted parts killing it, don't be surprised when people die from over-refining of it to get a better High. Society won't miss those people at all! 20 years ago was the dawn of computers, see how you'd manage like we all did 21 yrs. ago you can't!
Maybe you have seen more, but how deep did you go? Have you just been skimming across the surface all your life?
I've seen my fair share, and I kept digging deeper and deeper, with the foreknowledge that a secret society has existed for nearly 8,000 years and has been influencing the changes in culture, leading us to where we are now.
I basically slipped through the cracks in the education systems. I educated myself outside of class, lectures were more of a review for me.
I critiqued my professors in college, who began to resent my intellect. I only returned the same standard of excellence they imposed upon all students, they should perform flawlessly if they wish to educate people properly.
We all live within one big "test tube" where a few carry out social experiments upon the masses. They treat us like lab rats, pawns, puppets, fresh meat for the grinder...
The water we drink.
The food we eat.
The impulsive shows we watch.
The machines we use.
The medicine we trust with our lives.
It's all detrimental to our health, mentally, physically, spiritually.
While we overlook these fundamental faults, going unchecked as if it's a natural way of life, our government is steadily finding new games to play, new ways to make us suffer and die.
They operate as if they are above the American people, above all governments, as if humans are of little to no concern to them, just slaves for hire.
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African American men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.
Woody Harrelson Talks about society
8/23/2013 8:38:14 PM |
420 friendly |
Littleton, CO
23, joined Aug. 2013
Dab cityy!!! haha xD
8/23/2013 8:52:04 PM |
420 friendly |
Littleton, CO
23, joined Aug. 2013
are government is against us its all about the next big buck how to cut the population and controll the world are presidents are just puppets the people are the sheep and the corporations and other higher powers are the ring leaders. people need to relize whats truly going on search up monsanto there poisoning us threw are food with GMOs chem trails in the air and floride and other chemicals in are water, they wanna take are guns so they can run us there are fema camps all across america are national security just upped its cost and power but the millions, tv, video games, public schools are all there to brainwash you and stop your true brains potential so you will blindly fall in to there trap wich is are now day society....read this..its true in many ways Born like this, into this
As the chalk face smiles, as mrs. death laughs
As political landscapes dissolve
As the oily fish spit out their oily prey
We are born like this, into this
Into hospitals that are too expensive that it is cheaper to die
Into lawyer who charged so much that it is cheaper to plead guilty
Into a country where the jails are full and the madhouses closed
Into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes
Born into this, walking and living through this, dying because of this
Castrated, debauched, disinheritated, because of this
The fingers reach toward an unresponsive God
The fingers reach for the bottle, the pill, the powder
We are born into this sorrowful deadliness
There will be open and unpunished murder in the streets
It will be guns and roving mobs
Land will be useless
Food will become a diminishing return
Nuclear power will be taken over by the many
Explosions will continually shape the earth
Radiated men will eat the flesh of radiated men
The rotting bodies of men and animals stink in the dark wind
And there will be the most beautiful silence never heard
Born out of that
The sun hidden there
Awaiting the next chapter....please wake up people look deeper into things then the want you to know show the nsa are gov and the rest of are people its time for change for the better of the people 
9/6/2013 4:36:17 PM |
420 friendly |


Denver, CO
38, joined Apr. 2013
I can help those in need..but you Gotta travel to me and have cash
9/8/2013 1:54:43 PM |
420 friendly |

Aurora, CO
45, joined Sep. 2013
Looking for a friend here that maybe knows denver..comeing out after new year or before..some one show me around..420 friend... ....