8/19/2007 7:38:50 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Cheating is not a mistake.. only mistake was getting caught. A mistake is something you do not knowing it could or would hurt another.
8/19/2007 7:54:00 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
Sincerity, I am truly sorry to hear about your son, I know what
he is going through and how he must feel, as I have a grandson
whose natural father abandoned him as well.
8/19/2007 7:56:24 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Newcomerstown, OH
age: 40
I was also cheated on. I walked in on her and her first husband. I know I have alot of issues about her, but somehow I need to, vent.
8/19/2007 8:20:43 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Seaford, NY
age: 51
I sincerely hope you are right. It has been a long time since I was cheated on and the pain of it made me lose trust in most woman. To love someone unconditionaly and find out that you were betrayed by that person causes you to doubt all the things you believed in. She said it just a fling and meant nothing. It meant the world to me. I have not seen this girl in 10 years, but I never loved anyone as much as her. In retrospect I was wrong for not working out this indiscretion.
Dr. Weston
8/19/2007 8:23:16 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Weston, OR
age: 40
cheated on twice. I have never cheated. I firmly believe that if you are no longer happy with the person you are with it is better to leave the marriage/relationship than to cheat on them. My second husband moved in with the woman he was messing around with and wow did he get a wake up call from that one! HaHa She suddenly turned into the b*tch from hell on his ass. I just laugh about it because he sooo deserved it.
8/19/2007 8:26:56 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Woodbridge, NJ
age: 47
Nonickname: Thanks for your words, my son is doing better then he was. He has met some new friends. He won't talk about it with me, the only thing he says is that he has no father, but he has his older brother and sister and me and he knows we will never run out on him.
8/19/2007 10:02:16 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Sturgeon Bay, WI
age: 46
Cheated on after a 10 yr marraige without any cheating...He was my best friend...
8/19/2007 10:04:22 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Sumner, WA
age: 45
Cheated on...seems to be a pattern with me, one I hope never to repeat. Been there, done that...more than once.
8/20/2007 12:18:49 AM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Yuma, AZ
age: 45
I was 6 months pregnant when the doctor told me the baby was going to die. 2 days later I found out he was cheating on me.
8/20/2007 9:45:14 AM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50
The trust issues are hard and can make you hard and bitter. And lonely....Been there and done that. You have to work thru them the best you can.
I'll give you the T R but you got to earn the U S T....
[Edited 8/20/2007 9:46:49 AM]
8/20/2007 9:48:31 AM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Memphis, TN
age: 29
Cheated on...Knew something wasnt right and found out after I ended things that he was screwing his ex for at least some of the time.
8/20/2007 2:09:27 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Cheated on from my first ex. The second was faithful and so was I.
8/20/2007 2:16:22 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Those being cheated on pretty well knows they are being cheated on.. they only come to me to verify the fact. It's like putting a closure on it
10/13/2007 10:59:39 AM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 53
Just bringing back an old thread for some new people.
10/13/2007 11:43:43 AM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Mariposa, CA
age: 51
Cheaten on:
1st husband did it with my next door neighbor while I was asleep in the bedroom he was on the couch
2nd husband cheated while he traveled the world with coworkers
3rd husband did a month after we got married
Divorced all three for cheating, and I am a very passionate woman.
i still have hope since I am here though.

10/13/2007 12:05:50 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Helena, MT
age: 62
I was married at age 19 and my wife accused me of cheating from day one. I stuck in there thinking it would get better and it never did. I never once cheated on her but found out latter she was cheating on me. I have trouble trusting now and always will. Trust is something you earn.
10/13/2007 12:07:19 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Bradenton, FL
age: 45
I was cheated on by my ex husband, you know he had the nerve to say I was cheating on him. Wow, did he open my eyes, now I really do have trust issues though, wish I could get over that.
10/13/2007 1:29:24 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 38
You know about this cheating thing as for me personaly,I've learned two lessons in life. I cheated on my first girl friend,Ithought the grass was greener on the other side but it wase'nt and I got cheated on.So I forgave her and that didnt pan out cause I felt I could'nt trust her anymore. So I've learned two valuable lessons never cheat and never stay with a cheater.That's my life's lessons.
10/13/2007 1:46:32 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Middletown, MD
age: 50
My ex always accused me of cheating and for the first 8 years I was faithful in our marriage, I got tired of being accused of something I wasn't doing so I cheated, he found out we divorced, during the divorce I found out he had 2 children by another woman ages 7 and 4, we had no children he didn't want any, I'll never have a child now of my own or accept any one elses
10/13/2007 2:03:44 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 53
I hope you can work through that, Lacey. You don't sound happy at all. Good luck to you.
10/13/2007 2:22:06 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Saegertown, PA
age: 50
cheated on...took 8 years to accept the fact that everyone is not a cheater..but keep my eyes open a lot wider
10/13/2007 3:03:42 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

York, SC
age: 30
I have never cheated on anyone. I have been cheated on. I have had 5 serious relationships, 2 cheated on me, 3 didn't. I have never cheated because I have enough respect to end things with them before I would even consider dating someone else. But the main reason is because I have more respect for myself. I'm the one who has to live with myself and my decisions every day.
10/13/2007 3:05:27 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Rogers, AR
age: 30
Have been cheated on by all but one of my long terms. I have absolutely never cheated on anyone ever!
10/13/2007 3:20:34 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

West Harrison, NY
age: 48 online now!
still hurts too much to answer. I think though that many of us are here because we've been hurt. I just think it's kind of ...silly? to sit around in group therapy airing out your dirty laundry. I don't know? Maybe I sounded different back in the Spring.
10/13/2007 3:29:47 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

El Paso, TX
age: 23
I cheated on my spouse only one time!!!!!
and i was real drunk and i did it right
in front of him, he said i looked straight
at him n that i told him that it was for all
the times he cheated on me, i was real drunk
really i don't remember ,it did happened since,
we were recording it, since then he changed
for the worst, now i hurt knowing that things
will nver be the same, i wish i can go back in
time to correct it, Since i know that was the main
reason of our fights, he can't trust me, so
i think it was best for us to move on....
Eventhough i never cought him with anyone else
B*tches call the cell phone left to right,
and girls u know when ur man is cheating!!!
u feel it, u sense it, u know it, I did wrong!!!
Was karma involved????   