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8/4/2014 11:28:14 AM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |


Warrington, PA
52, joined Aug. 2008
Three top secret, experimental vials stored at subzero temperatures were flown into Liberia last week in a last-ditch effort to save two American missionary workers who had contracted Ebola, according to a source familiar with details of the treatment.
On July 22, Dr. Kent Brantly woke up feeling feverish. Fearing the worst, Brantly immediately isolated himself. Nancy Writebol's symptoms started three days later. A rapid field blood test confirmed the infection in both of them after they had become ill with fever, vomiting and diarrhea.
It's believed both Brantly and Writebol, who worked with the aid organization Samaritan's Purse, contracted Ebola from another health care worker at their hospital in Liberia, although the official Centers for Disease Control and Prevention case investigation has yet to be released.
A representative from the National Institutes of Health contacted Samaritan's Purse in Liberia and offered the experimental treatment, known as ZMapp, for the two patients, according to the source.
The drug was developed by the biotech firm Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. The patients were told that this treatment had never been tried before in a human being but had shown promise in small experiments with monkeys.
According to company documents, four monkeys infected with Ebola survived after being given the therapy within 24 hours after infection. Two of four additional monkeys that started therapy within 48 hours after infection also survived. One monkey that was not treated died within five days of exposure to the virus.
Brantly and Writebol were aware of the risk of taking a new, little understood treatment; informed consent was obtained from both Americans, according to two sources familiar with the care of the missionary workers. In the monkeys, the experimental serum had been given within 48 hours of infection. Brantly didn't receive it until he'd been sick for nine days.
The medicine is a three-mouse monoclonal antibody, meaning that mice were exposed to fragments of the Ebola virus and then the antibodies generated within the mice's blood were harvested to create the medicine. It works by preventing the virus from entering and infecting new cells.
The Ebola virus causes viral hemorrhagic fever, which refers to a group of viruses that affect multiple organ systems in the body and are often accompanied by bleeding.
Early symptoms include sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and a sore throat. They later progress to vomiting, diarrhea, impaired kidney and liver function -- and sometimes internal and external bleeding.
The ZMapp vials reached the hospital in Liberia where Brantly and Writebol were being treated Thursday morning. Doctors were instructed to allow the vials to thaw naturally without any additional heat. It was expected that it would be eight to 10 hours before the medicine could be given, according to a source familiar with the process.
Brantly asked that Writebol be given the first dose because he was younger and he thought he had a better chance of fighting it, and she agreed. However, as the first vial was still thawing, Brantly's condition took a sudden turn for the worse.
Brantly began to deteriorate and developed labored breathing. He told his doctors he thought he was dying, according to a source with firsthand knowledge of the situation.
Knowing his dose was still frozen, Brantly asked if he could have Writebol's now-thawed medication. It was brought to his room and administered through an IV. Within an hour of receiving the medication, Brantly's condition dramatically improved. He began breathing easier; the rash over his trunk faded away. One of his doctors described the events as "miraculous."
By the next morning, Brantly was able to take a shower on his own before getting on a specially designed Gulfstream air ambulance jet to be evacuated to the United States.
Writebol also received a vial of the medication. Her response was not as remarkable, according to sources familiar with the treatment. However, doctors on Sunday administered Writebol a second dose of the medication, which resulted in significant improvement.
She was stable enough to be evacuated back to the United States and is expected to arrive before noon Tuesday.
ZMapp has not been approved for human use, and has not even gone through the clinical trial process, which is standard to prove the safety and efficacy of a medication. The process by which the medication was made available to Brantly and Writebol is highly unusual. It may have fallen under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "compassionate use" regulation, which allows access to investigational drugs outside clinical trials.
Getting approval for compassionate use is often long and laborious, but in the case of Brantly and Writebol, they received the medication within seven to 10 days of their exposure to the Ebola virus.
On July 30, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, an arm of the military responsible for any chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive threats, allotted additional funding to MAPP Biopharmaceutical due to "promising results."
WAIT until Obama finds out that we took a secret serum over to Liberia that cures Ebola and we only gave it an American. AN AMERICAN! See, THAT is what's wrong with America. This kind of evil injustice is exactly what Obama has been trying to fix.
And just wait until Obama is told that it was a private company that created the serum. PRIVATE INDUSTRY!!!!
The walls of the White House will be rattling today...
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8/4/2014 11:30:22 AM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |


Des Moines, IA
42, joined Nov. 2013
Still can't believe they risked bringing this to the US.
8/4/2014 11:41:13 AM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |


Warrington, PA
52, joined Aug. 2008
They're already here.
Government Report: At least 71 Border Jumpers from Ebola-Stricken Countries
And those are the ones we’ve caught. If one were to speculate on how many from countries dealing with the ebola crisis were able to successfully elude the border patrol, the number would be two or three times that, or up to more than 200.
The chances that any of these border jumpers who managed to make it into the interior of the US and are afflicted with ebola is not zero. And when you’re dealing with a disease that claims an 80% mortality rate, nothing less than zero is acceptable.
The number of illegals from ebola afflicted countries comes from a secret report obtained by Breitbart from the Customs and Border Protection agency.
The report reveals the apprehension numbers ranging from 2010 through July 2014. It shows that most of the human smuggling from Syria and Albania into the U.S. comes through Central America. The report also indicates the routes individuals from North Africa and the Middle East take into the European Union, either to illegally migrate there or as a possible stop in their journey to the United States. The data are broken down further into the specific U.S. border sectors where the apprehensions and contact occurred.
Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014.
As of July 20, 2014, 1,443 individuals from China were caught sneaking across the porous U.S. border this year alone, with another 1,803 individuals either turning themselves in to U.S. authorities at official ports of entry, or being caught attempting to illegally enter at the ports of entry. This comes amid a massive crackdown by Chinese authorities of Islamic terrorists in the Communist nation.
Twenty-eight individuals from Pakistan were caught attempting to sneak into the U.S. this year alone, with another 211 individuals either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.
Thirteen Egyptians were caught trying to sneak into the U.S. this year alone, with another 168 either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.
As the Breitbart article points out, most of the world appears to be taking advantage of our porous borders.
Bridget Johnson’s Tatler post on CDC director Thomas Friedan’s comment: I do not think it’s in the cards that we would have widespread Ebola in this country” is reassuring only if you take into account that only those who enter the country legally from afflicted nations would put us at risk.
In fact, sick illegals crossing the border would be far more dangerous than someone showing up at an airport with the virus. The number of potential victims would be far greater and it would be harder to keep the virus from spreading given the distances traveled by the illegal.
All it takes is one or two sick people to successfully cross the border to set off a panic.
This is yet another reason to secure the border, but hey, if Ebola patients can vote Democrat before their organs fail, then it's worth it the party, right? 
8/4/2014 12:47:42 PM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |


Des Moines, IA
42, joined Nov. 2013
8/4/2014 12:50:37 PM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |

Kansas City, MO
61, joined Oct. 2013
I have learned to be very skeptical of everything I hear or see today.
This could just be a rumor started so that people will sit back quietly without protest allowing people infected with Ebola to come here, transported by us, or allowed into the county at the border, walking biological weapons for the next 9/11.
Skepticism is a prerequiste in today society if you do not want to be classified an idiot.
Can there be a more mobile, deadly, effective means of widespread undetected biological warfare.
[Edited 8/4/2014 12:51:57 PM ]
8/4/2014 1:02:11 PM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |


Castle Rock, CO
59, joined Jan. 2009
(quote)The drug was developed by the biotech firm Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. The patients were told that this treatment had never been tried before in a human being but had shown promise in small experiments with monkeys.
I hope this is true and they have come up with a viable treatment, because you can be sure as you also mentioned that with our porous borders the odds that someone with the virus will enter the US is about 100%.
Now to spin this in to an anti Obamacare rant as well, that company Mapp Biopharmaceutical is one of those EVIL profit driven corporations that backers of the ACA wish to run in to the ground because they cannot stomach the thought of them making a buck. If Obamacare works as planned we will end up with a single payer system and goodbye companies like Mapp.
8/4/2014 1:05:29 PM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |

Kansas City, MO
61, joined Oct. 2013
September 11, 2001 was the work of barbarians who rule by intimidation and shocking brutality, obviously was intended to create a form of shock and awe upon Americans who smugly believed this country safe from the madness happening elsewhere in Europe, the MidEast, South America.
Its only a matter of time until we experience the next one - no surprise. All the promises to tighten security seem to have been forgotten. The media, silent and duplicitous as always, never asks Obama "what about that".
In order to achieve maximum effect, Islamic barbarians need something which will exceed the horror of 9/11. EBOLA should fit that bill nicely. Suicidal (for the glory of Allah) walking jihadists coming into the company thru our purposely porous border infected with EBOLA - imagine during the incubation period how well-traveled they could be visiting major cities in every state. Our government has warned in the past about the possibility of biological warfare. But in todays bass ackward world our government has ceased worrying about it happening and is actively participating in conduct which virtually guarantees IT WILL HAPPEN.
Obama is a traitor of the highest order. Will any of the media traitors be shocked when they discover their hero has introduced germ warfare which is going to kill them too?
The media would certainly be hypocrites if they expressed distress when discovering they have been infected with EBOLA. Any of them who are found to be infected should be set aside to die just as the veterans are set aside to die waiting for treatment. It's Karma, the only brand of justice that might break down the medias denial that there is a traitor in the White House. The media who lied and covered for the traitor destroying us would they not weep bittersweet self-indulgent bitter tears because they got caught up in the wave of destruction made possible by their silence?

8/4/2014 8:37:44 PM |
Secret serum likely saved Ebola patients |

Arizona City, AZ
43, joined Jul. 2014
They have something called a pseudo remission. Hopefully that's not what this is.