2/1/2013 3:37:22 PM |
Art for small men |

Killeen, TX
32, joined Feb. 2012
What is a good self-defense style for smaller men to learn? Say if a man was 5'7 and 130 to 140 lbs?
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2/1/2013 6:03:09 PM |
Art for small men |
Hillsborough, NJ
31, joined May. 2012
I'm 5'7 170 suand I like boxing and ju jit.
2/1/2013 9:36:47 PM |
Art for small men |

Killeen, TX
32, joined Feb. 2012
Thanks for replying. I would like those as well and browsing the the forum, it seems like a lot of people are fond of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (I may have mispelled it).
2/2/2013 12:11:29 AM |
Art for small men |
Hillsborough, NJ
31, joined May. 2012
I've seen 110 lb dudes tap out guys who are 6'2 220.
Skills kill
2/2/2013 11:13:22 AM |
Art for small men |


San Rafael, CA
40, joined Jan. 2013
I am 6'0, 170lbs and I hate grappling.
Dude you are the same size as Asians... I'd say anything but boxing and you're good.
2/3/2013 2:25:30 PM |
Art for small men |

Meriden, CT
28, joined Aug. 2012
jits was invited by smaller men as a way to make a fight even regardless of your opponents size
2/7/2013 5:15:20 PM |
Art for small men |

Rock Falls, IL
32, joined Feb. 2013
Ba Gua Zhang. Soft style chinese martial arts translated as eight trigrams boxing. Example? Avavtar Aang The Last Airbender. airbending was based on this style. perfect for us who are short small quick. Also i would recomend cross training it with specialized Kyushu justu. Thats pressure point fighting but theres alot more to it than just the finger pushing crap most ppl think of.
2/28/2013 11:03:30 PM |
Art for small men |
Durham, NC
40, joined Mar. 2012
What is a good self-defense style for smaller men to learn? Say if a man was 5'7 and 130 to 140 lbs?
The way of the ninja.
[Edited 2/28/2013 11:03:38 PM ]
5/6/2013 5:03:39 PM |
Art for small men |
Brookhaven, MS
51, joined Mar. 2013
I'm 5'7" and about 145lbs. And Hapkido works well for me.
5/6/2013 5:58:25 PM |
Art for small men |

Kincolith, BC
42, joined Apr. 2013
gung fu(not kung fu). ancestor to modern day mma. combines all aspects of martial arts. grappling, striking, large or small joint manipulation and leverage points. very few could master it cause some were so good at striking that they concentrated only on striking. some were so good at grappling, that's all they practiced. some were so good at the judo(gentle way) that it is all they new.
even our mma competitors today can master only one form and just be good at the rest. it is the highest form of self discovery. in the modern era i could bruce lee came close but even he would admit that he was very limitted by his own success.
in bruces words"gung fu is the ancestor to ju jitzu, karate, hakito and all those other styles that their masters will tell you is the best."
i would say basic ju jitzu first, than upgrade training to gracie ju jitzu(defensive), and finally brazillion ju jitzu(agressive and attacking). that's for grappling.
for striking it would be kung fu(yes i said kung fu). it is pure striking. it will minimizes movement and will teach explosive strength in really tight quarters. it concentrates on low leg kicks, elbow strikes, and short extention boxing. nothing to complicated.
american tai kwondo will teach full extension striking. most notably high kicks to the head.
to round it all off, american boxing. for this you should study film on muhhamed ali when he was cassius clay. the flickering jab and more importantly, the foot work.
that should keep you busy and safe in a real fight scenario. remember , a street fight is not the same as an mma fight. no rulez to a street fight. no time limit. no ref. to tell you when to start. good luck.
5/7/2013 2:11:14 PM |
Art for small men |

Kincolith, BC
42, joined Apr. 2013
You did misspell it, but so did the Gracies. None of them speak Japanese, so they misspelled Jujutsu when they marketed what was actually dirty Judo.
judo and ju jitzu are different. not even close if you are well versed. judo does entail some submissions and chokes, but conentrates more on throws and deflection. it will not teach you how to cripple an opponent, but more to deflect the attack. direct translation is"the gentle way"
ju jitzu does not employ throws so much as trips, and concentrates more on joint manipulation and chokes. the idea is not to deflect the attack, but to accept it and use reverse leverage for positioning. more to smother.
this is why more military training utilize ju jitzu as apposed to judo.
5/7/2013 8:45:14 PM |
Art for small men |

Kincolith, BC
42, joined Apr. 2013
Jujutsu is not spelled Jiu Jitsu, Ju Jitzu, or whatever. Those are not words in The Japanese language.
spelling doesn't matter so much to me as the practice of the art form. if i remember correctly, judoka wasthe school the art form was taught in. i can't remember the fellows name that taught aeilio the art form but it was not judoka. judoka is the japanese form of saying judo. judo is a basterdised way of saying judoka. your ignorance is enlightening.
5/8/2013 12:49:52 AM |
Art for small men |

Kincolith, BC
42, joined Apr. 2013
I'm sorry, but I speak Japanese fluently, because I lived in Japan for over six years. Two of my profile pictures were taken in Japan. A " Judoka" is the name that Judo practitioners are called.
A Judoka practices Judo, like a Karateka practices karate.
I trained in Kyukushin Karate in Yokosuka, Japan, therefore I am a Karateka.  if you read what you wrote than read what i wrote . you proved my point.
both japanese and brazilian martial artists alike are very prideful. it does not surprize me that both would have their own version of where the art was born.
both would be wrong to say that they are where martial arts was born. it was in china.
6/6/2013 11:02:41 AM |
Art for small men |
Madison, TN
51, joined May. 2013
I say any art you so choose my friend. I believe you limit yourself through pre-conceived notions that you are too small. that is simply not true guy. i am 5ft 9in tall and when i did fight in mma, i fought at 170-185pds against many taller and larger people in my weight class and won. bjj is good but you limit yourself as a grappler. now add muay thai in there and some boxing and u can increase your speed and clinch game. any small person man or woman needs to have a good clinch game because your going to have to be an in range fighter withour getting knocked out. i hope that helps ya!