Dardanelle, AR
42, joined Nov. 2012
I work with alot of rescues vets and great people! Yet not a week goes by that i dnt hear see or run into someone thats says and i quote i didnt knw she cud get pregant or that i tired her up. Wth people . Proper ownership and common sense wud let you knw a dog or cat in heat is gna do what they do and hav sex. ThEse people are the ones that fill up are shelters gve sum dogs bad names and reduce the ability and funds that cud be used to treat injured or abandoned aminals.
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No. No mandated laws concerning an animal owners right to make the choice between neutering or spaying of their animals, or not.
It is indeed, a shame, for animal owners to be lax in the care of their animals but their should be no law which mandates schooling on how to care for their pets.
Consider going to PETA site and voice your concerns in a group which espouses your same opinion.
Dardanelle, AR
42, joined Nov. 2012
i just wish that people who every other week turn in a litter of pups or kittens to a shelter wud hav to answer for it. The aminal is bein punished not the owner.

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Why complain about it --- the shelters are making a small fortune for those litters when they sell them to the public.
Dardanelle, AR
42, joined Nov. 2012
Why complain about it --- the shelters are making a small fortune for those litters when they sell them to the public.  Wow really do you knw the sell one pup they average puttin down or killin 3 others. Not to mention the places that make it mandantory to put down all dogs of a certain breed. Yea profit over life u must work for a insurance company. To all those that read this turn your aminals over to a no kill shelter. What u gna say next lady horses are ment to be in glue or dogfood.