
New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
1. Yes, only preplaned explosives could have done this. |
2. No, didn't watch, didn't read. |
3. I don't know, but I watched. |
4. Should more Americans pay for our leaders war crimes? |
5. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. |
6. • Free Response • |
Has the media allowed scientist to present this information on air?
9/11 Truth Professor Steven Jones on MSNBC
Notice how the news anchor cuts off the professor, then never shows the video he sent in. He harasses him for proof, but doesn't play his video?
What happens when people ask for truth today?
C-SPAN Faces Endless Barrage Of 9/11 Callers
How can people have such strong conviction? Because of eyewitness reports and hard facts that have been ignored and hidden from the public.
Nine years after 9/11, 900 responders are dead
9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC lobby
9/11 EyeWitnesses To WTC Lobby Explosion - NIST FOIA

ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
There is a fully erect 47 story building behind her showing no signs of structural instability.
Sometimes...the engineers mess up.
NASA's metric confusion caused Mars orbiter loss
NASA's Climate Orbiter was lost September 23, 1999
September 30, 1999
Web posted at: 1:46 p.m. EDT (1746 GMT)
(CNN) -- NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because one engineering team used metric units while another used English units for a key spacecraft operation, according to a review finding released Thursday.

Did their experts slip up and use the wrong time zone on 9/11? Is this why she spoke too soon?
9/11-WTC7 Larry Silverstein says 'PULL IT' (INSIDE JOB)
The real deal breaker, the molten steel found under all three towers and the nature of their "collapses."
But how could they hide all this from us?
They have years of experience. On any other day, within 5 minutes jets would have been there. That's how quick we can respond.
This is how well they can lie:
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was an infamous clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African American men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.
They have kept us in the dark, but now the rest of the world has seen the truth, and they want Bush & Obama for war crimes.
RT’s The Truthseeker 12-minute video explains with multiple expert witnesses the legal argument for War Crimes prosecution against US government “leadership” in the Bush and Obama administrations.
The most egregious War Crime is unlawful War of Aggression, with deaths in the millions. All “reasons” for these wars are now acknowledged in official US government documents as known to be false as they were told. This means that it is uncontested conservative history that US “leadership” lies directly caused thousands of deaths and injuries to US soldiers; arguably the crime of treason for being the cause of attacks on the United States.
The Truthseeker: Obama's arrest, Bush's trial (E18)

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New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Play by play action?
ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!
9/11-WTC7 Larry Silverstein says 'PULL IT' (INSIDE JOB)

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
Unless you have served and honorably, take your Soapbox to the mainstream media and start there in those websites. People want an escape, not old wounds! 
People need to hear the truth, how they get it is not important, what matters is that it makes sense.
The very fact that a single plane was hijacked is proof in itself that the government let this happen, with already recieving "warnings."
The fact that something hit the pentagon, when it is surrounded by antiaircraft guns that can take down the fastest of jets, is proof they wanted to play the victim.
On any other day, within 5 minutes jets would have been all over those "hijacked" airplanes.
The phone calls "made from the planes" were technologically impossible at the time. It's a fact that even to get a connection for a few seconds at that altitude, given the technology at the time, is a miracle.
What do eyewitnesses think?
Who knows. They are dropping like flies and none of us have a clue. This is what happens when a few speak on behalf of all of us.
Nine years after 9/11, 900 responders are dead
9/11 New HQ Military Plane Footage - Undeniable new 9/11 WTC DRONE PLANE PROOF

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
[Edited 8/27/2013 8:20:42 PM ]

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)