New York, NY
22, joined Jul. 2013
Wake up now offers you the chance to enjoy Products & the benefit to save money while earning income sharing this lifestyle with others. Simple not a job for example if you watched a great movie & the first thing you do is put it on Facebook or tell a friend because you enjoyed the movie so much you had to tell someone. Well when they say the box office sold out guess who gets credit and paid...Not the consumers but the advertisers for blasting the information out there. Wake up now is a network marketing company so of course enjoying the product they grow off consumers spreading the word. Wun never puts a dime into personal advertisements.
Wake up now offers two things a business for you to run & the opportunity to enjoy a ton of products WUN Marketplace,WUN Protect,Premium Local Deals & Grocery Coupons,Corporate Discounts,Taxbot,Vacation Club (10 Bookings),Newsstand (3 Magazines),Finance,Language & more
Wake up now offers two ways to get paid also Retail Commission is when you have people who are free customers join & when they shop in the marketplace you get paid. The residual way of getting paid to keep simple enroll three others who want to be apart the business & help them also get three to make a team twelve earns you $600 Dollars every single month. The bigger your team gets the more income so no worries its not based off personal efforts but team work.
is wake up now a scam? I find it silly people ask me such a question because they claimed to have been scammed before. Companies don't scam people do. if someone told you something would happen & the company has no website or history of people publicly backing their claims up its probably a scam. This company has a CEO named Kirby Cochran who has built several billion dollar companies so why on earth would he decide to build his legacy company as a scam. Best advice don't listen to people listen to yourself. Everyone has common sense most of just have it off.
When do you get paid? Wake up now pays out the 15th of every month on a unique WUN Debit card or Direct Deposit your choice.
How long will it take me to make money? You understand the comp plan so you must understand its based off your efforts. This is not a job where someone else controls your life this is a situation where you have the opportunity to control your life & have limitless possibilities. Email me @ [email protected]
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