Farmington, ME
37, joined Dec. 2012
This is great news, and frankly I am amazed it was passed considering how much Maine is afraid to offend big business. 
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Farmington, ME
37, joined Dec. 2012
Lol work for a living? I bust my a** trying to pay my bills in this employment wasteland.
Im not on welfare nor have foodstamps, Which- i might add- is unlike many people here.
I reiterate - i'm amazed this passed- i didnt think maine had it in them. Ironically way too many coasties and rich folk that would rather pander to tourists and big business than make life easier for its residents. Property taxes are going up all the time while the higher up in office get pay raises. Low level govt employees get fired so that joe blow in augusta can keep his 100k a year?
If you dont like my comments just block me and as you said - get your own life.
Farmington, ME
37, joined Dec. 2012
Why would I want to block you? You make such an obvious, easy object to s**t on.
Lol whatever you say you old dried up moose turd.
but if easy to shit on targets is a reason to stick around maybe thats why i stay in Maine. 
Farmington, ME
37, joined Dec. 2012
yet we might have enjoyed ourselves.
(or killed each other with blunt objects.   )
just remember bud YOU are the one trying to start shit with me.
I didnt get on your old goat until you got on mine. something to think about between your PR sessions.

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
This is great news, and frankly I am amazed it was passed considering how much Maine is afraid to offend big business. 
awesome, I hope others catch on 
Trying to get states to begin discussing real issues since politics is full of regulars who argue in circles.
I have found my calling...

Does the truth matter to you?
Will you use technology for a higher purpose than those in power now?
I know I'm the crazy guy.
I'm the guy who was suppose to finish college and and pull 6 figures and never look back upon the small town that I grew up in.
I'm the guy who's suppose to buy a bunch of expensive toys and get angry when old timers don't know it's time for them to move on down the road.
I'm the guy who's suppose to do exactly what supervisors request and turn a blind eye to alternative possibilities.
Thinking about physics suppresses our social minds
Last year, a scientific study out of UBC-Vancouver made a splash by claiming that analytical thinking decreased people’s belief in God. Of course, this wasn’t much of a surprise – both hard-nosed science advocates and dreamy religious writers have noted the incompatibility between religious and analytic thinking. But new research offers a neurological perspective on this religion-science divide. Specifically, a team of cognitive scientists has found that the neural systems that deal with purely physical phenomena inhibit those that focus on social information, and vice-versa. Since many studies have linked social cognition to religious belief, it seems that our science minds and our religious minds are like streets at a crossroads: if one direction is flowing, the other is shut off.
"America doesn't get enough sunlight for solar power to work."

There is a lot happening in the world, and since the media is selling us short for ratings, you may be hearing from people like me. People who are tired for the lies and just want to live a peaceful life.
