Omaha, NE
51, joined Dec. 2012
I've been collecting adult dvds for awhile goal was Or is to collect every collection is quit large and diverse. I would like to find pepole that share the same intrests.if you have old that you don't watch anymore then let's buy, trade OT barter.if you got vhs and want them converted, that would be possible to.Dvds could be copied and traded or maybe meet and watch video. This would be free of charge.just bring the materials for a transfer. Everyone is welcome, I DO NOT JUDGE OR TITLE ANYONE. All I ask is be over 18 if you look under 25 i'll need Id.
l don't mean to offend anyone or disrespect, women, gay, bi. AND everything in between. GET ahold of me if your intrested. Ty
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Surprise, NE
48, joined Jun. 2009
No thanks. I don't view sex as a spectator sport. You should look at the rate of suicide, for porn performers. Shocking. But hey, it's just somebodies daughter or son.
Omaha, NE
51, joined Dec. 2012
I feel and relate to what your putting out There I give you props on your morals and boundaries..I can say it wasn't the porn Or the sex that caused The suicide. It was the fact they made a decision to stop breathing. They were I'll even before they got into porn.
I can give you a ton of success stories to.regardless its here to stay and there different levels of porn.when I first started to watch it.I thought just like you did.untill I started TO investigate alittle start to learn the dynamics of How bodies can feel more comfortable with your own personal boundaries and try things you have never thought of.educational dvds are great, home made is awesome to.
I would at least recommend to you(with no disrespect )acouple educational dvds. That I Have. Then instead of you having a 10 min sex session. You could have a 2 hour sex session. 2 hours for me is a quickie. I enjoy 4 hours to all day or all night.thats just me though.once again I don't want to offend anyone and you do raise a good point.although its here to stay.the very best you could do if your Really concerned about there safety and well to watch and learn and work to achieve a better environment for them.They will still suicide turning your back.its your choice my friend.I Have to respect that.
Hastings, NE
44, joined Apr. 2013
old post but I would like to comment, I know two ladies (not intimately) that were actresses in the porn industry, not only are they well adjusted fun people but they both retired very young on the money they made in only a couple years time. there families and friends know what they did for a living and we are all supportive and open-minded. Not all of that stuff is the down and dirty things our lying media cracks it up to be. They only report the "shock" factor and ignore the everyday reality. Heck if I was good enough I would do it when I was younger,lol.