4/15/2013 8:17:09 AM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
Love it either way mmmm I let my tongue run thru the bush mmmmm
another moronic comment...where do you asses come from
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6/23/2013 11:12:38 PM |
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Brushton, NY
54, joined May. 2012
I agree with you. I shave on occasion and its only to keep the growth down. Not bald. I am 50 not 5 lol.
6/24/2013 8:21:12 PM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
I agree with you. I shave on occasion and its only to keep the growth down. Not bald. I am 50 not 5 lol.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww, gross, "keep the growth down" sounds disgusting, here's a nice forest for you to get lost in sugarman.... barf
6/24/2013 10:10:19 PM |
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Brushton, NY
54, joined May. 2012
Why are you trying to look like a kid? You're a grown women..Act like it! Something pervy about a guy who preferes a shaved kitty..think about it
6/25/2013 7:16:14 AM |
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Bronx, NY
32, joined Jan. 2013
Love it either way mmmm I let my tongue run thru the bush mmmmm

6/25/2013 7:01:37 PM |
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Ozone Park, NY
36, joined Jan. 2012
No hair is great ....
Love a bald kitty kat.
6/28/2013 8:04:55 PM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
Why are you trying to look like a kid? You're a grown women..Act like it! Something pervy about a guy who preferes a shaved kitty..think about it
hun, i am not acting like a kid, but i think my fresh clean spot smells better than your forest any given day....
you also are not the most feminine looking gal either, doesnt surprise that you sportin the 70's hippie beard below, when less is the way to go and the preference of the majority of men and women.... sorry being my blunt self 
[Edited 6/28/2013 8:07:36 PM ]
6/28/2013 8:06:59 PM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
hun, i am not acting like a kid, but i think my fresh clean spot smells better than your forest any given day....
you also are not the most feminine looking gal either, doesnt surprise that you sportin the 70's hippie beard below, when less is the way to go and the preference of the majority of men and women.... sorry being my blunt self 
and i dont look like a kid anywhere on my body, easy to differentiate between my 48 yr old a** and 5 yrs olds, for a sane person....i dont waste my time on stupid men who cant
6/30/2013 10:50:26 PM |
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Oswego, NY
33, joined Jun. 2013
What a messed up post ......you must like the kitty smelling lik e pee
7/2/2013 9:16:47 AM |
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Yonkers, NY
49, joined Apr. 2013
lmao! so true..wtf is up with every woman shaving everything! i keep a landing strip which looks sexy as hell...don't wanna look like im 10!!! guys hate that shit
7/2/2013 11:42:49 PM |
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Jamaica, NY
26, joined Jan. 2013
Seriously I agree
7/6/2013 1:37:43 AM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
lmao! so true..wtf is up with every woman shaving everything! i keep a landing strip which looks sexy as hell...don't wanna look like im 10!!!
guys hate that shit
first of all, not all guys hate it ...lol
all we are saying is less is more hun, sportin a strip is cool, but the 70's jungle and hair down the inner thighs, with no shape at all, come on get real....that's just not appealing.... or sexy....
and if you think your well aged likely to have born children 44 yr old box looks like a 10 yrs old child's untouched privates... (lmao), you need to get a mirror and some new glasses girlfriend seriously, and no offence intended, just expressing...
i dont imagine it does even remotely...look the same...
7/6/2013 1:38:59 AM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
Seems like a lot of guys agree with me
not really. slim pickins on the forest gals..lol
7/6/2013 8:00:11 AM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Jun. 2013
hairy women.......uuuuugghhhh fcking grosssss 
7/6/2013 8:03:11 AM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Jun. 2013
hairy is just as gross as a sloppy woman uuuugggross men need to stop the bs and fakeness telling 200/300 Lbs plus women that she is sexy 
7/9/2013 4:41:51 PM |
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Long Island City, NY
37, joined May. 2013
hairy is just as gross as a sloppy woman uuuugggross men need to stop the bs and fakeness telling 200/300 Lbs plus women that she is sexy 
Why does it bother u if other men find full sized women sexy? Not everyone likes their women looking like concentration camp victims. To each his own.
7/9/2013 6:08:46 PM |
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Freeport, NY
47, joined Apr. 2013
I'am pretty much neutral on this topic well it depends on activity.
But overall a little hair is good for me
Like for my mate to be able to see how well she being pleased. 
7/10/2013 1:42:06 AM |
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New York, NY
28, joined Jul. 2013
No Hair
7/10/2013 9:19:55 AM |
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Lithonia, GA
39, joined Jan. 2012
Sobody tell that b*tch from the bronx to go away nobody wants bald p*ssy and She talk to much
7/10/2013 5:53:50 PM |
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Baldwin, NY
41, joined May. 2013
Truth be told: No woman shud go bald. there are benefits to having pubic hair as it helps keep dirt out of the vagina. also pubic hair gives off pheromones (if I spelled tht rgt) tht actually attracts a man. Dont get it twisted trimming/shape ups are a nice cosmetic touch but any woman who truly has a relationship with their gyn nd body will kno tht yu absolutely dont go bald! Real talk why yu think we were blessed with hair there...? baldness makes yu more susceptible to yeast nd bacterial infections. Good health for my delinda is more important!
Dapper snapper
7/11/2013 8:25:10 AM |
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Brooklyn, NY
26, joined Aug. 2012
Ur black ?
7/14/2013 11:07:03 PM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
Sobody tell that b*tch from the bronx to go away nobody wants bald p*ssy and She talk to much
ummm, this is a free speech country so why don't you try to make me go away little peasant...
and you need to become literate to speak on my level , you uneducated loser 
[Edited 7/14/2013 11:07:50 PM ]
7/16/2013 1:22:26 AM |
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Brooklyn, NY
37, joined Dec. 2011
Why does it bother u if other men find full sized women sexy? Not everyone likes their women looking like concentration camp victims. To each his own.
concentration camp victims? lol, really? 
9/29/2013 6:12:07 PM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
never swore or stated i wasnt fat, clam to be a proud BBW, uneducated boy, get a GED and learn how to read STUPID 
[Edited 9/29/2013 6:12:36 PM ]
9/29/2013 6:15:19 PM |
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Bronx, NY
53, joined Nov. 2012
Bronx girl . I'm sure no one wants to know what you got 
i am sure you dont have much...