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8/28/2007 1:36:49 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
What do you mean Ill never make it through in time???? What does that mean? Your scaring me!LOL Please answer asap! Im on chapter one...is that better? Peace
8/28/2007 1:41:43 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
I don't know.......
8/28/2007 2:43:54 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
in time for the solar eclips...its happenin'
8/28/2007 6:16:24 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
It was too cloudy for me to see as I sent my son off to his first day of school 
8/28/2007 8:22:33 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
Is there a "secret code" that people speak in,in this forum? Why dont people just talky in English? And to the people who do speaky my language(yeah you guys) MUCHLY THANKFUL!!!
8/28/2007 2:32:30 PM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
It is not Jesus himself and his history or authenticity that interests most church-going Christians; it is what Jesus as a healing icon can do for them emotionally and physically which matters most. The average "believer" is not truly concerned with God’s nature, or with God’s mysteries.
He is merely concerned with what God can do for him, and how God might make his sad, mediocre life less insipid. The average believer is not concerned about the emotions his Christ may have felt when he was betrayed with a kiss by a man he was ready to give his own life and even soul for.
No, the average believer wants Jesus to do something for him. He wants Jesus to act on his behalf and to provide various physical, emotional, and spiritual comforts and securities. Yes, what a great pleasure a mentally and emotionally destitute (“meek”) man finds knowing that for the nominal fee of blind obedience his jealous god will fulfill his needs and also dispense hell and damnation to his enemies. Who could pass up such a platinum deal?
The day that Jesus and god fail to cut it, then the next guru gimmick-merchant on the block will do just as well. Christian moralists may reflect upon the manner in which their own grandiloquent religious espousals have fostered the same pernicious disaffection in society that they vehemently attribute to atheism and materialism.
8/28/2007 7:20:29 PM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
Jesus loves even those that would kill him...in word or deed...guess that covers us all.
your a smart guy and have read alot of hip stuf....but u havn't read the Urantia book...
spend $19.95...orgo to a library...or on line....you aught to be able to get through it in a week or so....well table of contence anyway...but i chalange you...since you seem to think Jesus and a supreme creator is a bunch of fooey[...or am i wrong]...you geve this book a read and see what you think
8/28/2007 7:25:12 PM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Morgan, VT
age: 61
The Bible is His Word to us and our textbook in knowing Him. He speaks to us through His Word. Nothing can be added or subtracted from this. There is so much to learn from His Word and each time we read it His Spirit will speak to us . It is a LIVING WORD
8/28/2007 10:45:23 PM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
4evr6y: I think I have had my Urantia book for over 25 yrs. It's packed away in a box somewhere. From what I can tell it is hard to pin down the Jesus character and story. It has many twists and turns and much of the truth has been left out and the bible has been edited many times. Lots of the different books to the bible were intentionally left out and there has been alot of sequestered material, alot of different manuscripts burned and are gone.
The whole concept behind all religions are simply used for the sake of control. I don't claim to know or do I really care because there is no need for any of it. Religions are the major device in our societies that are used for the sake of controlling the masses to essentially lead you to an early grave. To keep the sheeple subservient to something outside of themselves, to keep them coming back for more fear and guilt trips. Shame shame shame.
Religions are not there to bring you to a God or to get you into a heaven, they are there to erase the spirit of rebellion in man. Religions are in place to lead you away from your inner self, your very own holy spirit, the godself within. You don't need anyone else, you came to this earth complete to do the deal on your own. They just did not want you to know that you actually have all the power and I can understand why.
The bible as well as other religious works do have truth in them, though only half truths filled with lies and misconceptions, as does everyones life and done so on purpose. You have to be able dig through the maze of lies to find the pearls of truth in everything.
Jesus may have been one guy or he may have been many characters rolled up into one. An interesting version of the Jesus story is simply a rehash from 3,000 years prior to his time. He might have very well been real, though the bible is not meant to be taken literal anyway, it is an allegory and is terribly missinterperated by everyone.
It has been through the fraudulent use of the conveyance of the language that everyone is tricked into thinking that what they are reading means one thing, when infact, it means something else altogether. The same way our judicial system works, because the judicial system comes from the bible in reverse. Why do you think it is that you can never get anywhere in the court system? Because it was designed that way. Everyone is looked down upon in a contemptuos manner as if you are already guilty for just living your life. The system is set up that way so you don't find out you are a minnie god running around with a shit load of power at your finger tips.
You are invited to order my course for only 3 easy payments of $39.95 for the rest of your life to find out you already have all the power. Don't get caught like the rest of the sheeple waiting for a second coming that will never happen. We are going through an ascension process though it has nothing to do with a second coming of our imaginary friend.
There is one very important ingredient everyone is missing and failing to realize understand and acknowledge because it is too far out for their simple little minds and that is, that there very definately is an alien agenda to our lives. Like everything else it is hidden in plain sight. Where do you hide something you don't want the sheeple to find? In plain sight.
The controlers operate in a very compartmentalized manner and have mixed everyones heads up so bad that in order for anyone to put the pieces of the puzzle together you would have to literally quit your job to spend all your time pulling all the various pieces of the puzzle together to understand just what the hell is really going on. No one was ever meant to be able to put a large part of the story together, because there is not enought time in anyones day, week, month or year to do it.
Everyone has too many responsibilites and our lives were designed that way on purpose to keep you so busy and occupied so you could not think on your own. You need an authority figure to tell you what to think and what to do. If you follow the rules and regulations set down for you, you might gain entry into the pearly gates, or if you're a bad boy you go straight to hell and do not collect 200 dollars and pass go.
It is not likely that will ever happen so you are dealing with people dishing out bits and pieces of little sound bites of information and only partial truths. No one can figure out why they are getting absolutely nowhere and are going in circles just talking out of the side of their mouths parroting what their authority figures have told them to say. The answer is complex and abstract, your life is a riddle rolled up into an enigma. The answer is both yes and no. The answer is all of the above. The answer is everything that you think it's not, and then some.
8/28/2007 11:00:57 PM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
sorry you bought a lie and are a mind control slave
8/29/2007 2:21:16 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
thank you for the note....finaly you wrote comprehensibley, so the common boatbuilder in me can get it.
not that i have any great intuitive powers...but it sounds like the court system et all have delt your psyche much battle in the past.stuf happins like that. it s real common on this lowest of mortal worlds.
i too ran across the book in the 70s and could only get as far as the table of contents.
years later as a 'bible washed' seeker of truth and righteousness, refused to read more because thought it must have been writen by the devil....thank the God within me,
He released me from those chaines.
so jewelz....dust off that old Urantia ...maybe the real 'Powers That Be' have finaly prepared you for reality,the truth will truly set you free.
39.95 is much too much
[Edited 8/29/2007 2:25:49 AM]
8/29/2007 6:30:34 PM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48 online now!
hey jewelz...really quick cause we've been down this road together before. Why is it so bad to be content w/ your life? Will I really end up some day thinking,I wished I had listened to Jewelz and what he was trying to show me? So if not and everyone I surround myself w/ feels the same,how will it matter to me one way or another?
Ps.Those were just some questions I felt like going over w/ you cause,well obviously,I pretend Im content and that my life is peachy cream,and I guess Im willing to "settle" cause there aint much fight in me left. But because of mostly you and a few others,I have been taking steps and getting educated on different ideas and other ways of seeing things.
Im actually very interested in...dare I say...some of your conspiracy theories!!! LOL Peace
8/30/2007 9:29:08 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
To wit, the virgin birth is not history, and Jesus's parents were not called Mary and Joseph. Jesus was not from Nazareth which didn't exist at the time, and the magi, star, angels and shepherds did not appear at his birth.
He didn't escape to Egypt, because Herod was not slaughtering children, and he didn't amaze the priests with his teaching at age 12 in the temple. He did not suddenly at 30 reappear out of nowhere to mystify people who, if the birth stories had been true, would have already known him.
The "historical" Jesus didn't do miracles or raise the dead. The sayings and sermons weren't originally his. He wasn't betrayed by Judas, since that would be illogical if he were already "world famous." THERE WAS NO TRIAL, NO CRUCIFIXION AND NO RESURRECTION.
8/30/2007 11:00:24 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
hey jewelz...Why is it so bad to be content w/ your life?
There are a few names for it...our societies have been intentionally set up for us to be stuck in a consenses trance, just to be content with living in mediocrity, living in comfort zones of specific bits of designated knowledge and information which was pumped into us from the get go. It is by far the greatest deception of all time, your life is a total and complete lie from begining to end. Your spiritual essense has been stolen from you without your knowledge. Everything in your life is all designed around keeping you from knowing what and who you really are. The illusion of your life that you see before you, is on that grand of a scale.
They never wanted anyone to find out who and what they really are. No one can understand how that could be or even bare to swallow the possibility of such an idea. Let alone even try to comprehend what they don't know without some serious work into the sovereignty of the self. The idea is so far fetched the criminals knew you would never believe it if someone were to tell you. It is all hiding right in plain sight for you to discover. People can perhaps believe a few things might be lies, but your whole life? How can anyone make such a statement or claim, as anyone seemingly or supposedly in their right mind would wonder.
No one will ever get out of the rut in their minds they have been trained into until they accept the fact that their lives are a complete lie. The thieves knew full well it would be too daunting of a task for anyones confused mind to try to figure out just exactly how that could be so. You don't miss what don't have. You can't miss having a greater understanding about what and who you are if you don't know anything other that what you know. It goes for all of us. Once you get a taste and stick your toe in the water there comes a point of no return. It is the true test of self and a seperation from the men and boys within ourselves, and has nothing to do with the price of the toys.
We would rather forgive the evil proliferating all around us than the rebellion against it, which we mistake for the true evil - Arno Gruen (Betrayal of the Self)
The people never give up their liberties, but under some delusion - Edmund Burke
The man who does not know what it means to be under psychic hypnosis, is already under it - Vernon Howard
Once you make the leap into the abyss, there is no going back, but you'll never want to.- Me;o)
[Edited 8/30/2007 11:05:07 AM]
8/30/2007 11:05:41 AM |
Who is this Jesus? |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
very interesting...
it sounds soo jewelzian....
where did you get your info?
like from the book of NOs and conspiracys.
and your sorces sorces?
[Edited 8/30/2007 11:06:21 AM]