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12/10/2013 2:26:42 AM |
Malibu, CA
26, joined Nov. 2012
This happens so often it's crazy why do some woman treat Mr. Wrong like a king and knows that he's all wrong for her but as soon as a great person comes in his or her life they let them slip away?? this is not only directed to woman but man as well.
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12/10/2013 2:32:23 AM |
Malibu, CA |
Malibu, CA
26, joined Nov. 2012
Like what my mother says One bad apple can mess things up for the whole tree.
12/10/2013 3:08:28 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Oxnard, CA
28, joined Dec. 2011
Assertiveness and/or confidence play a big role. Let's face it, why would a person want to take a risk on investing in another person emotionally or otherwise if they don't have enough personal strength or confidence to stand up for themselves? Because how then could you expect them to stand up for you? A lack of those traits is a sign of weakness. And living in a reality where we are hardwired to pass on our seed to spawn the next generations, you want your offspring to harbor good strong healthy traits. Timidness is not something a parent wants their child to have. From a survival standpoint, those individuals would be less likely to pass on their genes. Granted we live in a society that is more forgiving and can accomodate those individuals now. Historically speaking though and looking back through our timeline of existence, our evolution was stemmed from a less sheltered world where those edgier, rougher, and robust people are the ones with the highest likihood of survival and therefore those traits were sought after.
12/10/2013 3:45:19 AM |
Malibu, CA |


45, joined Mar. 2008
the rebellion of youth first tosses self discipline. sometimes it takes a long long time for their feet to touch ground again, often painfully.
12/10/2013 4:00:52 AM |
Malibu, CA |
Malibu, CA
26, joined Nov. 2012
I think it is in our dna to be attracted to both bad and good characteristics. Star trek had an episode like this where kirk was split into 2 people...one good and one bad but they were both part of him. In the dating world, the bad part wins because it is more sexually stimulating, so the girls love the badboys and the guys love the skanky strippers. The answer is to be both.....a woman should be a lady in public but uninhibited in the bedroom and the guy should be nice and respectful but have a badboy side when he needs it.
I didn't mean as far as sexually I mean the way the person treats you.
12/10/2013 5:37:40 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Urbandale, IA
46, joined Jun. 2013
Because they lack moral character and are led by their lust instead of their wisdom,
12/10/2013 9:31:24 AM |
Malibu, CA |


High Point, NC
55, joined Jan. 2013
Some woman love being abused and controlled.
12/10/2013 9:40:10 AM |
Malibu, CA |


Beverly Hills, CA
96, joined Feb. 2012
Its all about learning to appreciate what you have.
Youd be less likely to walk away if you knew there would never be another....
12/10/2013 9:45:18 AM |
Malibu, CA |

New Port Richey, FL
30, joined Aug. 2013
Plain Stupidity!
12/10/2013 10:10:59 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Columbus, OH
63, joined Mar. 2008
Couple of thoughts.
Fear. I have met a number of women who have never really been in a good relationship. When the opportunity for one comes along, they are afraid to take that step and do something that ruins the opportunity.
Ignorance. They have no idea and the life experience to know what a good thing is and when the possibility arises, they arent capable of seizing the opportunity. Rather they react as they did in other situations, i.e. fall back on drama and games, and poof, the opportunity is gone.
A long time ago (that means more than 10 years) I dated a pretty nice lady. After a few months she dumped me for a guy who was "flashier" as he had the fancy car, motorcycle, boat, condo on the lake, etc. Couple months later she is calling me to say hi, how ya doing, etc., clearly probing to see if I still had any interest. Yeah, he found someone he liked better and kicked her to the curb. Not the first time that has happened and wont be the last.
Whether though lack of experience, self confidence, or what, some people never understand when they have an opportunity presented to them. Others never think anything good is true, and work their hardest to prove themselves right.... sort of a self fulfilling prophecy.
Funny thing. This lady had a roommate. She called me up. Wanted to know that since her roommate had dumped me for someone else, would I be interested in the roommate? She understood life, but alas, there was no spark between us.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of women (and men, but I dont date men) who make the same mistakes over and over again. Mostly because they have never experienced a good relationship or are afraid of stepping into the unknown. I will also say that a good relationship takes two willing participants, and often people dont really know that they have to actually participate.
Your mileage of course, may vary.
12/10/2013 11:11:12 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Knob Noster, MO
60, joined Jul. 2013
Gee...Where have I heard THIS, before..??
OH!! I know!! . . _I_ said it!!...Yesterday...the day before...the day before That...
Rather than rambling-on for a half-hour...I'll just condense, and say...:
Probably... more than Half the women are ~Polluted~ by their own poor taste in men...
and wouldn't know what to DO with a genuinely Good Guy...if he "Bit her ......... !!!
Basically....*N*A*F*T* !!!
12/10/2013 11:28:13 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Kansas City, MO
37, joined Jun. 2013
That's the trillion dollar question.....It is f**ked up but also the way it is...go figure
12/10/2013 11:35:10 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Austin, TX
56, joined Jul. 2013
The good and bad of the man or woman, in terms of sex and their suitability for a relationship, represent the conflict in your outlook about sex and relationships. If there is conflict it came from wanting sex when you shouldn't have sex yet. Getting past that is a normal part of growing up, but it's optional.
12/10/2013 1:06:35 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Cocoa, FL
56, joined Aug. 2010
Mr. "Wrong" turns them on, and their impulse is to elevate his virtues so that they're "not just a slut" for following their lust. Aa a rule, women want to be in love with who they're f**king, and will sure give it a try. On the other hand Mr. "Right" bores them and fails to induce respect or desire, and unless furniture needs moved, the sooner they "slip away" the better. Because somebody else's judgment about "great", tends to neglect raw desire.
Leaving aside other insanities like feeling underserving and blaming the person you "don't deserve" for making you feel that way, unconsciously.
B*tching about the vagaries of human attraction and self-builds-self behaviors is pointless - improve your powers of attraction, of which whining is not one.
12/10/2013 1:39:03 PM |
Malibu, CA |
Bremen, GA
43, joined May. 2011
Just because a man spend lots of money taking you out doesn't make him marriage material. A man needs to be responsible first. op when you get older you will understand. And at 25 you should have met that nice guy by now. So you tell us. What is the problem? Oh wait your parents won't let him move in?
12/10/2013 2:54:21 PM |
Malibu, CA |
33, joined Nov. 2013
....maybe is the nice guy sometimes just too nice?
12/10/2013 3:43:07 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Killeen, TX
35, joined Nov. 2012
Problem is usually the hot good looking guys are the a**holes while the ugly fat ones are nice
12/10/2013 3:54:27 PM |
Malibu, CA |
Malibu, CA
26, joined Nov. 2012
Just because a man spend lots of money taking you out doesn't make him marriage material. A man needs to be responsible first. op when you get older you will understand. And at 25 you should have met that nice guy by now. So you tell us. What is the problem? Oh wait your parents won't let him move in?
This topic is not about me its just a thought. If a good man came in my life I wouldnt let him slip though my fingertips just to make it clear.
[Edited 12/10/2013 3:54:58 PM ]
12/10/2013 4:24:01 PM |
Malibu, CA |


Oklahoma City, OK
40, joined Feb. 2011
Op, be a good girl and send me some nudity, thanks.
Yeah,aspire over to your phone and model off a few.

But seriously,its a matter of wanting what is bad for you,not practical.
12/10/2013 4:37:11 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Boone, NC
47, joined Jan. 2012
This happens so often it's crazy why do some woman treat Mr. Wrong like a king and knows that he's all wrong for her but as soon as a great person comes in his or her life they let them slip away?? this is not only directed to woman but man as well.
I don't do this. I don't have time to treat good men bad or bad men good, whatever it is you are trying to say. I get bored with a man a little easier if he is not as exciting but that doesn't mean he has to be a bad guy, it just means he needs to be more assertive and initiate stuff more. I don't want a bad guy at my age. I've had my fair share of them and they are always the losers in the end. They have no idea what they want out of life and aren't set on one goal and that's not attractive in the least bit.
12/10/2013 4:39:16 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Boone, NC
47, joined Jan. 2012
Problem is usually the hot good looking guys are the a**holes while the ugly fat ones are nice
true. And same with good looking women being the worst and the uglier women being the best ones to date. The good looking ones learn over time to be rude to people they date because they don't give a real sh*t about the person they date, because they know they can get anybody they want. They are more likely to cheat on us and move on faster with no problem getting over us while they leave us crying over them. No thank you.
12/10/2013 6:30:40 PM |
Malibu, CA |


Beverly Hills, CA
96, joined Feb. 2012
Listen, late last night, i heard the screen door swing....
And a big yellow taxi took my girl away...
Dont it always seem to go, that you dont know what you got, till its gone...
12/10/2013 7:40:02 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Spartanburg, SC
53, joined Jul. 2013
Problem is usually the hot good looking guys are the a**holes while the ugly fat ones are nice
Its the absolute SAME with females! LOLZ! So thus for I remain single!    
12/10/2013 7:51:53 PM |
Malibu, CA |


Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
That's a 50s kind of guy. The macho guy of 2013 is an arrogant, MACHO piece of shit thug, probably a drunk or druggie or abusive, but today's arrogant feminist is so totally insecure she figures getting pounded by a thug is the best she can do! It's nuts and she gets what she deserves by trashing the nice guys to take up with a soon to be CON. But BOY, is he STREET SMART!
12/10/2013 10:22:34 PM |
Malibu, CA |


New York, NY
28, joined Apr. 2010
This happens so often it's crazy why do some woman treat Mr. Wrong like a king and knows that he's all wrong for her but as soon as a great person comes in his or her life they let them slip away?? this is not only directed to woman but man as well.
The thrill and somewhat of a challenge that a "bad" man bring can at times be more enticing and make the person interesting rather than the good person person who in while trying to do everything accommodate her needs and her there for her, becomes boring and plain without any sort of edge to him that makes him stand out. Even though the good guy is what's best for her in the long run, some women just don't find them all that appealing at all and rather go for the person that gives them that challenge and adventurous side they're possibly seeking. Unfortunate situation yes, but it is what it is......gamer
12/11/2013 11:33:26 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Knob Noster, MO
60, joined Jul. 2013
I'm never bad to a good guy.
OO-oo-OOooo..!! . . But...I'll bet...
(Just Look at those Eyes!! )
that you ARE Naughty as Hell ..!!!
12/11/2013 11:38:52 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Assumption, IL
66, joined May. 2010
he he he ..... because he's a baaaaaaaaad boy?????
12/11/2013 8:35:08 PM |
Malibu, CA |

26, joined Aug. 2013
In my experience they want this.
Every single dude I've ever been mean and distant to put me on a pedestal and worshiped the ground I walked on.
It's crazy.
I'm super nice to my crushes and they run in the opposite direction.
I'm a selfish/cruel/b*tch to the guys I don't want to attract and they're practically ready to propose.
They crave the abuse.
12/13/2013 2:05:36 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Hortense, GA
32, joined May. 2012
Problem is usually the hot good looking guys are the a**holes while the ugly fat ones are nice
This coming from the girl who keeps getting called fat and ugly from guys... You clearly state you are shallow to guys in your profile, but what about guys who are average shape, or those that have medical issues that may make them slightly overweight, or unable to be the fitness guru like the coat tails of the guys you are riding? Obesity is one thing, but not wanting to talk to a guy because he may be 10-15lbs overweight? Ridiculous! Have you looked in the mirror sweetie? You aren't perfect. Don't go after 9's and 10's when you're a 3! You don't see me calling up Jessica biel and expecting her to beg me for a date! Guys are calling you fat and ugly because you are going after the wrong ones, and not taking the time to get to know someone based on looks! YES, there needs to be SOME physical attraction, but quit trying to go above your means when guys on your level have tried to be nice to you. On a personal level, QUIT F**KING THINKING YOU KNOW SOMEONE BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY PUT IN A BOX! Never spoken to me before, nor i you, and you message me simply to tell me how I should act? That is why guys don't like you. I am tired of signing on every damn day, and reading another attention wh*re status about how "guys don't want to talk to you" or "why guys keep calling you fat and ugly"! Seriously? Every damn day!? Go after guys on your level and be happy instead of trying to go above, getting shot down, then screaming "all guys are douches", or "why are guys a**holes?" ALL guys aren't! Just the ones you beg for attention from!
12/13/2013 2:11:46 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Hortense, GA
32, joined May. 2012
Im sorry, she post statuses daily downing guys and all, and I messaged her one day calling her out on it, and this is what I got....
Nope its sharing a healthy lifestyle I workout I expect a man to also
Nov. 24 10:26 AM
You post a status like that, talking about men being vain, yet you have it clear as day that you want your guy "in shape". Pretty sure that's the same thing?
Nov. 24 3:18 AM
Then she said I was a bully. Does anyone know of a way I can make her statuses not show up on my shit daily? Blocking people does no good on this site, they still show up....
12/13/2013 2:15:17 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Hortense, GA
32, joined May. 2012
I'm never bad to a good guy.
Can you point us in the direction of any of those good guys you've went out of your way to speak to? Just for reference ... I find it hard to believe that a beautiful woman go out of her way to speak to a genuinely good guy, and she still be single..
12/13/2013 2:28:45 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Hortense, GA
32, joined May. 2012
Just because a man spend lots of money taking you out doesn't make him marriage material. A man needs to be responsible first. op when you get older you will understand. And at 25 you should have met that nice guy by now. So you tell us. What is the problem? Oh wait your parents won't let him move in?
Age has nothing to do with it sweetie. At 17, I had my own job, my own car, and own place. Some get nurtured, some get an early start. I am now 31, and my property taxes cost more than most people make in a year. Responsibility is a very big factor, that you are correct on. That's getting harder and harder to find as generations come. Baby mamas wanna talk about how sorry the daddy is, but go clubbing every weekend. Baby daddy spend more time ducking child support, than just getting a job and being a man. The good girls get no play, bc there are too many girls that will spread their legs effortlessly and generations are becoming more and more lazy. Its so bad, you can see it in their grammar without ever meeting them. You want a real guy, sample the guys(not sexually), go on a few dates. REAL dates, not to Mcdonalds, then to park. Hell, go ti longhorn, then to a movie. If the guy doesn't offer popcorn and a drink, enjoy your movie, mark him off the list. Continue this until you find one you truly enjoy going with. If you could watch the same movie more than once, its probably not the movie you're going for anymore.
12/13/2013 2:35:14 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Hortense, GA
32, joined May. 2012
Just because a man spend lots of money taking you out doesn't make him marriage material. A man needs to be responsible first. op when you get older you will understand. And at 25 you should have met that nice guy by now. So you tell us. What is the problem? Oh wait your parents won't let him move in?
I do understand you are older than I am, and ment no disrespect by the way. I was just stating that age isn't an excuse for laziness, please don't take what I say the wrong way. Hard to get concept of meaning from text... lol
12/13/2013 4:50:48 AM |
Malibu, CA |


Sacramento, CA
37, joined Apr. 2013
There are different reasons I think.
Sometimes we grow up loving an abusive person like a parent and as a result desire validation from someone who doesn't give love.
An a-hole may remind you of a home long gone.
12/14/2013 6:36:36 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Killeen, TX
35, joined Nov. 2012
Kevin lol too funny
12/14/2013 6:52:08 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Appleton, WI
30, joined Aug. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/18/2013 1:53:31 AM |
Malibu, CA |


Mauston, WI
48, joined Jan. 2012
Mostly due to the fact that people are always trying to change someone that is wrong for them to be the right person for them. Trying to save someone from themselves is always a losing fight. That is why you see mismatched people all the time.
12/18/2013 9:37:34 PM |
Malibu, CA |

Clarksville, TN
38, joined Nov. 2013

12/22/2013 11:50:22 PM |
Malibu, CA |
Los Angeles, CA
34, joined Jan. 2013
The answer is obvious. It's because it's easier for a woman to take the instant ego boost by treating a guy poorly than by giving him a chance. You get to tell yourself that you can have "any guy" because one guy was nice to you.
It also leads to women pretending that they can't get a good guy so that low value guys come running towards them asking for a date and throwing out complements (which sadly enough more than one guy in this thread has done). Again, free attention and an ego boost.
When will guys learn? lol.
12/23/2013 12:01:20 AM |
Malibu, CA |


Fullerton, CA
34, joined Aug. 2010

12/23/2013 2:19:29 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Enid, OK
56, joined Feb. 2010
This happens so often it's crazy why do some woman treat Mr. Wrong like a king and knows that he's all wrong for her but as soon as a great person comes in his or her life they let them slip away?? this is not only directed to woman but man as well.
They treat Mr. Wrong like a KING due to the fact that they will change him into a "good Guy". The thing is they do not want a good guy, because they are addicted to the excitement that a "bad boy" brings.
Bad Boy = Excitement
Good Guy = Boring.
That is just the way many women see men.
12/23/2013 6:54:09 AM |
Malibu, CA |

De Soto, GA
38, joined Dec. 2013
Beats me I just got over passing 6 kidney stones and I was told she cheated cuz she felt like I didn't love her WTF kinda shit is tht
12/23/2013 7:00:33 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Lexington, KY
24, joined Nov. 2013
Women are like men, they want a challenge. When you meet a "bad boy" they most likely have some issues and some women think they can mold a messed up individual into mr perfect.
Yet when a woman meets mr perfect most of the time she doesn't have her shit together and that makes her feel inferior. Instead of admitting she could use his help to better herself she chases him away in order to find another "bad boy"
In other words some women are just plain stupid
[Edited 12/23/2013 7:01:33 AM ]
12/23/2013 7:21:02 AM |
Malibu, CA |

Grand Rapids, MN
60, joined Sep. 2009
Because they lack moral character and are led by their lust instead of their wisdom,
Not always. I have enough patience to give someone the benefit of a doubt if he's recovering from something hurtful.It takes time to heal. It doesn't happen overnight. Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize what he had.His loss.
12/23/2013 9:43:32 PM |
Malibu, CA |

New Haven, CT
48, joined Oct. 2012
Im one of those men thats now divorce.i gave my x everything she wanted.i cook,clean,worked two jobs.and made time for sex.but I guess a good woman is hard to find too. There is one good man out there looking for his queen.but he cant seem to find her.thats why some women get to spoiled in there own self.and forget about loving a good man
12/24/2013 4:43:13 PM |
Malibu, CA |


Baltimore, MD
34, joined Jun. 2013

12/24/2013 4:55:49 PM |
Malibu, CA |


Eastlake, OH
39, joined Jan. 2010
Women are like men, they want a challenge. When you meet a "bad boy" they most likely have some issues and some women think they can mold a messed up individual into mr perfect.
Yet when a woman meets mr perfect most of the time she doesn't have her shit together and that makes her feel inferior. Instead of admitting she could use his help to better herself she chases him away in order to find another "bad boy"
In other words some women are just plain stupid

12/24/2013 5:25:25 PM |
Malibu, CA |
Middletown, OH
26, joined Nov. 2013
most dont know what they got till its gone some quickly ruin love for they selfs cause they fear being hurt or getting to attached to something to good to be true most woman dont care even when they act like they do rather the guy be good or bad its all money to them some men think they good men when actually they aint somethings is sometimes missing so that woman treats the man bad just so she can run out and find what she wants ..... rather it be money more attention understanding or what ever u and your woman have got into it about in the recent past is why shes's acting like she's acting some woman dont mature even though fact sheet says they do just some woman most ppl want to be loved by ppl that dont love them and the ppl that dont love them say they do but have a twisted way of showing it history just keeps repeating itself get out if he or she is treating you awful daily just get out why you still have heart
miamichellee - Malibu, CA