8/18/2007 2:38:23 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 53
I get the feeling many of us have trust issues. I think it would be interesting to know some of the history behind the pictures and the reasons for the various responses. Did your ex cheat on you, you on them or both on each other?
8/18/2007 2:44:27 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
Cheated on; I try not to let it get in the way when meeting someone new. Don't have the time, money or desire to hire a PI, LOL. So I'll trust again and hope I don't get burned again.
8/18/2007 3:12:34 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Six Mile, SC
age: 44
My ex cheated on me. Takes a while to learn to trust again.
8/18/2007 3:15:04 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Coldwater, MI
age: 31
Been cheated on.....it takes a while to trust again. I will get there though!
8/18/2007 3:18:15 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Bellville, TX
age: 38
Cheated on, it's been over 2 years, still not ready to trust! How long does it take?
8/18/2007 3:19:00 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Deatsville, AL
age: 41
Cheated on a few times.........
8/18/2007 3:20:24 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Medina, OH
age: 34
never cheated, not sure if the ex did or not...she 'wanted out' of our marriage of 8 years suddenly after we moved...probably screwing a partner at her new law firm
8/18/2007 3:23:48 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Marion, IL
age: 58
Cheated on, from the very first few months of our marriage. Heard all about them at the end of our marriage.
8/18/2007 3:24:47 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
I tried to get my ex to cheat on me to leave me alone lol But no one else wanted him neither. I can honestly say that I have never been unfaithful to the one I was invloved with.. even in high school. This is not so much that I felt I owe it to them as I simply owed it to myself. My dad cheated on mom when I was 13. I swore.. after seeing the look on mom's face when i found out.. that I would never, EVER hurt someone like that and I did not ever want to be the reason for that look. It's been an easy promise to keep.
8/18/2007 3:32:54 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Marion, IL
age: 58
Will I trust again? I will never trust HIM again. It depends, but I don't need a man, so i have more time to build a relationship with someone. I will NOT jump into anything. I have always said that there was one thing worse than a cheat and that was a LIAR.
8/18/2007 3:34:52 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
Leelen, trust has to earned. Life is full of lessons to be learned, some fun some not so fun. If you meet a guy you like, date him with caution. Take it slow if he is a keeper it will show in how he treats you. Communication is the key, if he's vague when asked what he did last night when he was out with buddies. "Danger, Danger Will Robinson".
Besides you ladies are pretty intuitive when it comes to knowing when somethings not right, trust those feelings and do alittle research. If you are right, NEXT. And move on.
8/18/2007 3:40:00 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
Cheated on but, I think i'm past it...it has been 2 yrs so, lets hope so 
oh yea and my proof, he admits leaving the cell on so, I'd get the hint....
[Edited 8/18/2007 3:40:33 PM]
8/18/2007 3:40:23 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Austin, TX
age: 35
Cheated on. Fell in love 4 times and I can say that every woman I ever fell in love with cheated on me. So I guess I do have trust issues at this time. Funny cause if I never say the love word there is never an issue like that but once the love word is used, it goes straight to shit heh. Ah well, what can ya do, live and learn. Although I still have not given up hope 
And no, any woman that I have ever been exclusive with I have NEVER cheated on.
8/18/2007 3:40:51 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Bellville, TX
age: 38
Thanks for the advise, I just don't want to EVER feel that pain again. It's hard to put yourself out there after something like that. Sooner or later, I'll decide it's time to move on. Right now just looking for good friends 
8/18/2007 3:41:54 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Deatsville, AL
age: 41
Friends are always good to have
8/18/2007 3:47:17 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Bellville, TX
age: 38
I have great friends, they've been around for 20+ years & have helped me thru too many bad times. There's something to be said for that loyalty
8/18/2007 3:49:44 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
Unfortunately it is the painful lessons we learn from the best, mom said "don't touch that coffee pot it's hot". But we touched it anyway. Got burned, but never forgot that lesson, did we.
8/18/2007 3:52:49 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
No but, to close your heart off for good...may as well put me in the ground lol, I love my friends and still think i have alot of life to live not let it live me 
8/18/2007 4:01:05 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
I totally agree with Peaches, none of us want to feel that pain again. But it would hurt me more never to love again. To love someone means to get hurt, we hurt each other. Why I don't know, but to love, truly love is the best feeling in the world (even better than great sex)
I can't believe I just said that, LOL
8/18/2007 4:04:09 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Newport Beach, CA
age: 32
Been cheated on and used for the last two years. Trust can be difficult but the right person will reveal themselves. I never trusted her from the start so its my fault really.
8/18/2007 4:11:48 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Brockport, NY
age: 28
Cheated on and then cheated. Dont know why I stayed as long as I did but guess I wanted to make him hurt like he made me hurt. Maybe I was wrong but it was hard to resist "revenge"!! We all learn from our mistakes, so I hope.
8/18/2007 4:12:37 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Bellville, TX
age: 38
I'm sure I'll love again some day. Just not looking for it now, but it's getting better every day. I appreciate your insite Peaches & bwnsugar, it's nice to hear that there may be hope for me after all - LOL 
8/18/2007 4:16:52 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 48
If theres no hope, shoot me now!
8/18/2007 4:21:39 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Artesia, NM
age: 57
To betay the one person that you started out loving is possibly a sign that you went into the relationship without really understanding each other and knowing each other from the heart. To be betrayed by the one that supposedly loved you may indicate that there was a loss of communication somewhere. But one thing is certain.......when you have lost that special person that betrayed you or whom you betrayed, the hurt and guilt will be something that will eat at your conscious for a long time. And if that person should die, then I can only hope that you find yourself a better person afterwards and learn from your loss. Love is not a game and neiher is life.
8/18/2007 4:28:34 PM |
Cheater or Cheated On or Both? |

Riverdale, NJ
age: 46
cheated on but he never admiited it. stayed alot longer than i should cause he was always so believable with his stories of why he would disapear for awhile. that he had to help this poor troubled 'friend' in distress. or SO busy with work/teen son, etc.
from an old kenny loggins song:
one by one we're collecting lies
when you cant give love you give alibies