
Warrington, PA
52, joined Aug. 2008
Flashback to Bill Clinton’s Presidency in 2000:
President Bill Clinton signs the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act that grants amnesty to children arriving from non-contiguous countries (those with whom we do not share a border).
Kids who sneak into America from Canada and Mexico are to be sent home. Pronto!

Fast Forward to 2014:
An unidentified operative in the Barack Obama White House manipulates Clinton’s (revised and renewed) immigration law to invite children from Central American to play “Red Rover, Red Rover, Come On Over,” then play “Hide and Seek” in America until Obama’s “comprehensive” immigration reform (read: amnesty) becomes law.
To prepare for the onslaught and redistribution of illegal alien children, contracts for their transportation are posted – in January 2014 – on the government site Federal Business Opportunities.
Nobody notices.
In June, 2014, President Obama cries “wolf” with his usual “I-didn’t-know-this-was-happening script.” He vows to deport the children (after due process as per the dictates of Clinton’s 2000 law). Plus, he’ll make sure their little backpacks are filled with peanut butter sandwiches to sustain them on the long bus ride home.

Then, Obama ignores his promise of action (as usual), plays golf, vacations, flies around America to speak at $32,000 per-plate fundraising dinners, blames Republicans in Congress for obstructing his “comprehensive” immigration law (amnesty) and yap, yap, yaps about the phony perils of climate change.
The left-wing media ignores Obama ignoring the problem as thousands of illegal alien children break into America every day.
Governors and mayors are overwhelmed by busloads of hungry, infectious-disease-carrying, illegal alien children in need of medical care, housing, and babysitters. They demand federal assistance: NOW!
Their pleas are ignored by Obama and his lapdog media.
Governors and mayors refuse to accept the financial responsibility of caring for the illegal alien children. The media remains silent until citizens in Murietta, California, refuse to unload buses of illegals whose care and housing would bankrupt their small city.
Obama ignores the situation. The media barely covers it.

The Center for Disease Control remains silent as children carrying drug-resistant tuberculosis are found in detainee camps that are open for inspection by select Democrats but are locked down for everyone else, including the Republican “Progressive,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
Obama ignores redistribution of infectious diseases as well as the detainee camp lockdown. The media ignores both issues.
Obama, sticking to the script written by his handlers, blames Republicans and promises to take action – AFTER Congress passes his comprehensive immigration bill (amnesty) which, absolutely positively, includes closing the border tight as a drum.
Fast Forward to July-August-September, 2014:
The gutless wonders in Congress, fearful of alienating Hispanic voters in an election year, develop amnesia and forget that Obama has never ever kept his word. They go along to get along to win re-election and maintain their place at the trough of taxpayer dollars and lobbyists’ bribes.
Obama demands $3.7 BILLION (quick!) to solve the border crisis which he created.
Is the bulk of this money slated to bring troops to line up at the border and block illegals from entering? NO. It will fund Health and Human Services to release the children to unverified family members for safe keeping until it’s time for immigration hearings. The children will disappear into the shadows with their illegal-alien relatives and won’t be seen again until they show up at our schools, emergency rooms, or jails.

Exploiting the crisis even further, Obama’s public relations team stage a massive photo op as he signs his “comprehensive” immigration bill (amnesty).
Then, Obama develops severe memory loss and forgets to close the border.
The media cheers the hiring of immigration lawyers and drug-cartel-observers, but ignores the border – which remains wide open.
Magically, 15 to 40 MILLION illegal aliens, already in America, step out of the shadows to register for welfare, food stamps, medical care, and education for their children, join unions, and the Democrat party.
Media cheers, “Equality for all!” Congress goes on vacation.
Obama then picks up his pen and his phone to order the construction of a 40-lane, one-way bridge across the Rio Grande River so millions more illegal aliens, drug smugglers, and terrorists can break into America without getting their zapatos (shoes) wet.
Then, the Democrats will become and remain the party in power… until conservatives learn to play the same game: import and register freedom advocates from Israel, Ukraine, Cuba, and Czechoslovakia.
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