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2/11/2014 3:08:46 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Indianapolis, IN
33, joined Nov. 2013
Drones are not only targeting terrorists abroad they are now being used in American airspace, the war in Afghanistan rages on, GITMO is still open, Home Land was given extended life, the CIA is still devious, the NSA has extended powers, and the ME still hates us. And by the way Obama spends more on the Military than Bush did.
Even though unemployment percentages are lower more people have left the workforce, US companies are still leaving America, more people live in poverty today than any time in our history, the Middle Class has less buying power, a college education cost more than a new house and it might land you a job paying what a high school education use to pay.
The ACA is a debacle less people now have health insurance than before ACA and the cost of that insurance has increased, so much for affordable and insuring Americans have health insurance.
Energy costs have gone up the average price of gasoline is higher now than any time in our history, so much for the Cheney theory.
Middle class taxes are higher, the National minimum wage has been going up since 2008 so far it has not gone up a penny.
Our roadways and bridges are worse even though millions of dollars was spent to fix them, we still do not have a high speed rail system as promised.
Crime has not improved, our prison system is still over loaded, illegal drugs are worse now than before 2008.
Everything above are reasons Liberals disliked Bush and elected Obama, can you say hoodwinked?
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!
2/11/2014 3:38:33 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Norman, OK
47, joined Mar. 2013
yet the only thing wrong in the dems "peaches & cream" world is a traffic jam in new jersey,,,new f**king jersey, the place already notorious for traffic jams
2/11/2014 4:23:23 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Auburn, WA
39, joined Jan. 2008
You're wasting your time. Not only are liberals not too bright, they're notoriously allergic to facts, history, and common sense.
2/11/2014 4:36:54 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from cattoaster:
and the ME still hates us.
No, Liberals are not too bright; BUT, and this is kind of a big but....are Conservatives any brighter?
Take the above comment you made that I singled out...and the ME still hates us.
Ok, Liberals obviously believe the propaganda that passes for non news these days...but, again...don't Conservatives ALSO believe the propaganda that passes for non news these days IF it comes from FAUX schmooze?
You for example obviously believe the ME still hates us based upon your belief of the propaganda that passes for non news these days.
Now granted, the inhabitants of the ME have a right to hate....oh wait? WHO again? "Us" did you say?
You mean like you and me? That kind of "us" ? Or, would they hate the government for making war on them based upon false intelligence from the State of Israel?
Getting right down to it...aren't your own beliefs; as well as those of the liberals based upon the propaganda that passes for non news these days, which is partially obtained from false intelligence from the State of Israel?
Seems to me the best solution would be to STOP BELIEVING the propaganda that passes for non news these days, which is partially obtained from false intelligence from the State of Israel?
Don't you think so?
2/11/2014 4:38:18 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Indianapolis, IN
33, joined Nov. 2013
More whining from the dummies.
price of gasoline is higher now than any time in our history?
You further prove my point, you can't read. My statement said the average price of gasoline big difference from what you posted as I said.
2/11/2014 4:42:50 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from road_ghost:
I would be VERY concerned about those drones IN AMERICA. (not to mention, abroad)
Leftism aka LIBERALISM IS a Mental Disorder.
I would also be very concerned about the real motive behind NSA OR HHS OR DHS OR WHATEVER IT IS buying all those MANKILLER ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION AND ALL THOSE 'ASSAULT RIFLES'
only an idiot ASSUMES that they are for his 'protection'
the leftist government and the POLICE PROMISE all this is for our protection??
and we should take THEM at their word?
DHS now ordering over 140,000 SNIPER ROUNDS
Hornady .308 Win 168gr A-MAX TAP Ammunition
Quantity of order is for approximately 141,160 rounds of ammunition (7,058 boxes) of Hornady .308 Winchester 168gr A-MAX TAP Ammunition (P/N: 80965).
PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: The ordering period of performance will be 120 days ARO.
All questions concerning this solicitation must be directed in writing via email to Sarah A. West at [email protected] and Thomas Jefferson at [email protected] by 11:00 am EST on February 12, 2014. No questions or inquiries will be accepted by telephone. The distribution of any resulting amendments to the solicitation will be accomplished solely through the FedBizOpps website. Hard copies of the solicitation documents will not be available; therefore, no written, telephone, or facsimile requests for the documents will be accepted. The FedBizOpps site provides downloading instructions. Interested parties are responsible for monitoring the FedBizOpps site to assure that they have the most up-to-date information about this RFP.
Contracting Office Address:
801 I Street, NW, Suite 910,
Washington, District of Columbia 20536-0001
United States
Place of Performance:
Fort Benning, Georgia 31905
United States
Primary Point of Contact.:
Sarah West,
Contract Specialist
[email protected]
Phone: 2027322528
Secondary Point of Contact:
Thomas Jefferson,
Contracting Officer
[email protected]
Phone: 2027322513
Thomas Jefferson?
2/11/2014 4:45:14 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Indianapolis, IN
33, joined Nov. 2013
Quote from cattoaster:
and the ME still hates us.
No, Liberals are not too bright; BUT, and this is kind of a big but....are Conservatives any brighter?
Take the above comment you made that I singled out...and the ME still hates us.
Ok, Liberals obviously believe the propaganda that passes for non news these days...but, again...don't Conservatives ALSO believe the propaganda that passes for non news these days IF it comes from FAUX schmooze?
You for example obviously believe the ME still hates us based upon your belief of the propaganda that passes for non news these days.
Now granted, the inhabitants of the ME have a right to hate....oh wait? WHO again? "Us" did you say?
You mean like you and me? That kind of "us" ? Or, would they hate the government for making war on them based upon false intelligence from the State of Israel?
Getting right down to it...aren't your own beliefs; as well as those of the liberals based upon the propaganda that passes for non news these days, which is partially obtained from false intelligence from the State of Israel?
Seems to me the best solution would be to STOP BELIEVING the propaganda that passes for non news these days, which is partially obtained from false intelligence from the State of Israel?
Don't you think so?
Some of us know by experience and not what we get from the media or none news as you put it. American's have always been tolerated but not very well liked now we are downright disliked and not only in the ME. You need a dose of reality and a change in venue where you retrieve your information.
And why I don't care the point is this president promised that would all change and it has only gotten worse.
2/11/2014 4:53:03 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
95, joined Jul. 2010
You're wasting your time. Not only are liberals not too bright, they're notoriously allergic to facts, history, and common sense.
I suspect that these are some of the reasons why Liberals are not too bright.
2/11/2014 4:56:50 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
95, joined May. 2011
Liberals require the government to think for them!!!
I think we can safely classify them as incompetent boobs...
2/11/2014 5:04:33 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Lufkin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from cattoaster:
Some of us know by experience and not what we get from the media or none news as you put it. American's have always been tolerated but not very well liked now we are downright disliked and not only in the ME. You need a dose of reality and a change in venue where you retrieve your information.
I do?
And am I going to obtain that "dose of reality and a change in venue" by believing in the propaganda that passes for "news" from FAUX schmooze? Particularly their "news" as it applies to the ME?
CAUSE & EFFECT, Cat. You don't like the Effect but does it make sense to refuse to pay attention to the Cause of the Effect?
And why I don't care the point is this president promised that would all change and it has only gotten worse.
Of course it has...BUT you have to take into consideration who OWNS 0bama.
Hint: It's the same people who own the corporate media in America that reports the propaganda you seem to feel constitutes a "dose of reality and a change in venue".
0bama is merely the telegenic, front man for those in Chicago who have been endeavoring to destroy America (specifically Catholics, WASPS and Christianity as a whole) since the government was foolish enough to allow them to immigrate here during the 18th century. And especially the subversive Communist variety that was allowed to immigrate to America during the 19th century and onward.
Further Hint: It's not the Muslims.
WASHINGTON, GEORGE, in Maxims of George Washington by A. A. Appleton & Co. "They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
This prophecy, by Benjamin Franklin, was made in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION," at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina. "I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration.
The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.
In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.
For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty.
If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.
Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention.
Hasn't Ben Franklin's prophecy come true?
[Edited 2/11/2014 5:06:46 PM ]
2/11/2014 5:07:23 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Indianapolis, IN
33, joined Nov. 2013
Your number one mistake is you don't listen the second one is you assume too much. I will give you this you are funny.
2/11/2014 5:08:45 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Auburn, WA
39, joined Jan. 2008
Longbobby is a jihadist Muslim. I wouldn't listen to anything the guys says. Or very little.
2/11/2014 5:09:51 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
Obama White House targeting American for drone murder
By Bill Van Auken
11 February 2014
World Socialist Web Site
Unnamed “senior US officials” have told the Associated Press that the Obama administration is “wrestling with whether to kill [a US citizen] with a drone strike and how to do so legally under its new stricter targeting policy.”
This extraordinary AP report publicly announces and justifies a drone assassination of an American citizen before it takes place. It has all the hallmarks of a deliberately orchestrated leak. Its evident aim is to lend a veneer of “transparency” and legality to a conspiratorial and unconstitutional program of state murder, all the better to institutionalize it as a permanent arm of dictatorial presidential power.
The US officials who spoke to the AP laid out a scenario that fits neatly into the framework laid out by President Barack Obama in a speech delivered at the National Defense University last May, defending the program of extra-judicial assassinations, while promising a “high threshold” for ordering such a killing.
The individual being targeted for a drone strike was said to be suspected of being a terrorist and “in a country that refuses US military action on its soil and that has proved unable to go after him.”
Under Obama’s reported policy, such individuals must be killed by the US military’s Joint Special Operations Command, not by the CIA, which has been responsible for previous strikes.
According to the AP, the Pentagon “was divided over whether the man is dangerous enough to merit the potential domestic fallout of killing an American without charging him with a crime or trying him, and the potential international fallout of such an operation in a country that has been resistant to US action.” It added that the military ultimately came around to supporting the killing.
The report added that, under Obama’s targeting rules, the Department of Justice must present a case that the assassination of the US citizen is “legal and constitutional” by defining him as an “enemy combatant” under the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed by Congress in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City and Washington. According to the US officials, such a case has yet to be presented.
Involved here is the mockery of “due process” adopted by the Obama administration as pseudo-legal window dressing for its assassination program. The Justice Department is instructed by the White House to prepare a brief justifying the murder of a US citizen, without any charges being publicly presented, much less a trial to adjudicate them, and the president then places the individual on a kill list.
The series of rubber-stamp procedures instituted by the Obama administration represents an irrevocable break with the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees that no one “shall be deprived of life … without due process of law,” meaning the right of anyone accused of a crime to be notified of the charges and have the opportunity to defend oneself against them before an independent and impartial tribunal.
If Obama gives the green light for this proposed drone assassination, its victim will be the fifth American citizen killed in this fashion. The previous victims include Anwar al-Awlaki, a New Mexico-born Islamic cleric, and another American, Samir Khan, who were killed in the same drone strike in September 2011in Yemen; al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman, who was blown to bits in Yemen two weeks later; and Jude Kenan Mohammed, who was killed in a drone strike in Pakistan.
The Obama administration claims that only al-Awlaki was specifically targeted, while the other three were part of the “collateral damage” of the US drone war program which has claimed the lives of thousands of people from Pakistan and Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia and beyond.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which has gone to court seeking public disclosure of secret Justice Department memoranda used to justify the drone assassination of al-Awlaki and other American citizens, denounced the plans revealed Monday for yet another state murder.
“The government’s killing program has gone far beyond what the law permits, and it is based on secret evidence and legal interpretations,” said Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU National Security Project. “The targeted killing of an American being considered right now shows the inherent danger of a killing program based on vague and shifting legal standards, which has made it disturbingly easy for the government to operate outside the law. The fact that the government is relying so heavily on limited and apparently unreliable intelligence only heightens our concerns about a disastrous program in which people have been wrongly killed and injured.”
In its report the AP offered no identification of the latest proposed victim and said that it was withholding the name of the country in which he was located at the request of US authorities.
2/11/2014 5:19:24 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Tampa, FL
57, joined Feb. 2013
Mass unemployment in America
11 February 2014
World Socialist Web Site
Speaking Friday in advance of signing a bill slashing $8.7 billion from the food stamp program, President Barack Obama hailed the dismal jobs report for January released earlier that day. Wall Street also reacted enthusiastically, rallying to send the Dow Jones Industrial average higher by 160 points.
The US economy created 113,000 jobs in January, according to Friday’s report, far fewer than the 189,000 economists had predicted. It was the second consecutive month of slow job growth, following December’s increase of 75,000.
There are mounting warnings by economists that the US confronts long-term economic stagnation and high unemployment into the indefinite future. The Associated Press ran a piece Sunday entitled “US economy may be stuck in slow lane for long run,” and last month former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers warned of “secular stagnation.”
Mass unemployment has become a permanent fact of life in the United States and much of the rest of the world.
* Officially, there are ten million unemployed people in the US, up from 6.8 million in 2007.
* Fully 3.6 million people have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more, according to the official jobless rolls. This figure is three times larger than it was in 2006, when there were 1.1 million long-term unemployed.
* Nearly 36 percent of the unemployed have been out of work for more than 27 weeks, three times higher than the average between 1948 and 2008. The mean duration of unemployment currently stands at 35.4 weeks, up from 16.9 weeks in 2006.
These figures tell just part of the story, since they track only those who are actively looking for work. According to a survey by the Economic Policy Institute, a further 5.73 million “missing workers” have dropped out of the labor force over the past five years for non-demographic reasons. If these missing workers were counted as unemployed, the unemployment rate would be 9.9 percent.
The true scale of the jobs deficit is indicated by the fact that the US economy had 866,000 fewer jobs last month than it had in January 2008, while the working-age population had increased by ten million people.
This was the context in which Obama boasted of the success of his economic policies as he prepared to sign a measure cutting food assistance by almost $100 per month for nearly a million needy households. Obama and the Democrats are absurdly posing as opponents of inequality and champions of the poor even as they join with the Republicans in dismantling social benefits and impoverishing ever broader layers of the population.
The cuts in food stamp benefits come on top of the expiration of jobless benefits for 1.4 million long-term unemployed workers and the passage of a bipartisan budget that keeps in place $1 trillion in across-the-board “sequester” cuts over the next decade.
Following his speech Friday, Obama met with Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan to demonstrate once again his support for the bankruptcy of Detroit, which is being used to gut city workers’ pensions and health benefits, setting a precedent for similar attacks on public-sector workers across the country.
The ruling class policy of unlimited cash handouts for the rich coupled with sweeping reductions in social programs, mass layoffs and wage-cutting has caused social inequality to soar. By one estimate, based on the comparison of mean and median incomes, social inequality has grown four times faster under Obama than under Bush.
The wealth of America’s billionaires hit $1.2 trillion last year, more than double what it was in 2009, while workers’ wages have stagnated or declined. Between 2007 and 2012, median household income in the United States plummeted by 8.3 percent.
Obama’s response to the jobs report reflects callous indifference to growing social distress and suffering and the disconnect that exists between the entire political establishment and the concerns and needs of the people. It also tacks the views of his core social constituency—the rich and the super-rich—as registered by Friday’s rise in share values on Wall Street.
As economist Robert Reich pointed out in a blog posting Sunday, Wall Street reacted positively to the poorer-than-expected employment report for definite material reasons. Slow job growth increases the likelihood that the Fed will keep interest rates near zero for the indefinite future, and raises the possibility that the central bank will slow down its “tapering” of bond purchases, which have pushed the stock market to record heights and injected trillions of dollars into the financial markets.
This will enable corporations to continue to borrow cheaply and use the cash to buy back their own stock, sending share prices even higher and guaranteeing record profits for speculators and record pay packages for executives.
Continued mass unemployment will, moreover, push workers’ wages even lower.
Meanwhile, big business can continue to amass a cash hoard, already at $1.5 trillion, and use it to speculate and buy more and bigger mansions and yachts rather than invest in manufacturing and production, rebuild the country’s infrastructure, and hire the unemployed.
Such are the real considerations behind the policies of both corporate America and its political instrument, the Obama administration.
More than five years after the Wall Street crash, chronic mass unemployment and the growth of social inequality underscore the fact that the financial meltdown was the expression of a systemic crisis. It marked the breakdown and failure of the capitalist system.
The crisis, triggered by the criminal practices of the banks, was seized upon by the ruling class to launch a social counterrevolution to reverse all of the gains won by workers in the course of a century of struggle. The trade unions have played an indispensable role, blocking and sabotaging every effort of the working class to fight back.
Working people must reject all calls for sacrifice and concessions, which only pave the way for even more brutal attacks. Instead, mass opposition to the ruling class assault on jobs, wages and living standards must be mobilized in a struggle against Obama and both parties of big business, and on the basis of a socialist program aimed at reorganizing society to meet social needs instead of effecting the ever more obscene enrichment of a corporate-financial elite.
2/11/2014 5:28:26 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Spring, TX
62, joined Feb. 2007
You are griping the ME doesn't like us? What do you care about the Muslims? The cons are always denigrating both Jews and Muslims.
Crime has gone down.
Taxes went down not up, unless you smoke.
Prices went up for every President. So?
Who promised high speed rail? CA was researching funding for it and viability, but that is a state issue, not federal and certainly crosses political boundaries. The GOP wants the contract to build it.
US companies were leaving the US beforehand because the markets were overseas and they could save on labor and get favorable tax laws passed so they didn't have to pay US tax.
Bridges and such are worse because we did not spend billions to fix them. We simply put on a bandaid.
Drones are a good thing that save American soldiers lives. If you don't like them, don't give reason to use them.
Jeez, this is tiresome. You post lies all the time and ignore the evidence before you. Sometimes I even post several sources but you just don't care what the truth is. You are more interested in someone just agreeing with you.
Bunch of whiners with no solutions at all.
2/11/2014 6:10:21 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Indianapolis, IN
33, joined Nov. 2013
You are griping the ME doesn't like us? What do you care about the Muslims? The cons are always denigrating both Jews and Muslims.
Crime has gone down.
Taxes went down not up, unless you smoke.
Prices went up for every President. So?
Who promised high speed rail? CA was researching funding for it and viability, but that is a state issue, not federal and certainly crosses political boundaries. The GOP wants the contract to build it.
US companies were leaving the US beforehand because the markets were overseas and they could save on labor and get favorable tax laws passed so they didn't have to pay US tax.
Bridges and such are worse because we did not spend billions to fix them. We simply put on a bandaid.
Drones are a good thing that save American soldiers lives. If you don't like them, don't give reason to use them.
Jeez, this is tiresome. You post lies all the time and ignore the evidence before you. Sometimes I even post several sources but you just don't care what the truth is. You are more interested in someone just agreeing with you.
Bunch of whiners with no solutions at all.
Your screen name tells it all.
2/11/2014 6:26:30 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
South Haven, MI
36, joined Nov. 2012
You can't fix stupid.
2/11/2014 7:35:49 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Kansas City, MO
60, joined Oct. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
2/12/2014 4:35:17 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Richmond Hill, ON
34, joined Oct. 2012
liberal08, so posts some of these " facts" Im curious
all I hear from the left is rhetoric, for the life of me I cant see why some of you liberals want big government, do you not understand big government is the source of the problem today?
2/15/2014 8:10:23 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Iselin, NJ
47, joined Jul. 2012
I live in N.J. where the libtards are trying there best to bring down the only Gov. in recent N.J. history that stood up to all the liberal agendas and subsequently crushed them. The Bulls#%* teachers union witch I am forced to belong to. {Thank you libtards} Spent 15 million $$$$ trying to get Bouno { Another libtard} elected ,and yet again failed miserably.. Did anyone ever drive across the G. Washington bridge? It never flows!! Never!
And this is the best they got? Christie won the last election by 28% now it has taken a toll on the Gov. Now he would only win by 25% Go Figure..
2/15/2014 8:32:54 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Dallas, TX
54, joined Jul. 2012
Drones are not only targeting terrorists abroad they are now being used in American airspace, the war in Afghanistan rages on, GITMO is still open, Home Land was given extended life, the CIA is still devious, the NSA has extended powers, and the ME still hates us. And by the way Obama spends more on the Military than Bush did.
Even though unemployment percentages are lower more people have left the workforce, US companies are still leaving America, more people live in poverty today than any time in our history, the Middle Class has less buying power, a college education cost more than a new house and it might land you a job paying what a high school education use to pay.
The ACA is a debacle less people now have health insurance than before ACA and the cost of that insurance has increased, so much for affordable and insuring Americans have health insurance.
Energy costs have gone up the average price of gasoline is higher now than any time in our history, so much for the Cheney theory.
Middle class taxes are higher, the National minimum wage has been going up since 2008 so far it has not gone up a penny.
Our roadways and bridges are worse even though millions of dollars was spent to fix them, we still do not have a high speed rail system as promised.
Crime has not improved, our prison system is still over loaded, illegal drugs are worse now than before 2008.
Everything above are reasons Liberals disliked Bush and elected Obama, can you say hoodwinked?
All this we see on the news is bad enough, but it's when the say "oh by the way we threw some more executive orders in for you" back the the news...."Kim changed her hair color today"
2/15/2014 8:55:20 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Baltimore, MD
51, joined Dec. 2007
I can't believe I divested my Reynolds Aluminum stocks...
2/15/2014 9:05:19 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Fort Lauderdale, FL
54, joined May. 2007
another crybaby a** thread
from someone who starts racially charged ones on at least a weekly basis
2/15/2014 9:27:20 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Wyandotte, MI
53, joined Dec. 2011
price of gasoline is higher now than any time in our history?
Under Obama the average price for a gallon has been consistently high. Other Presidents have had periodic spikes in gas prices but under Obama they have remained consistently high.
2/15/2014 9:43:29 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Laguna Niguel, CA
43, joined Jan. 2014
Drones are not only targeting terrorists abroad they are now being used in American airspace, the war in Afghanistan rages on, GITMO is still open, Home Land was given extended life, the CIA is still devious, the NSA has extended powers, and the ME still hates us. And by the way Obama spends more on the Military than Bush did.
Even though unemployment percentages are lower more people have left the workforce, US companies are still leaving America, more people live in poverty today than any time in our history, the Middle Class has less buying power, a college education cost more than a new house and it might land you a job paying what a high school education use to pay.
The ACA is a debacle less people now have health insurance than before ACA and the cost of that insurance has increased, so much for affordable and insuring Americans have health insurance.
Energy costs have gone up the average price of gasoline is higher now than any time in our history, so much for the Cheney theory.
Middle class taxes are higher, the National minimum wage has been going up since 2008 so far it has not gone up a penny.
Our roadways and bridges are worse even though millions of dollars was spent to fix them, we still do not have a high speed rail system as promised.
Crime has not improved, our prison system is still over loaded, illegal drugs are worse now than before 2008.
Everything above are reasons Liberals disliked Bush and elected Obama, can you say hoodwinked?
The entire USA is poisoned by the Liberals in both parties. America is beyond the repair, her days as a superpower are numbered. Only hope for people to repent and seek Jesus.
2/15/2014 9:54:05 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Vallejo, CA
55, joined Feb. 2008
Liberals not too bright?
Right wingers seem to be the ones easily manipulated by
urban legends, chain letter emails and paranoid fantasies.
You gotta be pretty dim to fall for that shit over and over.
2/15/2014 10:24:12 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Laguna Niguel, CA
43, joined Jan. 2014
What will Jesus do?
What kind of gun does Jesus carry and is he a member of the tea party?
Jesus is not a member of any of the parties.
2/15/2014 10:28:54 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Dallas, TX
54, joined Jul. 2012
The first thing Jesus would probably say is "throw you TV's out the window."
[Edited 2/15/2014 10:29:12 AM ]
2/15/2014 11:56:22 AM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
2/15/2014 12:06:15 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
2/15/2014 12:53:45 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
Jon Stewart Blasts Obama & Demos for Being So Corrupt
“It definitely couldn’t be because the new Norway nominee raised $850,000 for Obama’s re-election campaign, or the Argentinian one raised $500,000 or the Icelandic one bundled $1.6 million, that would mean that not only would Democrats be seen as corrupt (but Nancy Pelosi told me personally only Republicans are) that Iceland costs like three times more than Argentina,” said Jon Stewart.
2/15/2014 12:55:35 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Richmond Hill, ON
34, joined Oct. 2012
Liberals not too bright?
Right wingers seem to be the ones easily manipulated by
urban legends, chain letter emails and paranoid fantasies.
You gotta be pretty dim to fall for that shit over and over.
you have some data to back that up?
Sounds like Marxist talk to me pal, that is the difference between you leftist,marxist, socialist, liberals, you all talk a good game and loves to insult but cant back up squat
innuendos and opinions are not fact.
2/15/2014 1:01:11 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Vallejo, CA
55, joined Feb. 2008
you have some data to back that up?
Sounds like Marxist talk to me pal, that is the difference between you leftist,marxist, socialist, liberals, you all talk a good game and loves to insult but cant back up squat
innuendos and opinions are not fact.
Yeah. Idiots like you that keep posting them as fact.
Is that data enough?
2/15/2014 1:03:45 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Montrose, CO
44, joined Aug. 2010
another crybaby a** thread
This is rich coming from the racist dimwit that posts threads knocking whitey on a daily basis! F**k you murdamonkey!
2/15/2014 1:05:23 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Grosse Pointe, MI
54, joined Mar. 2012
They are hypocrites and destroyers who prey on the needy...
Look at any city that is governed by democrats and you will see utter disaster...
also most liberals are filthy disgusting people with no moral direction....
2/15/2014 1:07:54 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Montrose, CO
44, joined Aug. 2010
The average price isn't higher either you dumb c*nt
Way to show some class, f**king dimwit!
2/15/2014 1:10:07 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Montrose, CO
44, joined Aug. 2010
You gotta be pretty dim to fall for that shit over and over.
But who f**king elected Odummy....TWICE?
2/15/2014 1:15:03 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Vallejo, CA
55, joined Feb. 2008
LOL, says tinfoil hat guy
2/15/2014 1:15:13 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Montrose, CO
44, joined Aug. 2010
and they're not even smart enough to realize it. Idiots.
They were smart enough to not vote for Odummy! Seems you weren't and still aren't!
At least we weren't dumb enough to elect Romney or Palin any of the other clowns you ran.
Who ran? Did you brain fart and mistake me for a Conservative? Oh.. I forgot, you are a libtard!
Are you one of those mythical smart libtards?
2/15/2014 1:15:58 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Montrose, CO
44, joined Aug. 2010
LOL, says tinfoil hat guy
OOOh, you f**king burnt me good dimwit!
2/15/2014 1:27:46 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Richmond Hill, ON
34, joined Oct. 2012
Yeah. Idiots like you that keep posting them as fact.
Is that data enough?MULDOON
Wow, im stunned , Im shocked I have to lie down now
but it doesn't surprise me that you have to resort to name calling instead of posting
facts backing up your ridiculous claim but it doesn't surprise me one bit
But I love be educated by the ignorant its kind of amusing .
2/15/2014 1:27:57 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
2/15/2014 1:30:51 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Montrose, CO
44, joined Aug. 2010
Is your name Jed ya f**king illiterate hillbilly?
2/15/2014 2:04:26 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
2/15/2014 2:15:27 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
5 Ways Liberals Make War on Women
John Hawkins | Feb 15, 2014
Having liberals claim that someone else is waging a "war on women" is like Anteaters claiming Ladybugs are making war on ants. Not only is the Left much more unfriendly to women than the Right, liberals are actually leaving a body count behind.
1) The Party of Infanticide: The liberals’ whole "safe, legal and rare" abortion shtick has gone by the wayside and they've moved on to "Any reason's a good reason." Just this week, Iowa Democratic State Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell advocated aborting children to avoid "sleepless nights" and avoid "disciplinary challenges." Even the Aztecs weren't as zealous about sacrificing children as the modern Left has become and the carnage it’s left in its wake is comparable to any of history's greatest monsters. More than 28 million female babies have been snuffed out since Roe v. Wade. That's 28 million women who will never get to pretend to be a princess, ask their mother for advice or fall in love and get married. All of those poor girls were slaughtered like cattle and disposed of like garbage because of the same people who claim Republicans are waging a "war on women."
2) Excusing Horrible Liberal Behavior Toward Women: Ted Kennedy left a woman to slowly die in a tidal pool while he went home to sober up and plan to get away with his crime. Liberals loved him. As we speak, Massachusetts Rep. Carlos Henrique is in jail for beating his girlfriend and the New England Area Conference of the NAACP is fighting to keep him from being expelled from the state legislature. Bill Clinton has not only cheated on his wife over and over, he was credibly accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick. That has not given a single liberal pause. Roman Polanski is a liberal filmmaker who was convicted of raping a 13 year old girl and yet liberals defend him. What was it Whoopi Goldberg said? "I know it wasn’t rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don’t believe it was rape-rape." The reason it wasn't "rape-rape" in her mind is because a prominent liberal man was involved. If everyone from MSNBC to the NAACP to NOW are willing to side with men who leave women to die, men who beat their girlfriends, and rapists over the women they victimize, what does that really tell you about liberals?
3) Demeaning Stay-At-Home Moms: Liberals insult, demean and degrade stay-at-home moms on a regular basis. How dare they treat women with contempt simply because they CHOOSE to stay home and take care of their children? For example, Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has said, "These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they’re choosing to live that life. That’s bull****. I mean, what the f*** are we really talking about here?" Recently, liberal blogger Amy Glass at Thought Catalog wrote a whole article mocking stay-at-home moms called, "I look down on young women with husbands and kids and I’m not sorry." Even in the last election, when Democrats were pushing the "war on women" meme, Democrat strategist Hillary Rosen slammed Ann Romney for being a stay-at-home mom while Barack Obama himself has said staying at home to raise children isn't real "work." Conservatives support women, whether they want to work or stay at home. Liberals don't -- and their utter contempt for stay-at-home moms is just as disgusting as it is revealing.
4) Savage Attacks On Conservative Women: If only liberals hated Al-Qaeda with the same burning passion "that they feel towards well known conservative women," the world would be a better place. Just listen to the comments they make about strong, conservative women like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin. They've attacked Sarah Palin's children and Bachmann's husband, called Coulter a transvestite and used racial slurs against Malkin. They've done hate **** lists, demeaning articles on who Christine O'Donnell may have made out with at a Halloween party, Malkin had to move because she had so many threats, well known liberal writers spent YEARS claiming Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with her son Trig -- it's just a bottomless well of outright hatred and misogyny. The worst day Hillary Clinton or Sandra Fluke has ever had is like an average Tuesday for one of these women.
5) Helping criminals By Disarming Women: At least a 200 pound man has a puncher's chance against a criminal who wants to hurt him, but a 120 pound woman is nothing but a victim in the same situation. For a woman, having a gun may be the difference between staying in control or being at a thug's mercy, between getting a good scare and getting raped, between seeing her child again and being left dead in a ditch. Yet, liberals believe that a woman trapped in a dark alley by some Ted Bundy wannabe carrying a scalpel, handcuffs, and a noose should be stripped of her ability to defend herself. Colorado Democrat Rep. Joe Salazar actually suggested that women can't be trusted with guns "because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop around at somebody." The University of Colorado even went so far as to suggest to women that "vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone." The best friends the stalker, violent ex-boyfriend, and rapist have are pro-gun-control liberals who are hell-bent on making sure women can't defend themselves.
2/15/2014 2:50:58 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Chattanooga, TN
65, joined Jul. 2013
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
2/15/2014 2:53:02 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Chattanooga, TN
65, joined Jul. 2013
Allen West.. Figures!
2/15/2014 2:59:55 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
Oh my goodness, the anti abortion drama again. When are you folks going to understand the concept of choice, and that choice is not about wanting abortion.. Geezuz the stupidity and the deliberate drama is pathetic.
How exactly does the right wing keep you butt heads from seeing the legislation brought against women by the right wing republican governors even just in the last 2 years? I mean shit, this isn't a secret, a five year old could google it in a matter of minutes.
Right wing social conservative women like the ones you mention, don't seem to be paying attention BY DESIGN. But I always find it amusing how they ramble on about how responsible they are, while at the same time making themselves victims of liberals, and not being aware of the freaking obvious.. Too funny! One good reason they aren't liked is precisely because they don't even bother to do the research, they let big mouths like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin define who they are.
And don't be so sure that liberal women don't own guns, that would be a very stupid assumption.
Proof of the GOP War on Women - PoliticusUSA
“Democrats didn't make the GOP presidential field back “personhood” laws that would ... in 2012, has taken no less than eight votes against women – in just three months. ... 24 states—-restrict access to abortion services, a striking increase from last year, when .... See the latest update on Porter's antics at Right Wing Watch.
The GOP Takes Its War on Women to the States | People For the ... › Media center › Publications?
People for the American...
Casey, upheld women's constitutional right to abortion services, but allowed certain ... Since then, right-wing politicians have increasingly pushed through state laws meant to ... Some states are even considering legislation that could legalize the ... ultrasound-requirement bill last year only to have it vetoed by then-Governor ...
War on Women - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans have tried to turn the phrase against Democrats by using it to ... 1.1.2 Birth control; 1.1.3 Defunding Planned Parenthood; 1.1.4 Defunding ... one that would have changed policy to allow only victims of "forcible rape" or .... legislation banning abortions occurring 20 weeks after a woman's last menstrual period.
Anatomy of the War on Women: How the Koch ... - RH Reality Check
Nov 5, 2013 - The assault had been years, even decades, in the making. ... and the subsequent census-year victories of right-wing Republicans whose gains ... networks signal disinterest in fighting against women's rights or LGBTQ rights, yet ... Freedom Partners was founded two years later, just in time to help shape the ...
Violence Against Women Act | Right Wing Watch
She lamented that “Republicans are just scared by the feminists” when “they ought to stand ... It was only last year that Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance ... even as Congress was working to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, ... But as the legislation moves to the House, the fight is far from over.
war on women | Right Wing Watch
Aug 6, 2013 - Twice voted against legislation clarifying that birth control is not a form of abortion. ... Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 4/26/2013 2:18 pm ... Why, then, do we even have to ask, 'Is there a war on women? ... It was only last year that Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance criticized the term ...
2/15/2014 3:06:44 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Surprise, NE
46, joined Jun. 2009
They want to destroy it so they can rebuild it from the foundation up.
Which means that everyone packs an AR-15,
the bible has replaced science books,
there are no government regulations,
the U.S Constitution will be rewritten by Mike Huckabee and Ted Nugent,
and the rightwingers with the biggest guns run the place.
My God, you truly are a latino with no machismo.
Thankfully, I raised to be confident. You post like a scaired child.
2/15/2014 3:10:51 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
Oh my goodness, the anti abortion drama again. When are you folks going to understand the concept of choice, and that choice is not about wanting abortion.. Geezuz the stupidity and the deliberate drama is pathetic.
How exactly does the right wing keep you butt heads from seeing the legislation brought against women by the right wing republican governors even just in the last 2 years? I mean shit, this isn't a secret, a five year old could google it in a matter of minutes.
Right wing social conservative women like the ones you mention, don't seem to be paying attention BY DESIGN. But I always find it amusing how they ramble on about how responsible they are, while at the same time making themselves victims of liberals, and not being aware of the freaking obvious.. Too funny! One good reason they aren't liked is precisely because they don't even bother to do the research, they let big mouths like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin define who they are.
And don't be so sure that liberal women don't own guns, that would be a very stupid assumption.
who is the 'stupid' one to assume that we think liberal women 'dont own guns'....?
we are advocates for 2nd ammendment rights for ALL law abiding citizens.
2/15/2014 3:13:32 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
Allen West.. Figures!
Allen West.... a real courageous law abiding citizen of the USA
2/15/2014 3:16:53 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
Between you and Pylgrim,
you guys put more long winded bullshit than anyone else.
Do they pay you for this?
you call quoting facts and opinions and sources 'long winded'?
dont like it???
dont read it.
2/15/2014 3:56:30 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
2/15/2014 4:13:29 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
it is really unbelievable what actually comes out of some liberals mouths...
just like boo saying that i assume liberal women dont own!
Why Is This Excited Democrat Talking About How Awesome It Is That ObamaCare Cuts Hours?
On 14, Feb 2014
This is Alex Sink, the Democratic CFO of the State of Florida that is running for Congress. And she starts off by making a valid point: Americans have been frustrated that they can’t make career or job changes because they are being held back by their personal financial situation. Then she throws her argument into the spin cycle:
I think that’s what the [recently released CBO] report referenced more, is people having the ability to have more freedom and more choice in their life. Even maybe some people who would rather work maybe part-time and not be a full-time worker so they can do other things with their life. So, actually, it’s kind of an exciting prospect.
Hold the phone. What? You’re excited about part-time work as if it’s a good thing? Sweet fancy Moses we’re dealing with incomprehensible messaging here.
Forget working hard because it’s, you know, the guiding principle our parents and grandparents taught us we have to do adhere to in order to get what we want out of life regardless of our situation, we have to work! I don’t know in what world a thriving society exists without work, but it sure isn’t this one.
We Americans have things to pay for – like increasing healthcare costs, ridiculously over-funded studies, stimulus to save the banks that caused the economic collapse in the first place, failed green-energy investments in companies of campaign donors, and foreign aid for countries who burn our flag and mock us on a consistent basis.
Then, there’s this, which isn’t a cherry on top, but like a whole other sundae:
And, for our young people who have had trouble finding meaningful work – in often cases, a lot of people have left the state, a lot of young people, uhh…maybe this is going to free up some jobs for young people to take.
So, lemme get this straight: You’re saying that your state has had trouble employing young people, at least partially due to ObamaCare, and they’re leaving the state because of that, but that’s a good thing because those frustrated young people leaving will open up opportunities for the same jobs that caused the frustrated young people to leave the state in the first place?
Just when you thought you’ve seen it all… I mean, do these people hear what comes out of their mouths?
It isn’t some right-wing radical theory that ObamaCare isn’t awesome. At the very least, it’s not a clear improvement from the previous system. It leaves 30 million people uninsured, kicks at least several million people off of their insurance, and squashes workers’ hours.
We’re watching the creators and defenders of this legislation being put in positions where they can’t defend it, as evidenced by Alex Sink, who is running for Congress in Florida’s 13th district.
2014 could be a great year for Republicans to restore some understandable arguments on the economy, but it’s up to them to communicate those ideas over this gibberish.
2/15/2014 4:32:18 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
Brent Bozell
Insanity, thy name is Facebook. The Left has demanded (and received) a list of 50 designations under “gender,” including these: “agender,” “pangender,” “gender fluid,” “gender nonconforming,” “gender questioning,” “gender variant,” “genderqueer,” and for the “Native Americans,” there’s “two-spirit.” The media think it's a beautiful moment.
CHECK the jaw-dropping list of gender-shredding PC terms now available under "gender" on Facebook
Associated Press reported Thursday that Facebook is caving to the LGBT (especially T) lobby in completely blurring its gender category.
AP Celebrates Facebook Creating Fifty Gender Categories For Its Users; Only One Paragraph for Dissent
By Tim Graham | February 13, 2014 | 23:30
Associated Press reported Thursday that Facebook is caving to the LGBT (especially T) lobby in completely blurring its gender category. Users can now choose from fifty options of gender-blending instead of the allegedly archaic "gender binary" of male and female.
AP's Martha Mendoza offered one paragraph of dissent to Focus On The Family, and the rest was loaded with transgender activists, starting with the third paragraph:
"There's going to be a lot of people for whom this is going to mean nothing, but for the few it does impact, it means the world," said Facebook software engineer Brielle Harrison, who worked on the project and is herself undergoing gender transformation, from male to female. On Thursday, while watchdogging the software for any problems, she said she was also changing her Facebook identity from Female to TransWoman.
"All too often transgender people like myself and other gender nonconforming people are given this binary option, do you want to be male or female? What is your gender? And it's kind of disheartening because none of those let us tell others who we really are," she said. "This really changes that, and for the first time I get to go to the site and specify to all the people I know what my gender is."
The Williams Institute, a think tank based at the University of California, Los Angeles, estimates there are at least 700,000 individuals in the U.S. who identify as transgender, an umbrella term that includes people who live as a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth.
The change at Facebook drew dozens of appreciative postings on the company's diversity website, although there were some pointing out the need to change relationships beyond son and daughter, or asking for sexual orientation options.
The move by Facebook represents a basic and a yet significant form of recognition of the nation's growing transgender rights movement, which has been spurred by veteran activists and young people who identify as transgender at younger ages. The Human Rights Campaign last year found that 10 percent of the 10,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender youths it surveyed used "other" or wrote in their own gender terms.
"Over the past few years, a person's Facebook profile truly has become their online identity, and now Facebook has taken a milestone step to allow countless people to more honestly and accurately represent themselves," HRC President Chad Griffin said. "Facebook's action is one that I hope others heed in supporting individuals' multifaceted identities."
"Really, there was no debate within Facebook about the social implications at all," said Alex Schultz, director of growth. "It was simple: Not allowing people to express something so fundamental is not really cool so we did something. Hopefully a more open and connected world will, by extension, make this a more understanding and tolerant world."
This is the one brief note of disagreement, as Mendoza said some found the policy "seemed senseless to those who believe in two genders, and no more." This is like saying people there are unreasonable people "who believe in gravity." This was immediately followed by more "progressive" cheerleading:
"Of course Facebook is entitled to manage its wildly popular site as it sees fit, but here is the bottom line: It's impossible to deny the biological reality that humanity is divided into two halves - male and female," said Jeff Johnston, an issues analyst for Focus on the Family, an influential national religious organization based in Colorado Springs, Colo. "Those petitioning for the change insist that there are an infinite number of genders, but just saying it doesn't make it so. That said, we have a great deal of compassion for those who reject their biological sex and believe they are the opposite sex."
Masen Davis, executive director of the San Francisco-based Transgender Law Center, said it may be hard for some people to understand the importance of having the ability to select from multiple genders online. But he said many transgender people will be thrilled with the change.
"We applaud Facebook for making it possible for people to be their authentic selves online," he said....
"I love that I can choose Gender Neutral," said Debon Garrigues of Asheville, N.C., who is transitioning from female to male. "I'm going to change it immediately."
Garrigues also appreciated the opportunity to change pronoun preferences.
The idea of expanding gender choices percolated at Facebook for about a year and started to come to fruition during an in-house brainstorming four months ago, project manager Lexi Ross said.
Transgender activist Nori Herras-Castaneda, a spokeswoman for the Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center in San Jose, said her community has been waiting for this to happen for a long time.
"We always talk about how gender is a spectrum," she said. "I can see a lot of people being extremely happy about this."
Here's the truly wacky list of choices that the politically correct/scientifically incorrect activists can choose from:
Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans Male
Trans Man
Trans Person
Transexual Female
Transexual Male
Transexual Man
Transexual Person
Transexual Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Person
Read more:
2/15/2014 4:59:00 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Richmond Hill, ON
34, joined Oct. 2012
Phintina are you testifying before a Congressional hearing??I do love the wit and it stems from a lack of logic,Again, you are making your case poorly. This is flawed in many ways
Yeah yeah youre going to counter im this liberx guy or im a f**king Canadian and why I care for someone who believes in free speech you sure like to dismiss people who doesnt share your myopic view
Now did any one say they want everyone to pack a Beuwolf or AR 15 well maybe the members of N.R.A and gun enthusiasts
Who wants the science book replaced with the bible except religious people
No government regulation? do you know the difference between objective law and regulations trying to rule our lives?
You have proof you want Mr Wango tango man and Im not sure who the other guy is to write the constitution or is this more of your ahem bull shit talk.
I think most people want freedom and choice too bad you dont .
2/15/2014 5:01:51 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
2/15/2014 6:13:55 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
2/15/2014 6:25:27 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Aurora, CO
63, joined Oct. 2008
"Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34
california on the verge of allowing marijuana but now trying to ban soda! gotta love it!
2/15/2014 6:34:36 PM |
Liberal's are not too bright. |
Key West, FL
35, joined Aug. 2012
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)