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7/20/2008 7:58:53 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Rusk, TX
age: 27 online now!

the best thing i found that helps is to write down your feelings or i like to write old friend said to write down your thoughts then read them.........when your done throw them away.......and it does help.try it................except i didn;'t throw them away.........i actually have some of them you never know what creativity will bring you

7/20/2008 8:44:45 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Burleson, TX
age: 46 online now!

Ladies, There comes a time in life when we have to just embrace who we are all alone. It's ok to be this way. Cry if you need to cry and laugh if it helps. Life is ever changing just dont let it change you. We may all be lonely, but we are not alone. Look around everyone here is in the same boat. We are in great company. I dont know about the rest of you but, I have met some wonderful people here and had a great experience from it. Yes, life has beaten us all down once or twice, but were still standing strong. The proof......were here and ready to take a chance again. We are winners at this game no matter what comes along. So I say cheers to us all for having the back bone to try again!

7/20/2008 8:47:35 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Rusk, TX
age: 27 online now!

amen trace

7/21/2008 7:10:01 AM How do you fight the loneliness?  

New Braunfels, TX
age: 43

Back atcha sister!! Sorry to be such a downer, but life just gets to you sometimes. I'm basically a very happy person, it's just some days are really hard!! Maybe we need a girls night out!

7/21/2008 11:09:08 AM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Roanoke, TX
age: 54

Hey there txtreasure!! Surround yourself with a good "support group". That can either be your girlfriends, sisters, family & loved ones. Also, go to a LARGE church with a good singles group. You can have SOOO much fun there. They have camping trips, river rafting, dance outtings, lots of cool things like that. Take some dance lessons! Do volunteer work. (I'm a CASA...Court Appointed Special Advocate for abused kids...takes up a LOT of my spare time). I've seriously thought about going to nursing homes, too, to do things like give the ladies manicures, or go to VA hospitals to visit the veterans and just tell them how much we appreciate them (even if they were in the VIETNAM war, or World War II, or the Gulf War) We appreciate them one and all.

Hopes this helps, hon!!!

7/21/2008 11:31:29 AM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Austin, TX
age: 38

I don't have unrealistic ideals, like a long distance hopefull (not romance) but I also don't try to get 10's when there are other wonderful people available (trust me, I'm no 10 but a pretty good I'll take some flaws as not everybody is perfect. I have had a few dates and if they didn't end up being the best thing, usually they have turned out to be friends.
I have also voluteered for some events and when people say they don't have time, they are making an excuse to NOT go because they don't know the people. I have found this is the best way to get out and about and meet new people and get a few dates because they have the SAME interest as you and it's always been fun! The only person you don't help is yourself because you won't get in the car and go!
There is another option and that is go online (since we are all computer savvy to some extent) and find groups that do meetups. I have found plenty of groups here in the Austin area to be social with and it's been great!
I'm a pretty good guy and I have never met a stranger, so being lonely for me is just an attitude. You want to be lonely or you don't. Go out with a guy or girl that isn't perfect for you but seems pretty cool and who knows, you guys might hit it off! No harm, no foul!

7/21/2008 11:35:01 AM How do you fight the loneliness?  

New Braunfels, TX
age: 43

Dance lessons sounds like fun, I think I just might have to do that. You ladies have been wonderful, thanks for all the support and suggestions!! What was it again that we need the guys for????

7/21/2008 12:40:19 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Roanoke, TX
age: 54

And, txtreasure, some of the BEST times I've ever had were visiting with the elderly when my Mom was in a nursing home. They are SO much fun and have some of the FUNNIEST stories I've ever heard!!! This REALLY sweet little old lady that I was giving a manicure to one day told me this story about being a WILD "flapper" girl! She was a HOOT!!! Some of it is sad, but for the most part, just knowing that you're spending a little bit of treasured time with these pillars of our communities is so rewarding! You'll feel like a million dollars when you walk outta there!

7/22/2008 12:19:34 AM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Lewisville, TX
age: 58


7/22/2008 10:11:33 AM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Montgomery, TX
age: 49

Dealing with being alone is one of the hardest things to do. When my husband died all of our friends are married and now I am not invited to functions any longer with people I have know for 25 yrs and yes it hurt and WAS hard but!!--I deal with by working and I have met others in a simulair situation--but you have to be open to it--its scary and hard and uncomfortable at first but once you get going --being single for the most part is FUN!! I go out with coworkers for drinks and this weekend to a pool party--some married most single then dancing at one of the local clubs in Houston--embrace it and work with it not against it. Good luck--and email me anytime!

7/22/2008 5:18:39 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Longview, TX
age: 47

What do I do to fight off loneliness?? Uuummm... I have lots of ideas but have not put any of them into action I have been totally side-swiped by the force of the blow that loneliness carries. I remember hearing people talk about loneliness when I was younger but I never could grasp the concept of "lonely." I heard in songs how it made you hurt....but now I can testify to the pain of it!!

I agree with sneaks up on you in the night. It has been the culprit behind many a RISKY situation I have let myself get into as of late.

Uuummmm... They say Wellbutrin works????????


[Edited 7/22/2008 5:19:49 PM]

7/22/2008 5:54:22 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Victoria, TX
age: 39 online now!

an ice chest full of beer, bottle of whiskey and late @ night i fight with the voices im my head!!!!! makes you forget about being lonley

7/22/2008 5:56:13 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

New Braunfels, TX
age: 43

I like the way you think Lonely. That's got to be the best advice I've gotten in a long time!!

7/22/2008 8:33:36 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Dallas, TX
age: 27

Quote from txtreasure:
Ok ladies help me out here. I've been alone for a really long time...............does it ever get any better?? These periodic crying spells just aren't working any more!! What am I doing wrong????? I think theres's something wrong with me!!! Any suggestions???

Five years is a long time. Hmmm...didn't know that. I've been single for almost nine years.

7/22/2008 9:08:13 PM How do you fight the loneliness?  

Victoria, TX
age: 39 online now!

Quote from txtreasure:
I like the way you think Lonely. That's got to be the best advice I've gotten in a long time!!

here's to ya oh shit i spilled some oh well there's plenty more

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