12/26/2013 7:11:23 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Doing A-1 okay. Still full from all that food yesterday. Wishing everyone a super fantastic day.      
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/26/2013 9:48:00 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
I'm Ok , but feel sorry for the guys that are "servicing ugly girls at a moments notice " that's what some stupid advertisment says on this page, 
12/26/2013 12:31:20 PM |
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Hominy, OK
79, joined Nov. 2013
Fish you need to get a hobby!!!
12/31/2013 6:04:49 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Doing fine. Here is wishing everyone a very happy New Year.         
1/6/2014 7:46:04 AM |
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Phenix, VA
74, joined Dec. 2009
Another wonderful Day (alive & well)
roof over my head & food in the cabinet. power is on, wood stove keeping me warm.
fresh cup of coffee in my hand.
1/6/2014 8:14:20 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Except fer wood stove , same as Keebler ,alls well here thus far .
1/6/2014 8:15:25 AM |
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Blue Earth, MN
76, joined Sep. 2010
I will go along with that  Lots of coffee to stay warm
1/6/2014 8:48:25 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Golly Di, I'm getting sillier ever day as a teen ager in love ,  That's how I am today .
1/7/2014 8:37:30 AM |
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Phenix, VA
74, joined Dec. 2009
Alive ,cold.3 degrees this morning. nice glass of tomato juice & some buttered toast with cinnamon & sugar on it. "Yum-Yum. coffee all perked, that's next.
stay warm everyone.
1/8/2014 5:48:54 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Alive ,cold.3 degrees this morning. nice glass of tomato juice & some buttered toast with cinnamon & sugar on it. "Yum-Yum. coffee all perked,  that's next.
stay warm everyone.
..... Good morning keeb. Cold here too. Be glad when fishing weather gets here.    
1/9/2014 8:56:27 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Hope all is Feeling Well and staying warm.
1/10/2014 6:28:19 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Hope everyone is doing okay today.      
1/10/2014 6:42:42 AM |
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Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
Doing well Thankyou *smile*
1/10/2014 6:45:13 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
I'm Ok , was watching Fishing shows yesterday & like Alex , chomping at the bit for Spring to arrive & go wet a few lures & worms.
1/10/2014 6:50:09 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013

1/10/2014 7:36:23 PM |
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Hominy, OK
79, joined Nov. 2013
Doing just fine! 
1/11/2014 5:08:55 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Howdy. Hope everyone has a dandy day.        
1/11/2014 7:12:19 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Alex , how far or close are you to the coal run off spill , that has contaminated the potable waters in yer state ? A very sad event , hope the population has safer drinkble water soon .
1/11/2014 7:53:44 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
A-OK. Wishing all a Healthy Day.
1/11/2014 9:33:48 AM |
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Phenix, VA
74, joined Dec. 2009
Thanks for the healthy Day. nice rainy day, food in the cabinet, roof over my head, Just added wood to the furnace, cat & I are fine.
ps making a fresh pot of coffee,
1/11/2014 12:04:41 PM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
1/12/2014 7:57:09 AM |
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Blue Earth, MN
76, joined Sep. 2010
Alive, Good Start 
1/12/2014 9:04:22 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Feel great..sun shinning
Good to see you both this A.M....Wonderful to hear you are Great. 
1/12/2014 10:12:22 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Full of Vim & Vigor , .......well maybe just full of it ???...
1/12/2014 2:34:29 PM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Doing fine. Hope everyone else is.    
1/13/2014 6:48:35 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Feeling OK this Sun Shinning Day. 
1/13/2014 6:57:55 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Feeling OK this Sun Shinning Day.  .... The sun just being out makes a person feel better.    
1/13/2014 1:21:28 PM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Ok , but mighty sleeepy , tummy full of Hamburger& oinion rings , from Hardee's .
1/14/2014 6:54:35 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
For a man 80 , pretty dang good , how about you ?
1/14/2014 8:02:31 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Slow as a turtle in a hare/turtle race....
No motivation when its raining....   .......Remember years ago when they use to advertise Geritol. You just need a good dose of that. Peps you up.            
1/14/2014 8:12:58 AM |
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Blue Earth, MN
76, joined Sep. 2010
UP early ! feel like a yellow banana
1/14/2014 8:42:00 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Not one of my best days..but not one of my worst days. I'm not complaining.
1/14/2014 10:00:26 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Folks if yer not up to your hocks in snow & ice , be a good time to check yer motor oil & windshield wiper fluids , tire pressure too if ya have a gauge,
1/14/2014 4:50:54 PM |
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Phenix, VA
74, joined Dec. 2009
I have the Flu, treating at home to far to drive to get help-the coughing is the worst part..try & eat-
1/14/2014 4:56:20 PM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Keeb ,hope you can at least eat chicken broth or beef broth , easier to swalllow when ill , get well soon .
1/14/2014 5:28:03 PM |
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Blue Earth, MN
76, joined Sep. 2010
My ? is where is E veryone??
1/14/2014 6:25:41 PM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Perhaps they have indigestion ? or Aliens from outer space kidnapped them or more than likely they are boycotting us due to what i posted , tough titty , can't please every one . so let's please each other & see how things go come the new day , have good night sweetie , Yer mo. man .
1/14/2014 7:07:29 PM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
I have the Flu,  treating at home to far to drive to get help-the coughing is the worst part..try & eat-
Keebler, I do hope you get to a doctor to get some help with this. It is most important. Did you get a flu shot this year?
Take care of you and hoping you feel better soon.
1/15/2014 5:41:47 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Doing fine so far. Hope everyone has a great day.      
1/15/2014 6:41:22 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013

1/15/2014 8:02:30 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Alive & kickin ,
1/16/2014 6:29:16 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Some days you shouldn't get out of bed--like yesterday--felt like death warmed over--Today is a brand new wonderful day--feel so good I can't stand myself....  ...... What did you do? Take a laxative.               
1/16/2014 6:53:24 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Sleepy...one of those nights
A few cups of coffee and a nap will turn this day into a very pleasant one.
1/16/2014 8:00:04 AM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Survival guides by Alex & Dellia , seem indeed the right thing to do , plus if you can exersize a bit between pooping & napping 
1/16/2014 10:15:52 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Had my ..Had my nap. Now I can face the day. Bring it on. 
1/16/2014 11:16:29 AM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
personally, I feel like hell warmed over today, lol 
1/16/2014 1:39:29 PM |
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Kernersville, NC
77, joined Jun. 2008
I've been better. Recovering from a fall - no broken bones, just sprain and bruises and cellulitis infection in my lower left leg. Spent 6hrs Monday in the emergency room getting xrays and intraveneous antibiotics. Wasn't admitted but sent home with antibiotics and pain meds. Have to stay off my feet for several days and keep my leg elevated. Getting bored as I can't sit at my computer for long at at time.
1/16/2014 2:51:53 PM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
I've been better. Recovering from a fall - no broken bones, just sprain and bruises and cellulitis infection in my lower left leg. Spent 6hrs Monday in the emergency room getting xrays and intraveneous antibiotics. Wasn't admitted but sent home with antibiotics and pain meds. Have to stay off my feet for several days and keep my leg elevated. Getting bored as I can't sit at my computer for long at at time.  .....Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better.    
1/16/2014 2:56:12 PM |
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Blue Earth, MN
76, joined Sep. 2010
@ altje, Sorry to hear you hed a fall, Take care and a fast recovery!
 Get Well Soon | Forward this Picture
1/16/2014 4:07:17 PM |
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Kernersville, NC
77, joined Jun. 2008
Thanks, folks! I'm learning the hard way to be more careful!  
1/16/2014 4:25:02 PM |
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Springfield, MO
84, joined Apr. 2013
Do recover soon Altje , do you like old Western movies ? ...on you tube .....Westernmoviesontheweb.com.........they are all free ,,& you can watch them on full screen , one i just finished ,,,,Kansas Pacific,,,,,with Sterling Hayden ,in color , one hour : 13 min. there are hundreds more .
1/16/2014 8:47:00 PM |
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Kernersville, NC
77, joined Jun. 2008
One of my favorites was Stars In My Crown with Joel McCrae. It was a 1950 western about a preacher who tames a Tennessee town with a gun and his Bible. One of the songs from it was 'Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown'
1/16/2014 9:02:56 PM |
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Brockton, MA
73, joined Dec. 2009
Ms.Red how dare you not inform me you fell. I'm so sorry to hear this and hope your man is on the ball taking care of you. Please take it easy do what your told and get well soon . 
1/17/2014 6:40:55 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013

1/17/2014 6:51:49 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
......... Same here.     
1/17/2014 6:03:45 PM |
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Kernersville, NC
77, joined Jun. 2008
Sorry, Oooh - yes, I am being well taken care of! That's a good feeling. The redness and swelling from the infection is getting better, but my leg is still sore and painful! They said that will take 7-10 days to go away. Hope they are right with that estimate.
The hardest part is doing what I am told! Have always had that problem!
[Edited 1/17/2014 6:05:27 PM ]
1/18/2014 7:18:42 AM |
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Bluefield, WV
75, joined Mar. 2008
Sorry, Oooh - yes, I am being well taken care of! That's a good feeling. The redness and swelling from the infection is getting better, but my leg is still sore and painful! They said that will take 7-10 days to go away. Hope they are right with that estimate.
The hardest part is doing what I am told! Have always had that problem!  .......I think we are all a little stubborn and hard headed at times when it comes to doing as we are told.   
1/18/2014 8:04:05 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Altje, Sorry to hear of your accident. Hope things are improving.
I don't always do what the Doc says. I also am very stubborn when it comes to my Health. I know my body better than the Medical Team or I think I do. I retired as a R.N., wonder if that has something to do with it.
You take care of you. Wishing you a speedy recover.
1/18/2014 11:50:05 AM |
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Hominy, OK
79, joined Nov. 2013
Altjie, I hope you are getting better.
Hi everyone! 
1/21/2014 6:56:27 AM |
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Hickory, NC
79, joined Jan. 2013
Feeling a little slow today. Need a nap. This weather is playing a part in being lazy. SPRING, hope it comes early for all of us.