Sandy, UT
61, joined Jul. 2012
If you are interested in attending another camp out at Lava hot spring idaho p/s i/m me!
the first one was in memery of nascar (keven)who attended several of the past camp outs of utah chat. keven was a cool guy who told some grate camp fire storys .rip brother!
last year we camped in the park along side the river, went rafting ,bbq, and visited the loacl night life hot spots. along with the water park events!
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

Sandy, UT
61, joined Jul. 2012
ok sorry , my bad!! his name was keith , im old and cant remember names some times? lol thanks for correcting me! lol lol
its been sugested that we get a group rate came sight so we are all next to each other? that will mean paying in advance and the rules for group size is ???? i will call and get more info. also its been suggested that we have a volly ball tronament with three people teams and limit to two teams per person, I would like some else to help host this ,any voliters? the last weekend in july but the 24th is on wesnday???