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8/27/2007 6:17:51 AM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
"Deathwish: Trying to be a follower of Jesus absolutely does NOT guarantee a better, easier life here on earth as your short study of the disciples proves without a doubt. My life was much easier when I did what pleased me.
but for those who endure, God promises eternity without sin, death, sickness, etc."
9th: Your original post implies that there is a direct correlation between the words and beliefs of nonbelievers of your faith and the deaths they encountered. My reply was to merely demonstrate that people suffer from all sorts of strange fates regardless of their words or beliefs.
8/27/2007 9:41:46 AM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
My reply was to merely demonstrate that people suffer from all sorts of strange fates regardless of their words or beliefs.
Your suffering IS your guide aye...when an inner situation is not made conscious, it shows up in our lives as fate.
Alittle psychic cleansing anyone? there some dirt hiding in the corners of your closet?
[Edited 8/27/2007 9:45:41 AM]
8/27/2007 10:19:25 AM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
as soon as I can decipher what Jewlz5 is saying, I will try to reply to it , but in any event, the emporer still doesn't have any clothes on, I don't care what anyone says to the contrary..........
8/27/2007 10:40:40 AM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Ok but I did send him a pair of fruit of the loom last christmas so at least he would have something on for the hollidays.
8/27/2007 10:54:02 AM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
Maybe if you had sent him one for each day of the week instead of just a pair, he wouldn't be running around like that?
8/27/2007 11:13:04 AM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
geesh your right
9/2/2007 7:21:16 PM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Ebensburg, PA
age: 43
In response to your earlier post. I did not mean to imply that EVERYONE who disbelieves or mocks God has a horrible life and dies a horrible death. Nor that everyone who believes in God lives a wonderful and long life and dies of old age. History proves what God said, "it rains on both the just and the unjust."
God wants everyone to accept His free gift of salvation but in His omniscience knows who will and who will not accept His Love and Grace. I suspect this knowledge brings agony to God having to watch His children run headlong toward destruction. My sister-in-law has to watch her 23 year old daughter continue to make destructive choices and is helpless to change her course in life. Her "prescious little girl" is a severe drug addict, all her teeth have rotted from her head, she has more than 2 dozen felonies and is currently in jail for the third time since being "on her own." I think God suffers the same heart-ache as my sister-in-law a million times over. The difficult part of creating us with free will. He could just as easily have made robots out of us...I suspect that was what Satan recommended. (another thread perhaps???)
I do not know for sure for myself whether those who mock God and suffer, suffer because of their desired seperation from God or that God actually invokes the misery and punishment either directly or through avenging angels...I think the Bible supports the latter but many marshmallow Chrisitans want to believe the former. God has unlimmited love, mercy and grace but has also demonstrated vengeance and wrath many times over. I believe He is in control of everything but I do not know (or need to know for that matter) the logistics of how He carries out His vengeance.
Does this make more sense to you?
I get the impression you are unwilling to be subjected to ANY god who does anything that you consider bad or naughty. I think most people, even hardcore Christians struggle with the thought of a veangeful God. I just know He is much better at controling His anger than I am or any human for that matter... except for Jesus who demonstrated the control, temperment and patience of God since He was God and man simultaneously.
Christianity is much easier to understand if you believe the Bible is true. Also easy to discount if that is what you want your final result to be. i.e. If you do not want there to be a God...He will not be definition of hell is a total absence of God.
I hope you do not feel I am being combative...just trying to discuss and explain this as I understand it...relatively new for me and not at all easy.
Grace and Peace to you 9th and to all who are seeking truth with an open mind.
9/3/2007 1:51:06 PM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
Deathwish: Thankyou for the insiteful reply to my thoughts. From what I read you are not in disagreement with the ideas expressed by me that you chose to specifically address. I repsonded to your posts directly with honest intent, if it was not your intention to "imply" what was understood from it on my part, maybe this should have been addressed earlier. If you are trying to tell me that you don't understand the way God works things out, I can understand that, but not on how you can comment on his words or actions with any authority. It would mean that these comments are being made in ignorance and without any true understanding? From what I understand about this God's grace, this is something that can only be given by God to an idividual and can not be earned. That being the case, it puzzles me as to why a God would let so many billions of people come into existance knowing full well he has an eternal punishment in store for them, and that he is not going to bestow his grace upon them. The problem with discussions of this matter is the inconsistancies with the people that call themselves christian. If I talk with a group of christians on Monday about a certain topic, on Tuesday I will talk with a different group in complete disagreement with the Monday group. I also find that christians I talk with change their argument to suit the needs of their point of view on a day to day basis. You mention my not wanting to subject myself to a God that does something "naughty or bad"? Please...... let's not sugar coat things... I have a problem with a God that KILLS CHILDREN , as in the example I sited, ...ok? now if you would choose to address that specifically, I would be most greatful.
I have often posted that a person should endeavor to understand things with an open mind. If one reads with the initial intention of finding something right/wrong, true/false they will find it as such. Please believe me, everything, and I mean everything I approach is done with an open mind and heart. On the point of people being created with "free will" and God not wanting robots. It is my contention, that is exactly what a person gives up and becomes when they follow this concept of God of yours. As I understand it this God wants you to obey and follow his will as opposed to your own. From speaking to individuals that call themselves christian, and this site is an excellent example of this, I am often responded to in the same manner that a robot would. With out thoughts of their own, but, preprogramed messages and quotes. The robotic nature of their argument is emphasised with the repetative nature of their circular logic. It seems to me to be a paradox to make a claim of not wanting robots and wanting people to have free will, then turning around and making your will and not theirs the one to be adhered to, or an eternal punishment will incur, and having established this, making them to only be able to respond to questions with the usually out of context words of an ancient book or Sunday morning bible school cliches?
I do not consider your words to be combative, and I hope that you do not consider mine to be as well. I enjoy an honest exchange of ideas no matter what the subject matter is.
I return the peace that you offered me and hope that you enjoy it as well.
9/3/2007 8:01:02 PM |
Famous and Brilliant People |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
You both make great points! I just am having that same old "problem"...why Christian???
Why are Christians spewn off the tongues of so many as if we leave a bad taste in your mouths(literally). Beacause of the "few" who never "let up" or continually tell you your going to rot in hell?
Other than those "few" I have never heard of any Christian,banging down a door and turning your tv to watch an Evangelist or drag you out of your home and make you go to churh and LISTEN to what they preach.And they NEVER cost you a dime,they take care of their own,by yes..."passing a basket or plate for dont get kicked out though, if you have no $$$ to give.Hell,that'll get you MORE "love" and "prayers" and "hugs"...those damn Christian!!!!! Peace
9th this is NOT directed at you, but by something you said and the way you said it.I hope no feelings are hurt. And Im sorry I typed damn I dont usually.