10/9/2013 10:35:04 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |


Starkville, MS
40, joined May. 2011
I flagged all this shit.
Carry on
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

10/10/2013 2:15:15 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |


Starkville, MS
40, joined May. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
10/10/2013 2:18:57 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |


Tupelo, MS
36, joined Aug. 2013
They're no such thing as half breeds when you talk about human being.. Your thinking process needs updating.
10/11/2013 8:39:59 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |

Vicksburg, MS
36, joined Oct. 2013
U haven't met tha rite one that's all
10/13/2013 9:11:17 PM |
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Jackson, MS
30, joined May. 2011
Not true not all of them
11/29/2013 10:54:39 PM |
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Jackson, MS
39, joined Sep. 2009
You just need to find the one that cares about. And your children are cute
11/29/2013 10:56:26 PM |
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Jackson, MS
39, joined Sep. 2009
We love you too babe
1/16/2014 11:00:02 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |

Jackson, AL
49, joined Apr. 2012
i just don't like black women period.ok?
1/16/2014 11:04:02 AM |
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Jackson, AL
49, joined Apr. 2012
not only do white men beat women,,they will stalk them and killed them
1/16/2014 11:05:29 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |

Jackson, AL
49, joined Apr. 2012
u black women will jump in bed with a snake if he is a white male
1/16/2014 11:13:33 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |

Jackson, AL
49, joined Apr. 2012
we black men and white women that love each other already u black gals can not stand to see us brothas with white girls,,eat your heart out,their are more black guys marrying and dating white women than u blk gals and white males are,take a look at the latest census count..better yet,go to the website fieldnegro.com.now eat your heart out,black females and white males 
1/16/2014 11:19:50 AM |
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Jackson, AL
49, joined Apr. 2012
no the case is not closed either,look at all the blackmen that have been together with white women for years,such as sidney poitier,james earl jones from your state of MISSISSIPI.just to name a few,u see the case is not close,not by a long shot,go to fieldnegro.com,,how many time do i have open this case?
1/16/2014 11:26:40 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |

Jackson, AL
49, joined Apr. 2012
why don't u get a life,u stupid bigot
1/17/2014 3:21:51 PM |
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Water Valley, MS
39, joined Sep. 2010
Lol... racial hatred still alive and well in the Mississippi chat forums I see. Funny, no discussions worth a damn anywhere else on this forum...
Here's the deal. Black folks that like white folks? Fine. White folks that like black folks? Fine. Who cares? We're no longer living in the 1800s. The human genome is made stronger by diversity and is not meant to homogeneous. Our culture and nation is made stronger by the fact that everyone is different... every creed and every kind gives us depth for strength.
All of this boils down to a matter of personal preference. When I say I like women, I dont restrict it to white or black or asian or indian... I simply mean I like women. No one here should judge people for their preferences when their own preferences may be outside of what is considered social "norm". Interracial couples and marriages are fast becoming the norm all across the country, and the only place where anyone still seems to take offense to it is in the south... to which I say balls. Grow up, ignorant people, and accept the fact that change is part of human evolution. Were all human regardless of origin or skin color.
My .02 
1/17/2014 7:57:04 PM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |
Oxford, MS
27, joined May. 2013
Nothing wrong with someone wanting a guy or girl of different race. All races can be mean and rude and beaters. So don't put all black guys in a group just because one done you wrong. That's pathetic.
1/18/2014 1:13:15 PM |
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Water Valley, MS
39, joined Sep. 2010
Well said, Sunshine. 
I just dont understand why folks get all butt hurt when someone claims they find girls or guys of a different race attractive. Is it really up to anyone to play preference-monitor? This whole thread boils down to preference. It seems to me that everyone on all sides of the fence gets offended that people sometimes look over the fence LOL. Love knows no color and is based on compatibility and attractiveness... at least the folks who admit that they like what they like aren't hiding from that fact that they have these preferences, but the folks that seem to be butt hurt since they don't share that particular preference are the ones in denial.
Pretty stupid if you ask me 
1/28/2014 2:06:22 AM |
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Tupelo, MS
36, joined Aug. 2013
Water Valley!  
1/28/2014 3:40:37 PM |
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Water Valley, MS
39, joined Sep. 2010
Trying to educate some of these fools 
1/28/2014 10:13:30 PM |
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Tupelo, MS
36, joined Aug. 2013
@Tore... Some people just don't get it... they rather spend their life judging someone for whatever preference they have.
Anybody can date or married anyone of any race they choose.
Whosoever disagree, thats your personal problem... not theirs. 
School em tore 
2/16/2014 11:39:47 AM |
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Houston, TX
34, joined Sep. 2013
very true, this person explained it well. tired of hearing people saying grow a pair of balls and abuse from a woman that doesn't care about you. white females show they care and I myself date would like to meet a female of the opposite race that appreciates the good things men do. still looking but shes out there, somewhere
2/18/2014 6:54:28 PM |
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Vicksburg, MS
36, joined Jan. 2014
Wassup cutey
2/20/2014 8:00:55 AM |
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Jackson, MS
30, joined Dec. 2012
What does wonted mean? I can't find it in my dictionary???? Any woman willing to date a non talking, non spelling man is not a woman but transgendered!
2/20/2014 8:32:07 AM |
WHITE WOMEN that love BLACK MEN all are wonted | Page 2 |

Hattiesburg, MS
30, joined Aug. 2013
You gone be my girl or wat
2/28/2014 7:56:00 PM |
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Jackson, MS
35, joined Apr. 2013
I like this thread lol... Funny but was created with good intentions. Can't go wrong with a snow though. Just a different breed. Fwm!
3/7/2014 1:55:28 AM |
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Bogue Chitto, MS
41, joined Feb. 2014
All of y'all shut da f**k up , cause everyone of y'all are sounding stupid , ,
3/7/2014 2:16:08 AM |
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Bogue Chitto, MS
41, joined Feb. 2014
Mimi237 an curvycharms y'all are so beautiful , 
3/7/2014 2:26:37 AM |
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Bogue Chitto, MS
41, joined Feb. 2014
Well said water valley , now I have 2 change my comment cause I didn't read everyone's comments , and water valley we don't live in 1800 , but I drank it though 
3/7/2014 2:29:00 AM |
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Bogue Chitto, MS
41, joined Feb. 2014

3/7/2014 2:31:33 AM |
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Bogue Chitto, MS
41, joined Feb. 2014
What does wonted mean? I can't find it in my dictionary???? Any woman willing to date a non talking, non spelling man is not a woman but transgendered!
, , u wild so how many dictionaries you looked in to try an find it
3/27/2014 2:32:39 PM |
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Greenville, MS
37, joined Apr. 2010
That shit ain't true 
4/17/2014 5:24:50 AM |
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Oxford, MS
36, joined Aug. 2013
Ignorance is Ignorance. Whether it cones from black, white, hispanic, or whatever the f**k it may be. My confusion is, why are we even discussing it? It's funny that the same things that we say we fight for as Americans we deny and toss aside, by creating issues that should not be there. My biological parents were white. My adoptive parents were orginally from Somalia. It's what they call The Horn of Africa. If there's anyone against white chicks getting laid by black guys is because, Alpha) There desperate and jealous. Bravo) They're for some reason or another under the belief that black d*cks are always bigger than white d*cks. They're not. Trust me. I should know. But with all of that being said, Why let Anyone**** or Anything**** around you upset you? Maybe that's where I'm finally once in my life getting something wrong. Why not let everyone around them look upon them as a piece of holy nonvirgin mary dog shit and move on? It's stupid to allow others to disrespect you and start "scrappin'". Why would you tell someone all the shit that you're going to do and allow them the benefit a getting locked and loaded, to the exact precision? I wouldn't I'd act like their best friend. I'd even buy them McDonalds to make them smile. But then I'd put something up their ass. Something they wern't wanting to begin with. As in my K-Bar. I've been to hell and back. It sickens me to hear all of this kindergarden shit spewing out of peoples mouth like Richard Simmons shit out a damn hobbit. Want to change someone? Change the way you act and in doing so, it'll most likely change them as well. If not, kill them. F**k it if you can't take a joke. And kill you if you steal mine. And I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear some guy/or female post a response to this in offence. But go ahead. It'll give me something to laugh about while I'm dumping a load in the latrine. No really, go ahead. Post some stupid shit in response. Well. Then again. I might bust out laughing so f**king hard that a pull a Presley.
7/19/2014 1:14:31 PM |
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Jackson, MS
34, joined Feb. 2014
Hey my name is Mike. Just thought I'll say hello and I'm interest in getting to know you. You can call or text me at 6626430091
12/16/2014 6:33:16 AM |
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Detroit, MI
51, joined Nov. 2014
Hello sexy
12/18/2014 4:06:15 PM |
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Biloxi, MS
28, joined Apr. 2013
Black girls talk game but they to scared to act
1/11/2015 11:05:28 PM |
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Hattiesburg, MS
29, joined Dec. 2014
Not all