12/17/2013 4:23:24 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Coffee was found frozen in the pot still full from yesterday so I just turned it on & should be melted & hot for you all by day light 
Ain't that miss orz something And we thought we were the experts on tits 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/17/2013 7:08:51 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Bent Mountain, VA
65, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
Whoever built that one pair of headlights shouldnt have been paid. What did he do...stand back and throw and where they stuck they stayed? Yep..always wanted them under each arm!  Maybe there was supposed to be three and he missed the middle one. Where is Tucker when ya need him!!!
Maybe that space in between is what is known as the 'silicone valley' ?
12/17/2013 7:22:13 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
Are you ready for me yet? For I am up and rarin' to go.............

Have at it.................
12/17/2013 7:56:32 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012
12/17/2013 8:08:01 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Apple Creek, OH
66, joined Jul. 2008
What did you expect??....... ....Living in Wisconsin for years, she's seen lots of tits...... .....

12/17/2013 10:13:47 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
And cows never use silicone to get big utters either 
Guess I will have a visit from a relitive today, he wants me to buy an old shotgun his dad left him. Dumb a** for wanting to sell his dads gun so I will buy it, As other than maybe his dad I'm the only one to ever use it in my life time. It was the very 1st shot gun I ever used to hunt Pheasants at around 10 years old and I shot several birds with it, then the fireing pin broke. It had nealy rusted into then my useing it finished it.
I had a local machinist make a new one for it before I returned it to my Uncle.
I know it has never ben used sence. Though it is one of the very 1st shotguns ever made for paper shells it is not worth much & I am likely over paying at $100.00
They were converted to shotguns from forgin muskets & sold to the early settlers for a buck fifty Collectors don't like them & call them Zulu's
This one has Hunter stamped on the barrel & this means this one was sold at Sears.
But they are kind of and fun to use if one uses Black powder!!
One can take a chance has I did at 10 years old & shoot factry loads but I'm smarter now and it is best not to 
12/17/2013 4:52:06 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Guess I now have my new 130+ year old Christmas presant as he showed up with the old shotgun and took my offer for it. As long as he was going to sell it I was happy that it was I that got it and can keep it in the family 
12/17/2013 5:04:44 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Storden, MN
68, joined Mar. 2009
Makes me wonder what I will do with mine (two Ithaca 12 ga, .22 pistol, .22 rifle)when I am getting ready to depart. Only 'family' left is a younger brother, and he's about 1100 miles away. 
Will cross that bridge when I feel I cannot function in the woods anymore. 
Great to be able to keep that in the family, star. 
12/18/2013 7:42:20 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012

12/18/2013 9:08:05 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Thanks for the 
32 going to 45 today 
12/18/2013 1:20:29 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
As cool as that gun sounds..was a good buy. I have sold a couple of mine off. If I dont like them, dont use them or need them..why have. Nothing to inheritors but cash anyway. Maybe find my Kentucky that I DO want. Did a supply run yesterday. Good thing I view the 02 Impala as the beater cause it sure is white with salt now!! Still cant get used to driving it. Went to turn the dome light on in back and....how the..??? So gave up and settled for the mirror ones and boarder left the back door open while he unloaded so light stayed on. I was afraid if I pulled the headlight automatic, I would do something to mess its brain up. Wanted to unlock the pass. door..where the hell is the button...Oh hell, Fuz, reach through the window and open on your side. Oh..that is where my side is...sigh... Cant I just have a knob to pull up on the top of the door? I.........hate.............new............cars!!!! Be glad when summer comes and I can go back to the truck! Joe said I have to run the car so battery stays up. Oh..so I should pull the battery. NO...resets the computer...      
12/18/2013 3:09:34 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
If anyone wants to see what that gun looks like? I typed in Zulu gun in search yesterday and found lots of them. under whats one is worth it said $156.00
I would say thats the high side But yes I always found them 
How manny Kentuckys does it take to get a service car Harley?   
12/18/2013 3:10:06 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Onaway, MI
70, joined Dec. 2007
I feel your pain orz 
[Edited 12/18/2013 3:10:41 PM ]
12/19/2013 9:21:49 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Good Morning Gear heads coffee is on Not many of you crank heads are showing up this close to Christmas I see, But I can still hold the fort down as I will only have a very small christmas and woun't be out of the shop alot myself for Christmas just christmas day is all I know of at this time.
12/19/2013 9:42:35 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Marshfield, MO
76, joined Jun. 2010
I'm here with my wrench in one hand and my empty coffee cup in the other..
12/19/2013 9:48:22 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Well if you would drop the wrench I will pour the coffee 
12/19/2013 12:59:04 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Take a few Kentucks to pay for a servi car! Too bad Santa isnt real..now a kentuck or penn would be nice to find under my tree. If I put one up anyway. sigh...I have the design drawn for a template for cutting out a pinstripe motif for the dash on the Impala. And may use it in spring to paint one on the trunk too. That is the whole car input for this time of year. I did put a huge hose clamp back together to put away. I wonder what I bought it for??????
12/20/2013 8:59:51 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
9 degrees hear this morning So I have ben haveing my coffee with Wayne as I watch him chase Classic Cars At 7:00 AM each morning
To freeking cold for much else. Hard to get motivated in cold weather, at least for me it is, at least it got to cold to snow much & only got a light dusting of the stuff.
12/20/2013 1:23:17 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
I am reading about the Power tour in Hot Rod. It is unreal to push those cars that distance. Can you imagine someone who isnt aware of what it is, walking out their front door and seeing all those old cars tooling by. And turning, walking back inside to see what year the calendar says? LOL
12/20/2013 2:02:04 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012

Was in the low 60‘s yesterday & 64* at the moment. Good time ta get things done outside that didn’t get done earlier Know this weather ain’t gonna last long.
12/21/2013 5:36:26 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012

12/21/2013 5:41:17 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Goldsboro, NC
77, joined Apr. 2008
Beautiful day yesterday---- in the 70s...... Not checked yet to see what I can look forward to today..
12/21/2013 7:08:11 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Thanks for the coffee, it taste good at 11 degrees hear.
12/21/2013 12:08:35 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Apple Creek, OH
66, joined Jul. 2008

12/21/2013 1:21:18 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Now that puts a whole new slant on a stretch limo!!! I hate the new ones that look like airport buses. Why not just use a bus already? I wish I still had my 51 Caddi hearse, all original. Ex took it. Then traded it off. GRRRRRRR!
12/21/2013 1:30:43 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Well let's hope that someone will cut the center out of it & put it back to a clasic car.
12/21/2013 4:06:13 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012
Bull must be out looking for a christmas present 

12/21/2013 4:35:57 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Bull is likely in the nauty jail ? 
12/21/2013 4:38:12 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Storden, MN
68, joined Mar. 2009
Rumor has it he's enjoying his time on FB. 
Whether or not he was jailed for the 'helpers' is only speculation. 
After a quick look, the original post IS gone. Hmmmm.
[Edited 12/21/2013 4:40:50 PM ]
12/22/2013 8:36:06 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012

So the Bull is either grazing in other pastures or is penned in the stockade... seems he’d bellow to someone ta let us know 
12/22/2013 8:40:58 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Storden, MN
68, joined Mar. 2009
Well, the quote is still up, its date is the 14th, so 'suspension time' should be about up IF it was a week. I have NO doubt that there are a few that KNOW beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe they have been 'sworn to secrecy'? ? ? 
12/22/2013 8:41:37 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Yes the coffee is ready Now it's 8 degrees & moveing to -7 No wonder the bull does not show up  He likely stays on FB so he can be heard directly by the president Were likely just metigated on DH 
12/22/2013 9:02:58 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012
Star, put another log on the fire and we'll keep the home fires burning for Bull 
12/22/2013 10:59:55 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Minneapolis, MN
68, joined Oct. 2010
I have no idea what's up with Bull..... I will send him another note on FB today and ask..... 
12/22/2013 2:25:56 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Well...the snow fell. Not as much as could have..only 4. So to plow or not to plow..that is the question. Shovel the front of the pergola. Get the snow pup and blow some more. AH nuts. Not enough to plow, not little enough to not. See tenant is below with his blower. Yes, no. FINE! So raise the plastic. Open hood and connect battery. Should I or not...well..try it once. AND low and behold that dang FORD started on its own. Pumped it. Rested...turned and pumped and varoom! There are miracles. So warmed it up and plowed. There are definitely problems with that beast. Altho it is becoming my plowtruck...drivers door doesnt latch anymore. Old one was both doors bungied in the end. It is a stick six and four by. I leave it in four cause there is a duel lock that doesnt work. Never off the farm so best to leave it in reg. four and not mess with the transfer case. I need to double clutch alot of times to shift. And the engine rocks so much you could make butter. It has a tuneup. I wonder if the timing is off or something. But, got plowed and it is back into its pergola carport. Now...this IS the winter's snow..right?
12/23/2013 9:21:08 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012
Wood morning  
12/23/2013 9:44:36 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
One of the Fu(k adds you see below this morning was addvertiseing a site were you must be willing to service ugly woman on instant demand.
I was just wondering if the Bull saw his calling & sined up his service?  He's off busy at something 
12/23/2013 9:45:41 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
One of the Fu(k adds you see below this morning was addvertiseing a site were you must be willing to service ugly girls on instant demand.
I was just wondering if the Bull saw his calling & sined up his service?  He's off busy at something 
12/23/2013 12:49:50 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
I hope he is driving one of his rods. But, he probably took the CEO so he has the sleeper.
12/24/2013 8:20:05 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012
Guess it's my turn ta make the coffee...

12/24/2013 9:50:53 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Good coffee Thanks, took mine and watched Chaseing clasic cars on Velostiy channel, That's geting to be a habit anymore. He does with the upper crust cars what I do with
The chrusty & rusty iron   Well maybe I don't realy as I seldom sell But at some point age just may change that also  Geting to the point I'm thinging of how I should update my will and this is a dificult task for me as what is important to leave & to who and what should just be Cash for me or someone if I die, as if I would turn it to cash I likely would just buy another rusty treasure And solve nothing for whoever  
I learned some years back it's very hard to just guess what maybe important to ones own childern as I had decided to donate my small replica of the boat Lewis & Clark used to my muzzle loaders club, but when my daughters found out all hell broke out!!
Dad that's one of a kind!! you can't get rid of it!!
Heck I thought they would be happy to see it go, guess I was wrong about that So I had to ask the club if they would allow me to donate something else for their raffle and gave them a Browning .22 instead.
Anyway They will have to fight over it now after I'm gone as it is now never moveing while I'm still hear But I have many things like that boat That I know I realy have know Idea if its a treasure to them or just junk????
One daughter once did tell me of two guns she wanted after I was gone + she wanted my Cannon That makes it easy to know the things they do want. 
But do I sell things or do I leave it for them to sell? hopeing I still have a few years to make a decision on that?
How did I get soooo lost & carryied away   
12/24/2013 10:25:30 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Onaway, MI
70, joined Dec. 2007
I hear ya star At the rate things are going that girl may need that cannon ya better teach her how to make canister shot  
12/24/2013 2:53:04 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013

12/25/2013 9:35:40 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Merry Christmas gearheads, likely you will be in the shop to put something together
today so have some coffee while your working on how it goes together 
12/25/2013 9:45:36 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Storden, MN
68, joined Mar. 2009
I can hear the 'whines' all the way out here - wrong size batteries, where's that #&*#@ screwdriver, how do you get this %#$*@ package open, etc.

Have a G O O D Day, ALL. 
12/25/2013 9:58:29 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Goldsboro, NC
77, joined Apr. 2008
Laffin.. No whines here Mike.. Practice makes perfect when unwrapping just as wrapping does.. Have yourself a Good One *smile*
12/25/2013 10:17:41 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Minneapolis, MN
68, joined Oct. 2010
Merry Christmas to all the gen-u-ine knuckle skinners and honored guests..... 
12/25/2013 2:02:49 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012

The Bull is alive and well 
12/26/2013 9:30:13 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Nice winter day hear at my garage & coffee is on 
12/26/2013 4:15:44 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
I hear you Star. I have no family to leave stuff to. Nor the history. Joe says all my inheritors will do is sell or dump. Better for me to sell it to someone who will appreciate it. Maybe the answer is to sell it to your KIDS. That way they can get it now, at a bargain. And if no one wants it enough to pay anything...then guess it doesnt and wont mean anything to them after. I remember when Roberts pa came to ask about him selling the cabin. And pa said the kids...I stopped him. The "kids" are all in their 40s and up. They all own homes. And when some come up, they go to town to a motel cause the cabin isnt good enough. And most dont even come up anymore. Then I said..if one of them came to you and made you an offer to buy..a real offer not a pittance..you would have sold it to them wouldnt you have. He started to say no..stopped and thought and said yes...And, I said, no one cares enough to have they. So if you can sell it and use the money to make life easier..do it. We dont need it nor want it and the others dont really either. Our dreams are not theirs. All they see are dollar signs. NOW...Joes gift to me? A caged quadcopter. To fly in the house. Made him try first since I never have and he flys RC planes. And so far he pruned my spiderplant, geranium, silver banner grass dried bouquet and dusted cobwebs off the ceiling. And I STILL wont touch the thing!!! LOL. Oh yeah...great starter plane for me. Brrrr uk buck buck buck.
12/26/2013 4:23:48 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
it hit 51 degrees hear today but talk below zero by sunday again 
Got a Ford model T belt buckel from my grandson, looks to be a real deal 
He wrapted it it a hip type bra box Very funny.....or should I be worried  
Was nice to get outside for a change & with sunshine too 
Got pitchures of my CA. grandkids on refrigerator magnets, That was kool too.
[Edited 12/26/2013 4:25:06 PM ]
12/26/2013 5:24:30 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Upton, MA
68, joined May. 2013
Got about a half inch of snow today. Supposed to warm up a bit this weekend My favorite Christmas gift this year.........a tank of heating oil from my son 
12/27/2013 2:52:58 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
Jade, you have a realy great kid their Thats a real warming present 
12/27/2013 3:30:27 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Marysville, MI
66, joined Jun. 2009
A tank of heating oil
~ That is a nice gift ~ I'm sure you will put that to good use !!!
~ Star, Why are you up so early ? You must have woke me up !!!
(And no coffee) !!!
~ I'll put some on ~ But then I'm going back to bed !!!
~ coffee is on ~ Come and get it
~~~ Mother nature left some snow, so could someone PLEASE shovel the driveway ???
12/27/2013 5:00:23 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Goldsboro, NC
77, joined Apr. 2008
Peeks at the snow then runs back inside.. ( Not my snow *L
12/27/2013 5:53:09 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Boss, MO
65, joined May. 2012
 Good morning
Hope Bub’s not out shoveling snow & ice yet
12/27/2013 9:51:53 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Creighton, NE
67, joined Feb. 2007
No way bub's kids are on vacation from school & he's sleeping in  
12/27/2013 10:18:52 AM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |

Minneapolis, MN
68, joined Oct. 2010
Yup... and yup... slept in..... but, it is 28 degrees already, so Bub is going to get out there and try to reclaim some of that blacktop..... WOO HOO!!!
Anyone else see what Eric Holder did now? There have been dozens of "knockout game" assaults by blacks on whites and nothing out of Washington, but let a white kid do it to a black and that freeking race baiting Holder charges the kid with a "Hate Crime".....
When do we get equality back in this administration??? 
12/27/2013 2:19:25 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Since there is this huge thaw....I am going to install my new solar light in the arbor to the woodshed. Then hope for any sun all winter! I could go in the garage..but...doors are snowed in and probably stuck and the metal is frozen...so...back to hot rod mags.
12/27/2013 5:04:55 PM |
Antiques...Rat Rods and Hot Rods "ONLY" |


Payson, AZ
72, joined Nov. 2008
No real change until economic decline really starts to hit. Yet some the political types
are promoting legalization of millions of bio/cultural aliens. Could compete in the legal job market. While feds bleat about needing 150K new jobs per month to keep up with population demand, they turn and welcome up to 1 million legal immigrants a year. Mostly third worlder's with little or no job skills. But they take jobs. But our gutless pandering political leaders avoid action. The system is melting. Do everything legally possible to accelerate that process.
*be a little patient. USA has momentum that overcomes our loss of assets. Remember how long it took these institutions to rot down. Momentum