Cincinnati, OH
24, joined May. 2013
Wake Up Now Scam ? Well keep reading
Let me start off by saying this, this blog post/article is NOT one of those spammy cliches this is all:
100% REAL
I will explain why people think its a scam/pyramid and all the negativity YOU MIGHT of heard about the sole called Wake Up Now Scam
My name is Junior Serrano you might of seen my videos floating around youtube or facebook and here is your answer about the sole called Wake Up Now Scam
It's real, I've been paid over 4 times all on point and as promised.
So if your wondering if the proof is fake or people are just faking it etc. THEY are NOT.
Here is my last payment proof video I did on 11/18/2013 for the sole called Wake Up Now Scam. *watch all of it *
Wake Up Now Scam ?? but but... why are people bashing them!?
Very plain and simple, Wake Up Now experienced a 600%+ growth in company and traffic over a few months! That made almost every competitor out almost have a heart attack.
So imagine if Coke and Pepsi were at war, which they are always lol, but in this case we are "Coke" and the rest of the competition is "Pepsi " , and not only if you buy a coke to drink lets say we offer a buy 1 get 100 free deal and Pepsi doesn't change a thing and the people at the "top" gets richer and richer leaving its employee's poorer and poorer...
I hope that little analogy isn't too out there but in the sole called Wake Up Now Scam the people at the very bottom , they're very first try and ZERO previous experience at all are MAKING MONEY. Even if its just the very first payout of $600/Month residually EVERYONE is succeeding. Do you remember your first check? Now take that thought and imagine it your first check 100% because of you because YOU ARE THE BOSS. NOW times that by the amount of people who you HELPED get paid too! just wow, now everyone can be a boss.
in other company's you would of needed to get 100+ people to just make under $200
so that will explain to you why other company's and people are bashing us.
Because they CANNOT beat us.
Wake Up Now Scam : Wait? so it's not a scam?
Why people still think its a scam?
Sometimes people get the idea that they have to quit their job! NO! this can be a part time thing until you make enough to quit that dead end job and have time to enjoy life, spend it doing things you never could because you had a burden to work.
Here is a list of the best things products and services we have at Wake Up Now.
Wake Up Now - Mall [ search for discounts on virtually anything]
Wake Up Now Money Destop [Helps balance All your banks/credit cards and calcualtes what you spend on, Food, Gas, Rent,Clothing,entertainment etc, and it will text/email you an alert when your going over your budget! ]
TaxBot - As an IBO [Independent Business Owner at Wake Up Now] you legally have thousands more options during tax season to get a very big return, since you work from home, your house is your office so your rent IS a business expense. Your water,electricity,internet, GAS! save $1/2 miles driven, the list goes on and on]
Awaken - 100% all natural energy drink tea. very tasty and good for your health!
Trivani - All 100% Natural Healthy Skin Care Line
Vacation Club - Costs a one time fee of $100 , access to 5 Star resorts all over the world , all prices are 7 night stays for around $300-$700 per WEEK! VERY VERY GREAT DEALS
Enterprise discounts - Discounts when renting cars [only open to certain ranks]
Cell Phone Discounts - 12% off your current Tmobile discount, and 22% off your AT&T current cell phone bill !!!
TellmeMore - A language learning program rated HIGHER than Rosetta Stone, up to 12 languages absolutely FREE to all WakeUpNow members [IBOS] a $250+ value
WakeUpNow FREE - An organized list of freebies from all over the web, I've seen valued products that would cost $100+ like free night bowling for the whole family. Great freebies , I usually get free ihop and pizza ;p
Grocery Store Coupons - Coupon list generated by the WakeUpNow software
Retail payouts- Once you sign up as an IBO [Independent Business Owner] when somebody buys say some Nike Shoes, you would get paid a chunk out of that weekly 
Residuals!!! - every time you get an IBO sale on your team, you get paid every single month as long as that person stays in! or buys products!
Cash Back - Even if you see an item for the same price as a store , YOU CAN EARN CASHBACKS ON ALMOST EVERYTHING SO WHY NOT SAVE Extra $ it adds up quick!
Wake Up Now Scam yeah right look at these deals
Wake Up Now Scam yeah right! look at these real deals
Resort = the name of the resort
Location = location
Date = date
Size = size of the area you sleep
Members = Vacation club members must be an IBO then pay the extra one time fee of $100 to get these discounts! ALL MEMBER PRICES ARE FOR 7 DAY/NIGHT STAYS!!!!
Regular = Full price for 1-3 days.....
Wake Up Now Scam vacation club
Wake Up Now Scam vacation club
Here is the sole called Wake Up Now SCAM compensation plan [ how you get paid]
* this just for sales of IBO's , retail sales depends on specific product purchased. For IBO sales you get paid RESIDUALLY that means over and over and over basically for life or until the person decides to quit [ which they won't because these benefits are amazing ] We get paid on the 15th of every month, when you get paid you release the funds, then they will be on your card the next business day so technically we get paid the 16th.
Wake Up Now Scam Comp plan
Wake Up Now Scam Comp plan
This concludes my review and experience with the sole called " Wake Up Now Scam " people it's NOT a scam. So stop calling it one and get in and earn some extra money or save some?
You can sign up 100% FREE as a Preferred Customer
You can enjoy using some of the Wake Up Now products , NOT all but some so you can get a feel for it. If you like it and would like to upgrade to an IBO [$99.95/M] [once you refer 3 people its free] you can just buy the platinum package.
Click this button to become a FREE PREFERRED CUSTOMER
Wake Up Now Scam button
Wake Up Now Scam button [sign up]
Wake Up Now Scam sign up as a PC
Wake Up Now Scam sign up as a PC
Wan't to sign up as an Independent Business Owner ? aka IBO
Click on This picture below to make watch a full 20 minute presentation and the sign up is at the end.
Wake Up Now Scam
Wake Up Now Scam ?? or no?
Final mini note: I used the term Wake Up Now Scam just to grab the readers
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010


Cincinnati, OH
24, joined May. 2013
crap it came out looking like a big sloppy article the pics would of made it look less spammy lol

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
